
zī jīn mì jí xínɡ qǐ yè
  • capital-intensive enterprise
  1. 众所周知,石油企业属于资金密集型企业。

    As is known to all , the oil company belongs to a capital-intensive industries enterprise .

  2. 房地产企业是资金密集型企业,现金流是其血液,融资是每家房地产企业重中之重。

    Real estate industry is capital concentrated enterprise and cash flow is its blood . Financing is the most important task of each real estate enterprise .

  3. 房地产企业是一种资金密集型的企业,财务管理工作的信息化在整个房地产企业的信息化过程中扮演举足轻重的角色。

    The development trend of Real Estate company is collectivization . They are fun-intensive enterprises , and the informatization of financial management is playing a pivotal role in the whole enterprise development .

  4. 希望意大利企业发挥技术先进的优势,到这些地区设立资金、技术密集型企业;

    I hope Italian enterprises will play out their technological advantages and establish capital and technology intensive enterprises in these areas .

  5. 尤其对于知识、技术及资金密集型的高新技术企业而言,R&D投入对其经营业绩的价值贡献作用越来越明显。

    Especially for high-tech companies with knowledge and capital intensive , the effect to its operating performance by R & D is more and more obvious .

  6. 石油企业是资金密集、技术密集型企业,这个特点决定了技术创新在石油工业发展中的重要作用。

    Oil industry is a capitally and technologically intensive enterprise . The characteristic determines the important role the technical innovation plays in the development of oil industry .

  7. 敏感元器件生产行业是典型的资金密集型行业,在企业规模效应和成本效应日渐显示出其重要性时,企业进行适度扩张是生存和发展的必要选择。

    Sensitive components industry is a kind of typical dense-capital industry . With scale effect and cost effect of being more and more important , enterprise expansion is necessary for its consoled of the advantages in the industry .