- 网络events after the balance sheet date;events occurring after the balance sheet date;subsequent events

International Comparison of the Standard : Events Occurring after the Balance Sheet Date
The accountancy handles after the balance sheet is an easily neglected problem in accountancy checking and report work .
The article introduces every kind of types of things after the balance sheet , carefully analyses the problems in existence and brings up the concrete methods .
Explains that the alteration of accounting policies , the rectification of accounting errors and the same problems involve in the post-balance sheet events , when they are taken in different times amount , quality , lead to the various methods of accounting treatment .
For large amount of accounts payable , items received in advance and other accounts payables over a period of one year , specify the reasons for not being paid or carried forward and state whether they shall be paid in the events subsequent to the balance sheet date .
The accountant that the balance sheet will adjust the item in the future deals with