- 网络Capital Ratio;RBC

This year it hawked the family silver : the sale of Barclays global investors will lift its core tier one capital ratio to 8.8 per cent .
The data model the impact of earlier rule changes approved by the Basel Committee on banking supervision narrowing the definition of what banks can count towards core tier one capital ratio .
The reform package , known as Basel III , includes a new minimum core tier one ratio for banks worldwide .
National Australia Bank last month raised A $ 3bn , and analysts now expect further equity raisings as rivals also seek to boost tier one ratios beyond the 8 per cent mark .
The G20 meeting will not resolve the intricacies of regulating credit default swaps or introducing new counter-cyclical capital ratios for banks .
Basel III capital ratios rely on a tougher definition than current rules dictate , limiting the instruments that count as " core tier one capital " .
The first is that the banks , which are being required to increase their capital ratios by the European Banking Authority , are unlikely to be able to raise new equity in such circumstances .
Its own fallback is German retail and corporate banking , whose risk profile lets it run a peer-trailing fully loaded Basel III core tier one capital ratio of 7.2 per cent .
Another attractive feature of higher reserve ratios is that they allow the government to modify , and in some cases eliminate , the liquidity and capital ratios dictated by new Basel III banking regulations .
At the same time , the European Banking authority ( EBA ) is raising European banks ' common equity capital requirement to 9 % , a huge jump from the Basel II standard of 2 % and roughly equivalent to the New Basel III standards .
UBS , one of the biggest casualties of the US subprime turmoil , faces a shareholders ' revolt over plans for a massive infusion of funds from Singapore and the Middle East to improve its capital ratios .
The bank also aims to cut its stake in Citizens , the US retail lender it floated last year , below 30 per cent by the end of the year - a key step to lift RBS 's capital ratio above its target of 12 per cent .
Baudouin prot , BNP chief executive , said the takeover would boost earnings from the first year and would improve its capital ratios .
He said that on top of the 7 per cent core tier-one capital defined by the Basel III accord for all banks , such institutions would need a fixed additional capital percentage , a concept that some parts of continental Europe are very resistant to .
Bank insiders said the proceeds would boost Barclays ' 7 per cent tier one capital ratio a measure of its balance sheet strength by more than 1 percentage point , and bring it nearer to the expectations of the Financial Services Authority .
The headline tier one capital ratio is still a relatively healthy 10 per cent . But , as Keefe , Bruyette & woods points out , the equity tier one ratio the only kind capable of absorbing loss is a less robust 7.4 per cent .
Aggregate indebtedness to capital ratio Long Term Debt / Capitalization
Capital-ratio decisions must balance these costs and benefits .
The question , then , is what capital ratios to aim at .
Capital rate management is the inevitable selection of China
Vague talk of systemic regulation and higher capital ratios is not enough .
Yet the risks that accumulate in those low-capital jurisdictions will not stay there .
That compared with an average Tier-1 ratio among European banks of 8.1 % .
Everything depends on the numbers eventually attached to Mr Geithner 's new ratios .
The Fed could then focus on setting market-wide capital ratios to damp asset bubbles .
Restrictive lending by banks trying to repair their capital ratios is holding back European businesses .
Take Danish banks , which had average capital ratios of 75 % in the mid-1800s .
Its capital ratios are robust .
The way that Basel Agreement stipulates a uniform capital ratio of international banks is not fitting .
The debt-to-equity ratio is 0.8 , vs. an average 0.3 for the other large publishing companies .