
xiǎo zhù
  • columella;colonnette;pillaret
小柱[xiǎo zhù]
  1. 方法:选鼻小柱蝶形切口,于鼻背筋膜下腔隙注入HA手法塑形。

    Method : Use nose columella buttery-form incision infuse HA to the cavity of the nose , back under the muscle shape the nose with surgeon 's hands .

  2. 额窦口到鼻小柱基底部的距离及其与鼻底角度分别为(608±42)mm和(701±47)°。

    The distance of frontal sinus ostium to the floor of columella nasi and the corresponding angle to the nasal floor were ( 60.8 ± 4.2 ) mm and ( 70.1 ± 4.7 )° .

  3. Oasis~(TM)小柱用于腐败生物组织中吗啡检测的研究

    Determination of morphine in decayed biological tissues with Oasis ~ ( TM ) solid-phase column

  4. 血浆样品经DTE-磷酸缓冲液提取,过SPE小柱净化浓缩,甲醇洗脱。

    Plasma sample was extracted using dithioerythritol-phosphate buffer , and then concentrated and purified by SPE course and eluted with methanol .

  5. 方法:以C18固相萃取小柱预处理样品。

    Method : Sotalol in plasma sample was enriched with C18 solid phase extraction column .

  6. 用乙酸乙酯提取样品,florisil小柱净化。

    Extracted samples with ethyl acetate , and purified with florisil column .

  7. 通过比较:用C18小柱净化,可以得到满足要求的样品净化液。

    By comparison , we know that we can gain the satisfied refined sample solution with the purification of C18 small column .

  8. 样品前处理过程采用液-固提取结合C(18)小柱固相萃取(SPE)净化。

    During the pretreatment procedure , the extraction of the three TCs was carried out by liquid-solid extraction , and solid-phase extraction ( SPE ) with C_ ( 18 ) column was used to clean up the extract .

  9. 采用DEAE-52纤维素小柱,纯化了7个人工合成的寡核苷酸引物。

    Seven synthesised oligonucleotide primers were purified with a small column of DEAE-52 cellulose at our laboratory .

  10. 方法采用C18固相萃取小柱纯化黄芪提取物中的黄芪甲苷,反相高效液相色谱&紫外检测方法测定黄芪中黄芪甲苷含量。

    Methods The astragaloside IV in sample was purified with C_ ( 18 ) solid phase column and its content was determined with HPLC-UV method .

  11. 本论文选用Waters公司新推出的HLB(200mg,6mL)固相萃取小柱,采用固相萃取技术对极性不同的8种物质进行前处理。

    Eight phthalic acid esters were extracted from water samples using solid phase extraction on HLB cartridge ( 200mg , 6mL ), a new production of Waters corporation .

  12. 底泥样品中的土霉素可以用EDTA缓冲溶液进行有效提取,经过HLB萃取小柱纯化和浓缩等步骤,底泥样品中土霉素的回收率为65.3%~70.1%。

    Oxytetracycline in the sediment can be effectively extracted by EDTA buffer , after being purified by HLB columniation and concentrated , the recovery of oxytetracycline was among 53.25 % ~ 60.86 % .

  13. 视神经管眶口与鼻小柱和鼻翼交界处左侧的距离为77.90±1.65(74.8~81.0)mm,其右侧距离为77.65±1.77(74.2~80.8)mm;

    The median distance between the joint of columella nasi and alae nasi and the eye socket meatus of optic canal is 77.90 1.65 ( range 74.8 ~ 81.0 ) mm mm on the left side and 77.65 1.77 ( range 74.2 ~ 80.8 ) mm on the right side ;

  14. 通过改变OP水溶液浓度和有机添加剂种类,研究了萃取和富集的条件:以5%OP+2%尿素作提取液,过SPE小柱,乙腈洗脱。

    By means of changing the concentration of OP solution and the varieties of organic additive , the enrichment condition was optimized : 5 % OP + 5 % carbamide as the extractive agent , using SPE , acetonitrile as eluent .

  15. 然后对每个小块,把它的面积记作,再将dA与函数的值相乘,这样就得到了,位于图像下方的小柱体的体积。

    DA And then , for each piece , with the small area , delta A , we 'll take the area delta a times the value of a function in there that will give us the volume of a small box that sits under the graph .

  16. 目的:探讨XAD-2大孔树脂与Waters公司OASISHLB固相小柱在萃取管网末梢水中有机萃取物化学成分及含量的差异,并比较两种有机萃取物对雄性小鼠生殖毒性的影响。

    Objective : to explore the differences of chemical composition on drinking water organic extractions by the ( XAD-2 ) macroporous resin and the Waters company Oasis HLB columella , and to compare reproductive toxicity of the two organic extractions in male mice .

  17. 在样品前处理步骤中,研究了水相饱和、不同C18萃取小柱的效果、不同吸附剂对色素的净化效果以及PSA吸附剂的用量和溶液酸度对净化回收率的影响,确立了前处理试验条件。

    The pre-processing condition was established based on the study of the water phase saturation , the effects of different C18 columns , the cleaning effects of different sorbents on pigments , the dosages of SPA sorbent and the effect of acidity on the cleaning recovery ratio .

  18. 筛后动脉管与鼻小柱和鼻翼交界点的平均距离左侧为67.3±2.15(62.2~72.7)mm,右侧为67.6±1.75(61.6~73.5)mm,个体间最大差距为11.9mm;

    That of posterior ethmoidal canal and the joint of columella nasi and alae nasi was 67.3 2.15 ( range 62.2 ~ 72.7 ) mm on the left side and 67.6 1.75 ( range 61.6 ~ 73.5 ) mm on the right side , interindividual distance is up to 11.9mm .

  19. 翼管前口位于蝶腭孔后方约7mm,呈圆形漏斗状,横径约3mm,略向外下方开口,距离鼻小柱平均71.72mm,有翼管神经和翼管动脉穿过。

    The anterior opening of the pterygoid canal was located behind the sphenopalatine foramen and had a round infundibular shape . The openings were about 3 mm in the transverse diameter and passed through by the vidian nerve and the pterygoid artery .

  20. 方法样品以混合溶剂超声提取、Florisil固相萃取小柱净化处理后,采用DB-1701毛细管气相色谱柱分离样品,电子捕获检测器检测。

    Methods The 15 organochlorine pesticides were extracted from samples with solvents by ultrasonic and cleaned up by Florisil solid-phase extraction column . Then , the extract was separated by capillary column and detected by electron capture detector .

  21. 方法:采用C18和Sep-pakPorapakRox固相萃取小柱联用提取、浓缩环境水中痕量农药,用气相色谱/质谱联用仪(GC/MSD)全扫描方式进行分析测定。

    Methods : Conventional liquid-liquid extract was displaced by solid phase extract using C_ ( 18 ) and Sep-pak Porapak Rox SPE cartridge to extract and clean the pesticide residues from environment water . The pesticides were determined by gas chromatography with mass selective detection in scan model .

  22. 小柱面包络环面蜗杆齿面修形方法研究

    Study on modification technique of hourglass worm gear tooth surface

  23. 样品用固相萃取小柱提取处理。

    The plasma samples were extracted with solid phase extraction .

  24. 测定前用国产预处理小柱处理样品,简化了样品纯化过程,提高了样品峰的分辨率和测定精度。

    The precision of determination and resolution were improved by this pretreatment .

  25. 细长皮管修复鼻小柱缺损

    Repair of nasal columella defect with long slender tubed flap

  26. 方法采用水溶解醋酸乙酯提取-聚酰胺小柱纯化去杂方法制备供试品。

    Methods : Water-soluble ethyl-acetate-extracting polyamide column purification was adopted .

  27. 唇裂的鼻小柱侧面皮瓣修复法

    Cleft lip repair using a lateral columellar flap

  28. 鼻小柱基底侧方联合上唇移位皮瓣修复轻度单侧上唇外翻畸形

    Lateral columella base-labrum transposition flap for repairing mild unilateral ECLABIUM deformity of upper lip

  29. 双侧唇裂术后鼻小柱畸形的整复

    Reconstruction of Columella of Secondary Bilateral Nose Deformity

  30. 高效液相色谱测定经PT-系列氧化铝小柱预处理后狗血清中儿茶酚胺

    Determination of Catechol amines in Dog Serum after Treated with PT Series Al2O3 Cartridge