
  • 网络covered bond;ABS
  1. 一家行业组织警告称,美国有关资产担保债券市场的议案有可能损害这种金融产品享誉数百年、稳定到让人感到枯燥的名声。

    US proposals for a covered bond market risk wrecking the products ' centuries-old reputation for boring stability , an industry group has warned .

  2. 一些银行开始挖掘极其安全的资产担保债券市场,但许多银行似乎已转向监管机构热衷于阻挠的那种短期融资渠道。

    Some have tapped the ultra-safe covered bond market , but many appear to have been turning to the sort of short-term money that regulators are keen to discourage .

  3. 德国的银行,包括deutschepfandbriefbank在内,正在研究发行结构性资产担保债券的可能性。

    German banks , including Deutsche pfandbriefbank , are examining the possibility of issuing structured covered bonds .

  4. 在那之前,德国产业投资银行和sachsenlb等银行已积累了作为资产担保债券发行商的专业知识,为企业及自身需求服务。

    By then , banks such as IKB and Sachsen LB had built-up expertise as issuers of asset-based bonds for companies as well as for their own requirements .

  5. 2010年,加拿大与欧洲银行共向美国投资者销售了超过300亿美元的资产担保债券。

    Canadian and European banks sold more than $ 30bn of covered bonds to US investors in 2010 .

  6. 在金融危机期间,尽管其它市场陷入冰冻,但欧洲银行仍然通过资产担保债券募集到了资金。

    European banks managed to raise funds via covered bonds throughout the crisis even as other markets froze .

  7. 从本质上讲,这需要运用非传统的担保品,比如部分使用按照监管要求在资产担保债券中为不合格担保品的住房抵押贷款。

    In essence that would involve using non-traditional collateral such as portions of residential mortgages not eligible for regulated covered debt .

  8. 一些银行正在研究,是否可以用半资产担保债券(或者结构性资产担保债券)介于资产担保债券和传统证券化之间来弥补空缺。

    Some banks are examining whether quasi - or structured covered bonds sitting somewhere between covered bonds and a traditional securitisation can help fill the gap .

  9. 然而,特里谢坚持表示,欧洲央行购买资产担保债券,并不意味着“启动”定量宽松政策,即创造资金以购买资产。

    Mr Trichet insisted , however , that the ECB was " not embarking " on quantitative easing the creation of money to buy assets with its covered bond purchases .

  10. 欧洲资产担保债券市场正在快速扩张,许多新的国家都涌现出此类债券的发行者,例如葡萄牙、瑞典和美国。

    The European market for such debt is undergoing a rapid expansion , with issuers emerging from a number of new countries , such as Portugal , Sweden and the US .

  11. 不过,银行能够发行的资产担保债券数量有限,因为在资产抵押方面存在监管限制,同时银行缺乏优质资产。

    However , banks are constrained in the number of covered bonds they can sell because of regulatory limits on balance sheet " encumbrance " and a shortage of high-quality assets .

  12. 停止购买资产担保债券或者降低购买规模,将表明欧洲央行打算尽快向更常规的货币政策工具回归。

    Ending the covered bond purchases , or scaling back their scope , would signal that the ECB was determined to return to more conventional monetary policy tools as soon as possible .

  13. 美国众议院提出的一项议案旨在为美国的资产担保债券提供类似的破产保护,对于希望获得欧洲资产担保债券那样的低借贷成本的银行来说,这种保护至关重要。

    A bill launched in the house of Representatives aims to give us products similar bankruptcy protection , considered vital for banks to get the low borrowing costs the bonds deliver in Europe .

  14. 例如,如果我们用有资产担保的债券为固定利率的长期抵押贷款筹集固定利率的长期融资,那么它就可能稳定房地产市场。

    Covered bonds , for example , could steady housing markets if used to raise long-term fixed rate funding for long-term fixed rate mortgages .

  15. 现如今,光是在美国公开上市的股票就有数千只,全世界有好几万只,另加数千种公司债券和资产抵押担保债券。

    Today , there are many thousands of publicly traded stocks in the United States alone , and many tens of thousands worldwide , plus thousands of corporate bonds and asset-backed debt securities .

  16. 抵押债券。以抵押特定资产作担保的债券称为抵押债券。

    Mortgage bond . Bonds secured by the pledge of specific assets fire called mortgage bonds .

  17. 上周,澳大利亚引入担保债券(即由银行资产负债表上的资产提供担保的债券),这使得银行拥有了更多选择,甚至可以从避险投资者那里举债。

    The introduction into Australia last week of covered bonds , debt backed by assets kept on banks ' balance sheets , gives the banks additional options for raising debt even from risk-averse investors .