
  • 网络Loan Sale;Bank Loan Sale
  1. 传统的信用风险管理办法,例如分散化,银行贷款出售和资产证券化,只提供了控制信用风险暴露的部分办法。

    The conventional methods of managing credit risk , such as diversification , bank loan sales , and asset securitisation , offer only a partial solution to controlling credit risk exposure .

  2. 核心存款比率与商业银行贷款出售

    The Ratio of Core Deposit and Commercial Bank 's Loan Sale

  3. 德意志银行(DEUTSCHEBANK)正准备再进行一次数十亿美元的杠杆贷款出售,这一次是在欧洲。此举进一步表明,企业信贷市场正出现复苏。

    Deutsche Bank is preparing another multibillion-dollar sale of leveraged loans , this time in Europe , adding to evidence of a rally in corporate credit markets .

  4. 多数交易是把贷款出售给原来的借贷方。

    Most of the transactions involved a sale of the loan to the original borrower .

  5. 贷款出售技术可以用于不良资产处置,但受到诸多条件局限。

    The technique of loan-sale can be used in NPL 's treating , but it 's restricted by some condition .

  6. 本文通过一个银行和储户的一期博弈模型,证明了核心存款比率的高低能极大影响银行在贷款出售时的信息披露策略。

    Through a one period game model between bank and depositors , this paper argues that the quantity of core deposit ratio can greatly affect bank 's information disclosure strategy when loans are saled .

  7. 银行本身则利用监管不那么严格的机构,把贷款出售给信托公司,再由信托公司将贷款切割发放给客户,由此将贷款从银行的资产负债表上转移出去。

    Banks themselves take advantage of less regulated institutions , shifting loans off their balance sheets by selling them to the trust companies , which slice them up and distribute them to their clients .

  8. 预计德意志银行将在下周发布公司业绩的同时宣布此笔交易,它将标志着本月以来大型银行进行的第三笔大规模杠杆贷款出售。杠杆贷款用于为私人股本收购提供融资。

    The deal , expected to be announced with the bank 's earnings release next week , would mark the third big sale of leveraged loans – which are used to finance private equity buy-outs – by a big bank this month .

  9. 美国金融稳定监管委员会表示,他们也担心最近高风险债券的发行量增加,特别是将杠杆贷款打包出售给投资者的CDO。

    The FSOC says they are also worried about the recent increase of issuance of riskier bonds in particular collateralized debt obligations , which are deals that package up leveraged loans and sell them off to investors .

  10. 有人质疑,将按揭贷款分割出售究竟给市场经济增加了什么价值。

    Some have questioned whether the dicing up of mortgages added any value to the economy .

  11. 这固然是事实,但北岩依赖批发金融业务,并将贷款打包出售给其他投资者,以获得与竞争对手同样的(虚幻)回报。

    True , but it was reliant on wholesale finance , and bundling loans to sell to other investors , in its efforts to reach the same ( illusory ) returns as competitors .

  12. 除了最近获得批准的可能需要进行贷款和出售资产的2万亿日元的一项计划之外,预计日本政府还将提议实施一项10万亿日元的一揽子开支计划。

    The government is expected to propose a new spending package of Y10 trillion in addition to a recently approved Y2 trillion program , for which borrowing and asset sales would likely be required .

  13. 美国联邦官员周一为他们所形容的高盛“严重不当行为”提供了新的细节。当时高盛将贷款打包出售给投资者,结果导致了一场经济危机。

    Federal officials on Monday provided fresh details of what they described as " serious misconduct " by Goldman when it sold pools of loans to investors that went on to cause an economic meltdown .

  14. 美联储表示,预计这笔贷款将用出售aig旗下运营公司的所得偿还。

    The Fed said the loan was expected to be repaid by the proceeds of selling AIG operating companies .

  15. 通用股票周一跌至50多年来的最低水平,昨日信息显示,目前通用正试图通过抵押贷款,或者出售其底特律总部文艺复兴中心(theRenaissanceCentre)来筹集5亿美元资本。

    GM , whose shares dropped to their lowest level in more than 50 years on Monday , is seeking to raise about $ 500m by mortgaging or selling the Renaissance Centre , its Detroit headquarters , it emerged yesterday .

  16. 银行和金融公司最后只剩下为偿还的贷款还有未出售的房屋。

    Banks and financing companies ended up with unpaid loans and unsold houses .

  17. 这两人以现金方式向卡特彼勒出售了40%的股份,以贷款票据方式出售了剩余的60%股份。

    The two men sold 40 per cent of their shares to Caterpillar in cash , and exchanged the remaining 60 per cent for the loan notes .

  18. 这类创新机制在一定程度上避免了由信息不对称导致贷款资产再出售过程中的逆向选择行为,减少了传统证券化方式的效率损失。

    The mechanism can to some extent avoid the adverse selection caused by the information asymmetry in the process of SME loan resale , and reduce the efficiency loss of traditional securitization .

  19. 但一旦华尔街开始根据打包的按揭贷款抵押资产、出售CDS,要给经济增加价值?

    But once Wall Street got to creating credit default swaps on synthetic tranches of mortgage collaterlized debt obligations , no way .

  20. 公司将贷款转化为产品出售给投资者。

    The company turns the loans into products that can be sold to investors .

  21. 在这场危机中,这些联系进一步解体,这是由于借款人担心贷款要么无法被出售给下家,要么无法得到偿还。

    During the crisis they disintegrated as lenders worried that loans could not be sold on or would not be repaid .

  22. 所有的政府干预都不太可能刺激将贷款打包成证券出售给投资者的业务在近期出现复苏。

    All the government intervention is unlikely to spark any near-term renewal of the business in which loans are bundled into securities and sold to investors .

  23. 银行家更是兴奋,因为当他们将贷款重新打包,出售给外部投资者时,他们在“切割”链的每一个环节几乎都能赚取费用。

    Bankers were even more thrilled , because when they repackaged loans for sale to outside investors , they garnered fees at almost every stage of the " slicing and dicing " chain .

  24. 第三世界国家为了偿还贷款,经常是出售某一种单一产品,而这样做又几乎没有减轻压得它们无法喘息的沉重债务。

    The third world nations had to repay their loans with the sale of , more often than not , a single commodity , which did little to lessen the crippling burden of debt .

  25. 2013年9月,阿里巴巴旗下的小额贷款公司将10笔证券化贷款出售给投资者。

    In September 2013 , Alibaba 's microfinance arm sold 10 tranches of securitised loans to investors .

  26. 贷款是一种重要的金融资产,贷款出售之前首先要定价。

    The loan is an important financial asset .

  27. 这意味着美国购房者可能很快就能享受到更低的抵押贷款利率,因为银行可以较容易地在抵押贷款债券市场上将自己的贷款出售给投资者。

    This may translate quickly into lower mortgage rates for home buyers around the country , as banks can more easily sell the loans they make to investors in the mortgage-bond market .

  28. 抵押贷款债权事务性服务权利银行所承担的收回付款的义务和将这些贷款出售给投资者时一并转手的义务即为一种会计规则上所称的无形资产。

    Mortgage servicing rights - the obligation that a bank takes on to collect payments and pass those along on the loans it sells to investors - are one of those assets that accountants call intangible .

  29. 保尔森支持关于降低银行发行担保债券的难度、以此为其资产负债表上的抵押贷款融资的计划。这是一种替代将抵押贷款以抵押贷款担保证券形式出售给投资者的方法。

    The US Treasury secretary backed plans to make it easier for banks to issue covered bonds in order to finance mortgages kept on their own books , as an alternative to selling them on to investors as mortgage-backed securities .