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  • 网络Capital Ratio;RBC
  1. 今年,它变卖了传家之宝:出售巴克莱全球投资者(barclaysglobalinvestors,简称bgi)将使其核心一级资本比率升至8.8%。

    This year it hawked the family silver : the sale of Barclays global investors will lift its core tier one capital ratio to 8.8 per cent .

  2. 这些数据将巴塞尔银行监管委员会(baselcommitteeonbankingsupervision)上一次改变规则的影响做成了模型上次改变收窄了银行可计入核心一级资本比率的定义。

    The data model the impact of earlier rule changes approved by the Basel Committee on banking supervision narrowing the definition of what banks can count towards core tier one capital ratio .

  3. 这一改革方案名为《巴塞尔协议iii》(baseliii),其中包括对全球银行核心一级资本比率新的最低要求。

    The reform package , known as Basel III , includes a new minimum core tier one ratio for banks worldwide .

  4. 澳大利亚国民银行(NationalAustraliaBank)上个月融资30亿澳元,而分析师目前预计,随着竞争对手也寻求将一级资本比率提高至8%的关口以上,市场上还会有更多股权融资。

    National Australia Bank last month raised A $ 3bn , and analysts now expect further equity raisings as rivals also seek to boost tier one ratios beyond the 8 per cent mark .

  5. 20会议不会解决规范信用违约互换(cds),或为银行引入逆周期的新资本比率等复杂问题。

    The G20 meeting will not resolve the intricacies of regulating credit default swaps or introducing new counter-cyclical capital ratios for banks .

  6. 《巴塞尔协议iii》资本比率的定义比现行规定更加严格,对可计入“核心一级资本”的工具进行了限制。

    Basel III capital ratios rely on a tougher definition than current rules dictate , limiting the instruments that count as " core tier one capital " .

  7. 第一种后果是,欧洲银行管理局(EuropeanBankingAuthority)要求银行提高他们的资本比率,在此情况下,银行没有能力增加新的资本。

    The first is that the banks , which are being required to increase their capital ratios by the European Banking Authority , are unlikely to be able to raise new equity in such circumstances .

  8. 它可以退守的业务是德国零售及企业银行业务,其风险状况允许它落在同行后面,按照巴塞尔协议iii核心一级资本比率7.2%运行。

    Its own fallback is German retail and corporate banking , whose risk profile lets it run a peer-trailing fully loaded Basel III core tier one capital ratio of 7.2 per cent .

  9. 提高准备金率的另一个吸引之处在于,政府可以借之减轻(在某些情况下消除)新的《巴塞尔协议III》(BaselIII)规定的流动性和资本比率的影响。

    Another attractive feature of higher reserve ratios is that they allow the government to modify , and in some cases eliminate , the liquidity and capital ratios dictated by new Basel III banking regulations .

  10. 与此同时,欧洲银行管理局(EuropeanBankingAuthority)正在将欧洲银行业的普通股权益资本比率提高到9%,大大高于巴塞尔协议II的2%标准,基本相当于新的巴塞尔协议III的标准。

    At the same time , the European Banking authority ( EBA ) is raising European banks ' common equity capital requirement to 9 % , a huge jump from the Basel II standard of 2 % and roughly equivalent to the New Basel III standards .

  11. 作为美国次贷危机最大的受害者之一,瑞银(UBS)接受新加坡和中东大规模注资、以改善资本比率的计划遇到股东的反对。

    UBS , one of the biggest casualties of the US subprime turmoil , faces a shareholders ' revolt over plans for a massive infusion of funds from Singapore and the Middle East to improve its capital ratios .

  12. 苏格兰皇家银行还计划在今年年底前将其在美国零售银行Citizens中的权益削减至30%以下,这是将其资本比率提高至12%的目标之上的关键一步——苏格兰皇家银行去年让Citizens上了市。

    The bank also aims to cut its stake in Citizens , the US retail lender it floated last year , below 30 per cent by the end of the year - a key step to lift RBS 's capital ratio above its target of 12 per cent .

  13. 法国巴黎银行首席执行官博杜安普罗特(baudouinprot)表示,此次收购从第一年开始就将提升该行利润,同时也会改善其资本比率。

    Baudouin prot , BNP chief executive , said the takeover would boost earnings from the first year and would improve its capital ratios .

  14. 他说,除了《巴塞尔协议III》针对所有银行规定的7%的核心一级资本比率之外,上述银行机构将需要一个固定的额外资本金比率。欧洲大陆一些国家对这一理念非常抗拒。

    He said that on top of the 7 per cent core tier-one capital defined by the Basel III accord for all banks , such institutions would need a fixed additional capital percentage , a concept that some parts of continental Europe are very resistant to .

  15. 巴克莱内部人士表示,出售BGI的所得可将该银行7%的一级资本比率衡量其资产负债表健康状况的指标提高逾1个百分点,使其更接近英国金融服务管理局(FSA)的要求。

    Bank insiders said the proceeds would boost Barclays ' 7 per cent tier one capital ratio a measure of its balance sheet strength by more than 1 percentage point , and bring it nearer to the expectations of the Financial Services Authority .

  16. 虽然瑞银的整体一级资本比率为10%,仍处在相对健康的水平,但正如keefe,bruyette&woods所指出的,其一级股本比率(唯一可吸收亏损的一类资本)为7.4%,健康度欠佳。

    The headline tier one capital ratio is still a relatively healthy 10 per cent . But , as Keefe , Bruyette & woods points out , the equity tier one ratio the only kind capable of absorbing loss is a less robust 7.4 per cent .

  17. 长期债务/总资本比率

    Aggregate indebtedness to capital ratio Long Term Debt / Capitalization

  18. 银行决定资本比率时必须平衡这些成本和收益。

    Capital-ratio decisions must balance these costs and benefits .

  19. 于是,问题变成了应将资本比率目标设置在什么水平。

    The question , then , is what capital ratios to aim at .

  20. 资本比率管理是我国国有商业银行的必然选择&从《巴塞尔协议》看我国国有商业银行的资本比率管理

    Capital rate management is the inevitable selection of China

  21. 仅仅就系统性监管和提高资本比率发表模棱两可的言论是不够的。

    Vague talk of systemic regulation and higher capital ratios is not enough .

  22. 不过,在这些低资本比率要求的国家累积起来的各种风险,并不会一直局限在那里。

    Yet the risks that accumulate in those low-capital jurisdictions will not stay there .

  23. 相比之下,欧洲银行业的一级资本比率平均为8.1%。

    That compared with an average Tier-1 ratio among European banks of 8.1 % .

  24. 一切都取决于那些与盖特纳提议的新资本比率有关的数字。

    Everything depends on the numbers eventually attached to Mr Geithner 's new ratios .

  25. 如此一来,美联储可以专注于设定面向整个市场的资本比率要求,以抑制资产泡沫。

    The Fed could then focus on setting market-wide capital ratios to damp asset bubbles .

  26. 各家银行为提振自身资本比率而实行的限制性借贷正在阻碍欧洲企业的发展。

    Restrictive lending by banks trying to repair their capital ratios is holding back European businesses .

  27. 以丹麦的银行为例,19世纪中期丹麦银行平均的资本比率为75%。

    Take Danish banks , which had average capital ratios of 75 % in the mid-1800s .

  28. 它的资本比率也很合理。

    Its capital ratios are robust .

  29. 巴塞尔协议制定一个统一的国际银行资本比率的方式是不合适的。

    The way that Basel Agreement stipulates a uniform capital ratio of international banks is not fitting .

  30. 新闻集团的债务资本比率为0.8,而其他大型出版公司的平均比率仅为0.3。

    The debt-to-equity ratio is 0.8 , vs. an average 0.3 for the other large publishing companies .