
  • 网络Capital circulation;G-W-G
  1. 完全放纵人民币货币汇率和资本流通将会事与愿违。

    Completely freeing China 's currency and capital flows could backfire .

  2. 马克思的商品资本流通与实现理论、地租理论是商业银行营销理论形成的重要理论依据。

    The Marxist theory of capital transfers and realize .

  3. 经济全球化的发展,促进了资本流通国际化。

    Development of globalization promotes internationalization of capital flow .

  4. 软件价值效用论与软件资本流通

    Labor value creation and capital circulation of the software

  5. 在资本流通阶段,人的社会性与个性从形式到内容出现了全面的分离。

    In the phase of capital circulation , the two are separated ultimately in both form and content .

  6. 非上市股份公司股份交易作为资本流通和交易的重要方式之一,其存在具有必要性和现实性。

    Unlisted company share transactions , as an important way of capital distribution and trading , is necessary and reality .

  7. 通过构建软件产品的资本流通公式,从中可以看出软件生产能够带来倍增价值增殖的原因所在。

    From the software capital circulation formula , the reason that the software production can bring multiple value proliferation can be observed .

  8. 一个健全、有效的股票市场对于加速资本流通、实现资本在整个经济中的有效配置也是意义深远的。

    A sound and efficient stock market has great significance in accelerating capital flow and efficiently allocating capital in the whole economy .

  9. 以限制资本流通、非市场化的货币政策为特征的不完善的金融体系导致了资本严重不合理配置。

    It has badly misallocated its capital thanks to a distorted financial system characterized by capital controls and a non-market based currency .

  10. 市场经济的形成过程可以划分为物物交换、商品流通和资本流通三个阶段。

    The formative process of market economy can be divided into three phases : barter trade , commodity circulation , and capital circulation .

  11. 发展证券市场搞活资本流通对证券民事赔偿案件适用最新法律的理解

    Setting Up Securities Markets and the Acceleration of Capital Circulation A Comprehension of Civil Case Indemnification on Securities Markets Suitable for the Newest Law

  12. 大体上,中国对资本流通实行开放政策,虽然银行仍受限制。

    In general , China operates an " open door " policy on the movement of capital , although bank restrictions are in place .

  13. 证券市场作为我国市场体系的一个组成部分,在配置资源、促进资本流通等方面发挥着重要作用。

    As a component of market system of our country , security market plays an important role in allocating resources and promoting circulation of capital .

  14. 多亏全球一体化去掉了很多限制,新兴经济体看到了更自由的资本流通。

    Broadly , emerging economies are also seeing a freer flow of capital , thanks to globalisation as much as to the removal of restrictions .

  15. 作为一种重要的证券交易方式,融资融券具有活跃证券市场、优化资源配置、促进资本流通的作用。

    As an important means of securities trading , margin trading can animate the securities market , optimize the allocation of resources , and promote the capital flowing .

  16. 如果放纵人民币和资本流通,将会导致这其中的一部分钱流向更加安全和有利的国家,导致人民币贬值。

    Freeing China 's currency and capital flows would allow some of this money to flow to safer and more lucrative uses in other countries , causing the Chinese currency to depreciate .

  17. 当前银行业面临诸多风险:银行体系中的呆账严重,金融资本流通不畅,中国股市的高风险等。

    Many a risk is confronted with the present banking industry : serious doubtful accounts in the banking system , unsmooth circulation of financial capital , risks in China 's stock market , etc.

  18. 在国际经济关系转型的大背景下,从贸易的角度来看,比较优势、资本流通、技术与人才以及知识产权变得日益重要。

    In the context of a transformation in international economic relations , in terms of trade , comparative advantages , circulation of capital , techniques and persons , intellectual property had become even more important .

  19. 从微观层面上看,将造成企业内部资金结构单一、抗风险能力差,市场资本流通体系不健全、社会闲散资金未能充分利用等弊端。

    At the micro-level , the structure of funds within a single enterprise , the ability to resist risks worse , The market circulation of capital system is not perfect , social idle funds have not been fully utilized .

  20. 最后一点,人们的紧张情绪很有可能使金融市场陷入慌乱。过去的三天中,日本银行宣布向金融市场注资55.6万亿日元,此举旨在避免投资信心崩溃并促进资本流通。

    And third , the nervous mood makes financial panic more likely . Over three days the Bank of Japan announced plans to inject a total of ¥ 55.6 trillion into financial markets , to avoid a collapse in investor confidence and keep credit flowing .

  21. 新《公司法》的实施,确立了一人公司的合法地位,标志着我国公司法律制度的一个重大进步,这将极大地促进我国资本流通和经济发展。

    The implementation of the new Company Law establishes the legal status of " company with one shareholder " and marks an important progress of our country 's jus of company . The Law will promotes the circulation of capital and economic development of our country .

  22. 文学翻译是文化资本流通的重要渠道,文化资本的流向和途径不仅仅是语言和文学的优劣问题,更是一个选择权力问题,因而翻译也是建构话语权力的活动。

    Literature translation is an issue to choose rights because literature translation is the important channel for cultural capital to circulate and because the circulation and path of cultural capital is not only a topic about good or bad language and literature but is a topic about choice .

  23. 企业并购是企业快速扩张的主要方式,对资本要素流通和产业结构调整起着重要作用。

    Merger and acquisitions , as the one of the principal ways for rapid expansion of enterprises , play an important role of capital circulation and adjustment of industrial structure .

  24. 2006年国际金融市场发展良好,中国虽然没有实行资本全流通,但受全球流动性充裕的影响,我国的金融市场总体运行活跃。

    Although China failed to implement the full circulation of capital , the general operation of the financial markets in China is active by the impact of abundant global liquidity .

  25. 如今随着人员、物资和资本自由流通需求的增加,法律翻译对社会生活的各个方面都产生了深远的影响。

    Nowadays the need for free flow of staff , goods and materials , and capital increases , so legal translation has a strong influence on our life in various ways .

  26. 其次,本论文分析了课程文化资本的流通对象以及从课程文化产品兼具文化价值与文化商品特性两个方面剖析了课程文化资本流通过程中意识形态的隐性控制以及符号权力的具体实现过程。

    Secondly , this paper analyzes the circulation of curriculum culture capital , the conceited control , and the realization of denotation power from two aspects of cultural value and culturally commodity features .

  27. 本研究及其发现对认识资本全球性流通对于企业环境信息披露的影响、以及证券市场开放性的利弊提供了新的视角和证据。

    This research and found to meet global flow of capital for enterprise environmental information disclosure , and the influence of the pros and cons of the securities market openness has provided a new Angle of view and evidence .

  28. 结果显示:我国流通产业发展方式转变总体趋势表现平稳,人力资本和流通经济效益的提高等对我国流通产业发展方式的转变起着至关重要的作用。

    Results show that the general trend of transformation of circulation industry development mode is relatively stable in China , and improvement in human capital and circulation economic profit have made critical contribution to the transformation of circulation industry development mode .

  29. 中国资本市场全流通之路

    Way to the complete Circulation of China Capital Market

  30. 分派给政府的唯一职能,是保证公司之间和国家之间资本的自由流通。

    The only role assigned to governments is to guarantee free circulation of capital between companies and between countries .