
  1. 西班牙电影《深海长眠》(THESEAINSIDE)获得最佳外语片奖。导演亚历桑德罗-曼巴和制片人费尔南多-维拉上台领奖。

    Director Alejandro Amenabar and producer Fernando Bovaira accepted the award for " The Sea Inside ," which won best foreign language film .

  2. Magnum和费尔南多-Santibanes连接到另一个水平,超越了简单的理解。

    Magnum and Fernando de Santibanes are connected to one another on a level that transcends simple understanding .

  3. 据FARC叛徒路易斯•费尔南多•加里多交代,这些地雷事实上并非针对平民;

    Luis Fernando Garrido , a FARC deserter , says that the mines are not deliberately aimed at civilians .

  4. 这在一定程度上反映出了一种艺术选择:此次奥运会开幕式的主设计师费尔南多•梅里尔斯(FernandoMeirelles)是一位知名电影导演。

    This partly reflected an artistic choice : Fernando Meirelles , the lead designer , is a renowned film-maker .

  5. 教宗本笃十六世于五月十日任命费尔南多.菲洛尼(FernandoFiloni)总主教为万民福音部新部长。教会观察家认为他是合适的人选。

    Pope Benedict XVI yesterday appointed Archbishop Fernando Filoni as the new prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples .

  6. 我深深的价值,费尔南多和华DESantibanes,幸运和RaeganLurken,和所有其他业主委托他们的伟大种马我的事实。

    I deeply value the fact that Fernando and Joaquin de Santibanes , Lucky and Raegan Lurken , and all of the other owners entrust their great stallions to me .

  7. 费尔南多急匆匆赶到飞机场去见他的女朋友。

    Fernando hurried to the airport to meet his girl friend .

  8. 斯科菲尔德和费尔南多都回到了正常的监区。

    Scofield and Fernando all went back to the normal ward .

  9. 贝里克,费尔南多和斯科菲尔德跟着那两名特工。

    Bellick , Fernando and Scofield were following the two agents .

  10. 斯科菲尔德砬巧在大街上撞上了费尔南多和贝里克。

    Scofield happened to meet Fernando and Bellick on the street .

  11. 就让费尔南多做法官吧。

    Shall we leave Fernando with the role of judge .

  12. 费尔南多和贝里克一起来到墨西哥机场。

    Fernando and Bellick went to the airport in Mexico .

  13. 斯科非尔德和费尔南多不得秒从一条河里面穿过去。

    Scofield and Fernando had to run across a river .

  14. 费尔南多先生,求求你帮我们找到我们的朋友。

    Don fernando , please help us find our friend .

  15. 费尔南多本人现就职于马德里音乐学院。

    He is currently a teacher at the Madrid Conservatory .

  16. 斯科非尔德和费尔南多都还在关禁闭。

    Scofield and Fernando were all in the solitary room .

  17. 费尔南多强迫斯科菲尔德把那个黑色的包交给他。

    Fernando forced Scofield handed the black bag to him .

  18. 但是,机场的警察那个时候也正在寻找费尔南多呢。

    But the policemen at the airport were searching Fernando just then .

  19. 费尔南多-阿隆索应该赢得更多的赞誉。

    Most praise should be directed to Fernando Alonso .

  20. 费尔南多告诉他,他根本就没有给斯科菲尔德发过任何信息。

    And Fernando told him that he never sent any message to Scofeild .

  21. 我们知道费尔南多,我不认为是这样的。

    But knowing Fernando , I don 't think that was the case .

  22. 费尔南多在和洛里昂的比赛中受伤,可能要缺阵几周。

    Fernando was injured against Lorient out will be out for several weeks .

  23. 曼宏扮作费尔南多通过互联网给斯科菲尔德发了一条信息。

    Mahone acted as Fernando and sent a message to Scofield through internet .

  24. 费尔南多。莫伦特斯的出现是瓦伦西亚早晨训练的最大惊喜。

    Fernando Morientes was the great surprise at the morning training of Valencia CF.

  25. 富兰克林恰巧在公路上遇到了费尔南多。

    Franklin happened to meet Fernando on the road .

  26. 那个好心的墨西哥司机立刻就从像片中辨认出了费尔南多。

    And the warm-hearted Mexican driver recognized Fernando through his picture at once .

  27. 费尔南多-阿隆索:期待比赛。

    Fa : looking forward to the race .

  28. 问:费尔南多,我猜嘲弄也不会错过你。

    Q : Fernando , I guess the irony is not lost on you .

  29. 费尔南多,你和我一同为马德里竞技闪耀光芒!

    They were shining there for you and me for Atletico de Madrid , Fernando !

  30. 费尔南多先生给你讲了些什么?

    What did don Fernando tell you ?