
  • 网络hybrid switching
  1. 概述了ATM交换机的基本性能和一般模型,对其交换结构进行了分类,着重讨论了实现大型ATM交换的几类空分结构,并提出了混合交换结构和智能引擎的新构想。

    The basic performance and general model of ATM switch is presented and classified according to its fabric . The emphasis is put on some sorts of large scale space division ATM switching fabric . New ideas of hybrid switching fabric and intelligence engine are also proposed .

  2. 计算机通信网中的一种混合交换技术

    A Hybrid Switching Technique in Computer Communication Networks

  3. 采用DSI技术的电路/分组混合交换系统性能分析

    Performance Analysis of Hybrid Circuit / Packet Switched Systems with DSI Technique

  4. 基于光电混合交换模块的SDXC设备是为满足未来骨干通讯网络需要而研究的实验性系统,其控制系统部分需要满足多方面的要求。

    SDXC equipment based on optoelectronic hybrid switch module is developed as a experimental system for future backbone telecommunication network and its control subsystem must meet the needs for various requirement .

  5. 一种含势阱具有混合交换势形式的平均原子模型

    An average-atom model with potential-well and mixed form of exchange potential

  6. 光突发与光电路混合交换边缘节点的设计与实现

    Edge Router Design for Hybrid Optical Burst Switching and Optical Circuit Switching

  7. 面向业务的混合交换光网络模型评估

    Performance Evaluation of Service-Oriented Hybrid Switched Optical Networks

  8. 采用混合交换技术的综合业务网

    An Integrated Services Network With Hybrid Switching

  9. 但最短路径算法容易引起负载的不均衡,P&routing算法要和混合交换技术结合使用效果更明显。

    But , the Shortest Path Algorithm bring imbalance of the load to the link easily , and P & routing Algorithm cannot get better result unless it is combined with hybrid switching .

  10. 本文概要地分析了综合业务数字网的概念,着重讨论了线路/分组混合交换的基本概念,性能分析以及在综合业务网中的应用。

    This paper analyses the general concept of Integrated Service Digital Networks ( ISDN ), with the emphasis on the concept and performance anal - ysis of the hybrid circuit and packet-switching and its application in integrated service networks .

  11. 实验表明,采用该传输机制的新型光交换网络,在源负载低于0.75的情况下,其网络丢包率和吞吐量等性能均优于普通混合交换网络,能达到优化网络资源的目的。

    Simulation shows that when traffic load is less than 0.75 , the new optical switching net with the assembly scheme can gain higher performance than the normal one , especially in total drop rate and throughput , which can further optimize the resource .

  12. 本文针对我国通信资源贫乏、计算机通信网刚刚起步的现状,就综合信息网络的发展前景,提出了一种分层动态结构的混合交换体系。

    In view of the deficiency of communication resource in our country , the starting situation of computer communication network and the outlook of integrated information network , a hybrid-switched ( HS ) communication architecture with dynamic layer structure is proposed in this paper .

  13. 仿真结果表明管道机制降低了OBS网络实时业务的端对端时延。(4)提出了一种自适应混合光交换方案。

    Simulation results show that the pipeline scheme can effectively reduce the end to end delay of the real-time traffic . ( 4 ) A hybrid optical switching with self-adaptation ( S-HOS ) is proposed in the paper .

  14. 仿真结果表明,自适应混合光交换可以降低包丢失率和端对端网络时延。(5)设计了一种包含光分插复用器OADM的多粒度光交叉连接结构。

    Simulation results show that S-HOS can reduce IP packet dropping probability and end-to-end delay . ( 5 ) A multi-granularity optical cross connect ( MG-OXC ) contained optical add-drop multiplexer ( OADM ) is designed in the paper .

  15. 弱型混合离子交换树脂再生新工艺研究

    A Novel Technology for the Regeneration of Weak Mixed Ion-Exchange Resin

  16. 热电厂二级脱盐水站混合离子交换的设计与改进

    Design and Improvement of Mixing Ion Exchanging of Demineralized Water Station of Thermal Power Plant

  17. 不同电厂中热化学反应器与混合热交换和质交换表面的热能利用和碳氢燃料转化的实验研究

    Experimental Research of Thermochemical Reactors with Combined Heat-and Mass-Exchanging Surfaces for Heat Utilization and Hydrocarbon Fuel Conversion in Various Power Plants

  18. 然而当前的混合光交换只是简单地把光电路交换和光突发交换叠加在一起,其复杂度高,利用率低。

    However currently hybrid optical switching only simply overlays optical circuit switching and OBS . Its complexity is high and link utilization is low .

  19. 混合光交换结合了光电路交换和光突发交换的优点,可以支持突发粒度和波长粒度的光交换。

    Hybrid optical switching combines the merits of OBS and optical circuit switching , and can support the switching granularity of burst and wavelength .

  20. 为了充分发挥光突发交换和光电路交换的优点,及更好地满足业务的服务质量,提出了自适应混合光交换。

    A hybrid optical switching with self-adaptation is proposed to efficiently utilize the merits of OBS and optical circuit switching and meet the requirement of traffic QoS .

  21. 计算结果表明:随着两螺杆错列角的增加,两螺杆在啮合区的物料混合、交换能力逐渐增强,分散性混合能力逐渐增加;

    The results show that with the increase of staggered angle , the abilities of mixing and exchanging are improved and the disperse ability is also enhanced ;

  22. 导热系数是液体的重要热物性参数,其表征流体的热传导能力。热电厂二级脱盐水站混合离子交换的设计与改进

    Thermal conductivity is important thermal parameter , symbols the ability of heat exchanging . Design and Improvement of Mixing Ion Exchanging of Demineralized Water Station of Thermal Power Plant

  23. 简述混合离子交换的工艺过程和运行机理,通过交换器内部装置的改进,提高交换器的出水水质和运行周期。

    Describes the process and operation mechanism of mixing ion exchanging . Through the improvement of the internals of exchanger , the water quality is raised and operating period is extended .

  24. 结果表明,夏季陆架水从表层向外海方向扩展,与黑潮水进行混合与交换;在陆架底部,黑潮次表层水涌升陆架后与陆架底层水进行混合。

    The results show that the continental shelf water spreads seaward in the surface layer in summer and mixes with the Kuroshio water , while at the bottom of the shelf , the Kuroshio subsurface water upwells and intrudes along the shelf and then mixes with the shelf bottom water ;

  25. 本文讨论了复型斯莱特轨道(STO)对双中心库仑积分、混合积分和交换积分计算公式的优化。

    The formulae of two-electron integrals are optimized by using complex Slater orbitals .

  26. 利用PIV技术对陶瓷球颗粒在竖直管内的流动进行测量,为下降管中流动混合过程热交换规律的研究提供理论支持。

    Measuring the motion of spherical ceramic particles in a vertical duct by PIV to provide theory for the process of heat exchanging in the down flow tube reactor .

  27. 提出了一种新的混合光突发交换(HOBS)网络,并且使用环网对网络进行了仿真比较研究。

    The hybrid optical burst switching ( HOBS ) was proposed , and investigate the HOBS based a ring topology with numerical simulation .

  28. 混合床离子交换树脂精制蛋黄卵磷脂的研究

    Purification of egg lecithin with mixed-bed ion-exchange resins chromatography

  29. 超声波强化甲醇&乙醇混合体系酯交换制备生物柴油

    Transesterification of Vegetable Oil with Mixed Methanol / ethanol System to Prepare Biodiesel by Means of Ultrasonic Energy

  30. 模拟结果为系统设计和混合光网络交换节点信息处理提供了理论依据。

    Numerical results provide the theoretical basis for system design and signal processing at switching nodes in hybrid network .