
ɡòu huò hé tonɡ
  • purchase contract;purchase agreement
  1. 分期付款购货合同放款

    Loan under hire purchase agreement

  2. 收货单位,是指购货合同和货运发票中载明的收货人或者货主。

    A recipient entity refers to the consignee or consignor specified in the purchase contract and shipping invoice .

  3. 请问你今天可以给我你们的购货合同吗?

    Can you give me your P / O today ?

  4. 购货合同复印件;

    Photocopy of the procurement contract ;

  5. 用户和制造厂家将决定在他们的购货合同中运用那一种测试方法。

    The customer and vendor will decide between them which of these will be used in their purchase contract .

  6. 根据3月10日所订的购货合同,最迟要在5月底交货。

    According to the purchase contract dated march10th , the product shall have is deliver by the end of may at the latest .

  7. 如售方未能在购货合同指定日期交货,售方必须在获悉后立即以急件方式通知购方。

    If seller cannot make delivery at the time stipulated here , seller will advise purchaser by return mail of the earliest possible date .

  8. 虽然您在报价单上未提及任何有关合同草案的事,但我们认为贵方拥有标准的购货合同。

    Although you do not mention in your quotation anything about the type of contract , we take it that you have a standard purchase contract .

  9. 购货合同中列名的随设备购进的部分塑料件、橡胶件、陶瓷件及石化项目用的管材等,也可退税。

    For purchased plastic ware , rubber ware , ceramic ware and tube for petrochemical industry concluded in contract , added-value tax can also be returned .

  10. 今附上我方第3674号购货合同,我方已签字,请审查和会签,并尽快寄回一份存档。

    We attach hereto our purchase contract No.3674 with our signature , please check and counter-sign , then return one copy to us for our records as soon as possible .

  11. 根据经济合作与开发组织预测,最迟到2007年所有购货合同的7.5%都将通过网络来完成,交易额可达6000亿美元。

    According to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development forecast , the most late 2007 will be 7.5 % of all purchase contracts through the network to complete transactions to 600 billion US dollars .

  12. 发货后10日内以人民币付款,在订货后30日发货。收货单位,是指购货合同和货运发票中载明的收货人或者货主。

    Payment to be made in RMB . within 10 days after delivery , 30 days after the order is placed A recipient entity refers to the consignee or consignor specified in the purchase contract and shipping invoice .