
guàn tōng
  • link up;be well versed in;thread together;have a thorough knowledge of
贯通 [guàn tōng]
  • (1) [have a thorough knowledge of]∶[学术、思想等方面] 全部彻底地了解

  • 融汇贯通

  • (2) [link up]∶连接,通连

  • 洞中泉流跟冰壶、双龙上下相贯通。--《记金华的两个岩洞》

贯通[guàn tōng]
  1. 社会科学的新发展:社会学与人类学的兼容与贯通

    The New Development of Social Sciences : Have a Thorough Knowledge of Both Sociology and Anthropology

  2. 物流,如何贯通经济网络?

    Logistics , how to link up the economical network ?

  3. 这个技术最重要的地方在于它是可以被理解贯通的

    Perhaps the most aspect of this technology is that it is intellectually penetrable .

  4. 强大的人才流、信息流、资金流、贸易流全方位交汇贯通

    Powerful human resources flow flowcapital flow and trade flow have integrated and cohered all around .

  5. 近日,全球首条环岛高铁线路在我国最南省份的海南全面贯通了。

    China 's southernmost province of Hainan has commenced operations of the world 's first island-looping high-speed train line .

  6. GPS在大佛寺煤矿三井贯通中的应用

    Application of GPS in the breakthrough survey of Dafo Temple Mine

  7. GPS地面控制网对横向贯通误差影响的分析

    Analysis of influence on lateral error of transfixion in GPS control network

  8. 泄漏流E使A流路的贯通作用得到明显的削弱。

    Stream E will weaken the penetrating effect obviously .

  9. 贯通孔道网络结构大孔Al2O3催化材料的制备

    Preparation of Al_2O_3 Catalytic Material with Run-through-macropore Network Structure

  10. 但高铁2号线(HighSpeed2line)将在未来20年内贯通,届时从伦敦到伯明翰只要49分钟,到曼彻斯特仅一个多小时。

    But when the High Speed 2 line opens over the next 20 years , Birmingham will be 49 minutes from London , and Manchester just over an hour .

  11. 研究结果表明:1、采用有机泡沫浸法可以制备三维贯通的网化HA生物陶瓷,孔径大小均匀,孔隙高达95%。

    The porosity reached 95 % with homogeneous pore size .

  12. 基于坐标协因数阵的GPS网隧道横向贯通中误差严密计算方法研究

    Study on Calculating Rigorously Lateral Link-up Error in GPS Tunnel Control Network Based on Variance-covariance Matrix of Coordinates

  13. 文献〔1〕阐述了地面GPS网对隧道横向贯通误差的影响。

    The literature ( 1 ) expounded the influence of GPS network at the exit on precision of the lateral link-up .

  14. 在基础教育中,实施科学(Science)、技术(Technology)、社会(Society)(缩写为STS)教育贯通与有机结合,是培养未来人才的必然要求。

    In basic education , to have science , technology and society education well versed and combined together is the necessary requirement for training talented person in future .

  15. 详述了GPS定位和陀螺定向在大型贯通测量中的应用,并总结了煤矿测量的成功经验。

    This paper elaborates the application of GPS and gyro-position technique in large-tunnel pass-through measurement , sums up successful experience of mine measurement .

  16. 得到了岩石卸荷损伤演化过程中从裂纹发育、扩展、贯通到断裂破坏全过程的CT图像。

    Through the CT testing , the clear CT images are obtained to include the whole process from the microcrack growth , propagation , penetration and failure of rock sample in unloading condiction .

  17. 结论:眼眶CT是诊断金属异物致眼球贯通伤较精确和敏感的方法,玻璃体切除是治疗眼球贯通伤有效的外科手段。

    Conclusion : Orbital CT is an accurate and sensitive method in diagnosing eyeball double perforation caused by metal foreign body , vitrectomy is an efficacious surgical method in the treatment of eyeball double perforation .

  18. s-1的初速度从右第6肋间射入,造成右胸贯通伤,伤后立即封闭伤口,安放胸腔闭式引流。

    The wounds were closed and the dogs were given thoracic closed drainage after injury .

  19. 得到非常清晰的裂隙花岗岩在卸围压破坏全过程中从裂纹发展、贯通到破坏等各个阶段的CT图象。

    Through CT scanning , the clear CT images are obtained to include the whole process of rock failure on unloading confining pressure from the crack development , penetration and fracture failure in the different stress states .

  20. Helmert方差分量估计在隧道贯通中控制导线平差的研究

    Study of Helmert Variance Component Estimation in Tunnel Run-through Control Traverse Difference

  21. 随着Web服务的发展,网格概念的提出为基于Web服务的企业柔性业务集成开辟了新的途径,目的是试图实现互联网上所有资源的全面贯通,彻底消除资源孤岛。

    With the development of the Web service , the presentation of grid breaks a new path for enterprises ' flexible compositions . The purpose of grid is to implement the overall sharing of resources on Internet and eliminate the island of information completely .

  22. 贯通伤18处,直径15mm,深20mm;

    18 perforating wounds , 15 mm in diameter and 10-20 mm in depth ;

  23. 通过贯通测量误差预计,制定合理测量方案,利用GPS联测加测陀螺定向等方法,提高测角精度,保证工程顺利贯通。

    Through predicting error of transfixion measurement , constitutes the scheme of reasonable measurement , by using the methods of GPS conjunction and gyrostatic orientation survey and os on , raises the precision of goniometry and ensures the project favorable transfixion .

  24. 20~50km超长隧道(洞)横向贯通误差允许值研究

    Research on the Allowable Value of Lateral Breakthrough Error for Super Long Tunnel from 20 to 50 km

  25. 探讨了隧道GPS网在设计阶段估算横向贯通误差的基本理论,对按该理论编制的软件进行了计算正确性的验证。

    In this paper , the basic theory of precision estimation about lateral piercing errors in the GPS network of railway tunnel has been discussed . According to the theory , the software for computation has been made and tested with data .

  26. 实验结果表明通过旋节线相分离制备的PVDF中空纤维膜具有贯通的海绵状本体结构,较小孔的外表面,较大孔的内表面。

    It was found that PVDF hollow fiber membrane prepared via spinodal decomposition presented interconnected small pores in bulk-structure , smaller pores at outer surface and larger pores at inner surface .

  27. CIPS(ComputerIntegratedProcessSystem,即计算机集成过程系统)中各类信息在执行层中融合与贯通,流程工业企业各生产目标的实现,内部物流管理、生产成本控制等生产管理活动都在执行层完成。

    Almost all kinds of production information is processed in execution layer of CIPS ( Computer Integrated Process System ) . In process industry , production management activity such as the production object achieving , interior logistics managing , cost controlling and etc. is done in execution layer .

  28. 此法制备的多孔HA具有均匀的开孔结构,孔隙相互贯通,孔径分布范围200-400μm,气孔率高达70-80%,作为组织工程支架材料具有很好的应用前景。

    The porous samples prepared have an open , uniform and interconnected porous structure with a pore size of 200-400 μ m and high porosity of 70-80 % which have a great future used as bone tissue engineering scaffolds .

  29. 采用自行研制与CT机配套的专用注水加载装置,对含单裂纹试件在水压作用下裂纹扩展并贯通的全过程进行了CT实时监测试验。

    Using the special loading equipment made by authors for CT machine , the real-time CT testing is made on the whole process of fracture development and bifurcation of specimen with single fracture . The failure process of hydraulic fracture of rock under triaxial and hydraulic pressure is simulated .

  30. 研究表明,贯通导线通过与入射场及屏蔽机箱的散射场耦合,可使机箱内与贯通导线直接相连或不相连电路上的HEMP耦合电流显著增强。

    Results show that penetrative wire can make HEMP induced current in circuits inside the shielding box increase greatly through coupling with incident field and scattering field of the shielding box .