
  • 网络LOAN;Loan Balance
  1. abc船厂项目贷款余额变动表?

    Loan balance change statement of the ABC shipbuilding factory project ?

  2. 对我国1976~2001年间实际GDP对贷款余额的弹性作出的点估计是0.4749,区间估计是[0.4635,0.4863]。

    In this paper , the elasticity of loan balance for real GDP during 1976 to 2001 in China is estimated to be 0.4749 with point estimation and [ 0.4635 , 0.4863 ] with interval estimation .

  3. 我们可以就企业未偿付债务余额(这些数据由国际清算银行记录)和世界银行(worldbank)公布的银行对企业的国内净贷款余额进行粗略但有指导意义的对比。

    A crude but instructive comparison can be made between the amount of corporate debt outstanding as documented by the BIS and world bank numbers for net domestic credit lent by banks to corporates .

  4. 7月中旬,美联储(FederalReserve)公布带有时滞的数据显示,美国银行业贷款余额达到了7.33万亿美元。

    In mid-July , according to the Federal Reserve , which reports the figures with a lag , banks had $ 7.33 trillion in loans outstanding .

  5. 中国西南财经大学(SouthwesternUniversityofFinanceandEconomics)6月份的一项调查报告显示,2013年中国城镇地区整体住房空置率超过20%,而截至今年8月份,空置住房占据了4.2万亿元(约6740亿美元)的住房贷款余额。

    A survey by China 's Southwestern University of Finance and Economics in June said that more that 20 % of homes in urban areas were actually vacant , while as of August , around $ 674 billion was owed on empty properties .

  6. 每家LEED认证的分支机构开设的存款账户比非LEED认证的普通分支机构多出458个,消费贷款余额平均高出994900美元。

    Each LEED branch opened 458 more deposit accounts , and booked consumer loan balances averaging $ 994,900 higher , than the typical non-leed PNC branch .

  7. 选取金融机构贷款余额与GDP的比值作为衡量金融中介发展的指标;城镇居民实际可支配收入与农村居民实际纯收入的比值作为衡量城乡收入差距的指标。

    The ratio of the balance of financial institution loan to GDP is set as an index to measure the development of financial intermediations ; meanwhile , the ratio of urban residents ' spendable income to rural residents ' net income is used as the measure of income inequality .

  8. 帐户上有100英镑的贷款余额。

    The account has a credit balance of 100 .

  9. 金融机构年末贷款余额

    Loans Balance of Financial Institutions at Year-end

  10. 这是一个理想的大型信用卡支付和其他类型的贷款余额。

    This is ideal for paying large credit card balances and other types of loans .

  11. 最低月供与全额月供之间的差额将计入抵押贷款余额。

    The difference between the minimum and the full payment is added to the mortgage balance .

  12. 过去两年,美国银行的贷款余额缩减了780亿美元。

    Loans outstanding at B of a have dropped $ 78 billion in the past two years .

  13. 中国三资企业人民币贷款余额近一千亿元

    The balance of loans in RMB of three-capital enterprises in China is close to 100 billion yuan

  14. 因此,该组织的贷款余额已降至25年来的最低点。

    As a result , fund credit outstanding has fallen to its lowest level in 25 years .

  15. 截至2005年一季度末,我国个人住房抵押贷款余额已经达到16743.7亿元,成为商业银行的主要贷款业务之一。

    Besides , up to April 2005 the mortgage balance has attained as much as RMB 1674.37 billion .

  16. 贷款余额迅速增长,贷款规模不断扩大,各商业银行在这一领域市场竞争激烈,金融创新也层出不穷。

    And the fierce competition of different commercial banks in this field blew up the financial innovations constantly .

  17. 发展居民住房、助学等消费信贷,2002年末消费贷款余额达1.07万亿元。

    At the end of 2002 , the total balance of consumer loans stood at 1.07 trillion Yuan .

  18. 这使得长期利率保持低位的形势变得更为严峻,因为资产重新定价、赎回和冲销缩减了贷款余额的规模。

    That worsens the longer rates remain low as assets reprice , and redemptions and charge-offs shrink outstanding loans .

  19. 外资银行不良贷款余额为67.7亿元,不良贷款占全部贷款比率为1.03%。

    Foreign capital bank non-performing loan was 6.77 billion RMB , and the rate of it was 1.03 % .

  20. 总资产、存款余额、贷款余额在河北省11家城市商业银行中均列第一位。

    Total assets , deposits , loan balance in the Hebei Province in the11 city commercial banks are listed first .

  21. 在任一时点计算的贷款余额会更低,因为这些贷款到期后往往会展期。

    The amount outstanding at any one time would have been lower as the loans were often rolled over on expiry .

  22. 二季度,花旗持有的未偿贷款余额减少了近30亿美元,下降到了6430亿美元。

    The volume of loans Citi had outstanding fell nearly $ 3 billion to $ 643 billion in the second quarter .

  23. 四家国有独资商业银行不良贷款余额及其占全部贷款的比例逐步下降。

    The balance of nonperforming loans of the four exclusively State-owned commercial banks and its proportion in total loans are being decreased .

  24. 银行研究公司Bankregdata.com的统计显示,过去两年工商业贷款余额增长了27%。

    The volume of commercial and industrial loans outstanding is up 27 % in the past two years , according to bankregdata .

  25. 随着我国住房抵押贷款余额的大规模增长,商业银行的流动性风险越来越明显。

    With the continual increasing of the amount of mortgage loans , the commercial bank is facing more and more liquidity risk .

  26. 一种加速条款,要求在转让抵押财产所有权时,完全偿还抵押贷款余额。

    A type of acceleration clause requiring full payment of the balance of a mortgage upon the transfer of title of the mortgaged property .

  27. 一般准备是根据全部贷款余额的一定比例计提的、用于弥补尚未识别的可能性损失的准备;

    General reserves are funds set aside based on a certain percentage of the total loans outstanding and used for covering unidentified possible loan loss .

  28. 贷款余额7202.9亿元,新增1207.9亿元,比上年增长19.9%。

    The year-end value of loans rose by 19.9 percent to 720.29 billion yuan , an increase of 120.79 billion yuan from the previous year .

  29. 第二,土地价格、家庭人均收入、金融机构贷款余额等是影响我国房地产价格的主要因素。

    Second , land prices , capita income per household , loans of other financial institutions that affect the main factor of real estate prices .

  30. 截至6月30日,中国信贷已发放贷款余额为约人民币8.167亿元,高于2010年的3.038亿元。

    As of June 30 , the company had about 816.7 million yuan in loans on its books , up from 303.8 million yuan in 2010 .