
  • 网络resource ecology
  1. 因此认为,从地球化学角度研究土壤资源生态学可望是有效的途径之一。

    Therefore , it is considered that geochemical study is an effective way for the studies of resource ecology .

  2. 因此,从生态学的角度认识人力资源的发展规律,运用一般生态学的原理,构造人力资源生态学的研究框架,具有重要的理论和实际的指导意义。

    So it has important academic and practical directive significance to understand the rules of human resource development , construct the research framework of human resource ecology through applying the theory of general ecology .

  3. 鱼类补偿生长及其对资源生态学特征的影响

    The effect of compensatory growth on patterns of fisheries ecology

  4. 中国甘草资源生态学研究

    Study on Resources Ecology of Chinese Licorice

  5. NSFC重大项目大型水利工程对重要生物资源长期生态学效应的立项思考

    Proposal and Considerations on the Major Program : the Long-term Ecological Effects of the Large Dams on the Important Living Resources

  6. 淫羊藿药用资源生理生态学研究进展

    Advancement of Research on Physiological Ecology of Officinal Resource of Epimedium

  7. 江苏省特、稀、濒危保护植物资源的生态学评价

    Ecological evaluation of endemic , rare and endangered conservative plant resources in Jiangsu province

  8. 陕西农田杂草种质资源及生态学研究

    The Germplasm of Weeds in Crop Field and the Ecological Research in Shaanxi Province

  9. 发展循环经济与自然资源约束的生态学意义

    Ecological Meaning of Developing Cyclic Economy and Natural Resource Restraint

  10. 西北民族地区有毒植物资源与民族生态学的关系研究

    Study on the Relationship between the Poisonous Plants in Northwest Ethnic Regions and Ethnoecology

  11. 山西锦鸡儿根瘤菌资源分布与生态学研究

    Study of resources distribution and ecology of Rhizobium sp. ( Caragana ) in Shanxi Province

  12. 近年来,逆境中AM真菌的资源调查和生态学研究越来越受到人们的重视。

    In recent years , AM fungus 's resources investigation and the ecology research in the adverse circumstance are more and more valued by people .

  13. 经查阅大量文献,在掌握国内树木外生菌根菌研究成效的基础上,对我国树木外生菌根资源状况和生态学方面的研究进展作了综述性的评价。

    On the basis of summarizing the achievements of ectomycorrhizal fungi study , this review summarizes resource status of tree ectomycorrhizal fungi in China and progress in its ecology .

  14. 生态系统管理、生态信息科学与数据资源管理现代生态学的发展需要生态信息科学的支持,而信息技术的进步为生态信息科学的发展提供了技术保障。

    As an interdisciplinary between ecology and information science , Eco informatics is an important knowledge branch directly serving for ecosystem management and provides with data resource and information technology for ecosystem management .

  15. 为了扩大无性系植物&刺五加(AcanthopanaxSenticosus)的资源,采用实验生态学的方法,进行了刺五加种子生态学的研究。

    The seed ecology of clonal plant , Acanthopanax Senticosus , has been studied by the experimental ecology method in order to increase its resource .

  16. 先秦时代对野生生物资源的管理及其生态学的认识

    Notes on the management of wild biotic resources and their ecology in Chinese ancient time before Qin-Dynasty

  17. 本文对天然蒜头果的地理分布与资源、生物学和生态学特性及其环境因子影响等方面进行了分析讨论,试图揭示其濒危原因。

    This paper discusses the endangered causes of M. oleifera from the geographical distribution , the resources , the biological and ecological characteristics , and the effect of the environmental factors .

  18. ⒉本次研究工作以可持续发展理论为指导,运用矿产资源经济学、工业生态学、现代企业管理学,分析研究了广西矿产资源开发利用现状及前景。

    The theory of cycle economy is the guide of the wholly investigation . The present status and foreground of exploiting and applying the minerals resources of Guangxi are analyzed by utilizing the knowledge of economics of minerals resources , industrial ecology and modern enterprise management .