
  • 网络purchase;purchasing behavior;buying behavior;Operations;buying behavior research
  1. 我们把消费者在这种感性因素驱使下的购买行为称作冲动购买(ImpulseBuying)。

    We call this buying behavior of the consumers driven by the emotion " impulse buying " .

  2. 在研究方法上,不仅用了因子分析,还运用了多元回归,Logistic回归等方法检测种因素对消费者购买行为的影响程度,使研究结论更具科学性和说服力。

    The research method , not only with the factor analysis , also used multiple regression , Logistic regression was used to detect kinds of factors influence consumer buying behavior , make research findings more scientific and convincing .

  3. 2005年,为了进一步刺激消费者的购买行为,亚马逊公司(Amazon)推出了Prime服务。

    Launched in 2005 , Amazon Prime aimed to get customers to spend more .

  4. 本文应用Agent建模与仿真方法研究网站促销条件下的消费者购买行为特性,结合了实证研究和Agent仿真模拟两种方法,对网络购物环境下的消费者行为进行研究。

    With combination of empirical research and agent simulation methods , the research of consumer behavior under online shopping environment has been taken out .

  5. 基于TAM模型和感知风险的消费者网上购买行为研究

    Study on Online Consumer Behavior Based on TAM and Perceived Risk

  6. 信任、TAM与网络购买行为关系研究

    An Examination of the Relationship Between Trust , TAM and Online Shopping

  7. 本研究将在TAM模型框架下增加感知风险这一变量,以揭示消费者的网上购买行为。

    This study will explore online consumer behavior based on Technology Acceptance'Model and Perceived risk .

  8. 这种行为正证实了FashionRevolution所相信的,如果人们意识到廉价衣服真实的价值,就会重新考虑自己的购买行为。

    This just proved what Fashion Revolution has always believed - if people are made aware of the true cost of cheap fast fashion , they will re-think their purchases .

  9. 在这种模式下,购买行为还是通过Android市场进行,但费用会出现在消费者的电话账单上。

    In that case , the purchase is still done via the Android market , but it shows up on the customer phone bill .

  10. 由BrighterPlanet开发的软件能对持卡人的购买行为作出分析,如航班、租车、酒店预订,并将这些因素转化成二氧化碳排放量。

    Software created by Brighter Planet analyzes cardholder purchases such as flights , car rentals , hotel reservations , and translates them into carbon dioxide emissions .

  11. 企业对企业(BTOB)营销是不同于企业对最终消费者(BToC)营销的模式,因此在企业对企业营销中的购买行为也有自己的特点。

    The Business to Business ( B to B ) marketing is a marketing model different from the Business to Consumers ( B to C ) , so the purchasing activities in the B to B marketing has its own features .

  12. 基于消费者购买行为的各个阶段设计了一份基于手机消费市场的问卷,并对调查结果进行分析,为接下来的分析提供一定的数据支持。第五章:消费者行为分析与SWOT分析。

    Based on consumer purchase behavior at all stages , I designed a questionnaire and made a survey results analysis . Chapter ⅴ: Consumer behavior analysis and SWOT analysis .

  13. 研究结果显示TRA理论对品牌购买行为具有较高的预测有效性。具体来说,在态度中加入情感成分后,TRA的预测能力显著提高,但是态度的两维性假设没有得到证实。

    Specifically , when we add the affective components of attitude into TRA that the predicting ability of TRA has been improved significantly , but the hypothesis of two dimension attitude is not validated .

  14. 他预测,由于点击能否转化成消费者的购买行为取决于诸多因素,比如广告商网站的使用方便程度,因此PPA模式将会成为一种利基。

    Pay-per-action will be a niche , he predicts , since converting a click into an action depends on a variety of factors such as the ease of use of the advertiser 's website .

  15. 一些试运行系统把用户的社交网络、购买行为,甚至使用手机的时间长短作为信用评估指标。美国公民自由联盟(AmericanCivilLibertiesUnion)的政策分析师杰伊斯坦利(JayStanley)称这些项目“像噩梦一般”,并警告美国国内不要采用这种做法。

    Pilot programmes have drawn on users " social networks , purchasing behaviour and even time spent on the phone as proxies for creditworthiness , spurring American Civil Liberties Union policy analyst Jay Stanley to call the programme " nightmarish " and warn against its adoption in the US .

  16. 我们对消费者购买行为模式的研究已经基本成熟,诸如尼考西亚模式、霍华德&谢斯模式和EBK模式等经典模式的提出和应用。

    The research on consumer buying behavior model has already been mature because of the creation and the application of the several classical models such as Nicosia model , the Howard-Sheth model and the EBK model .

  17. 本文进而从知晓信息、情感体验、形成消费动机、实施购买行为四个方面研究了内置广告的接受的过程;并以广告接收效果的AIDMA理论为依据,进行了实证研究。

    Then , there is a research on receiving process of product placement , including information awareness , emotional experience , the formation of consumer motivation and buying behavior implementation .

  18. 消费者心理对购买行为起着重要作用。

    The consumer psychology plays an important role in buying behavior .

  19. 渠道设计要以顾客购买行为为出发点;

    Places design should start from the customer 's buying action ;

  20. 家居建材商店背景下,情境因素依然对消费者冲动性购买行为产生显著的影响。

    Situation Factors influence the customers ' Impulse Purchase Behavior remarkably .

  21. 我国农村地区婴幼儿食品的销售及购买行为调查

    Marketing and shopping behavior of infants food in China rural areas

  22. 网上消费群体和购买行为分析

    Analysis on the Online Community of Consumption and its Purchasing Behavior

  23. 消费者与组织购买行为的比较研究

    A Contrastive Study on the Purchasing Behavior of Consumer and Organization

  24. 金融危机对零售企业顾客购买行为的影响研究

    The Effects of Financial Crisis on Consumer Purchase Behavior in Retailing

  25. 顾客购买行为倾向的测量及其管理意涵

    The Measurement of Customer Purchasing Behavior Tendency and Its Managing Signification

  26. 要研究网络购买行为,就要着眼于广大的人群中。

    To research online purchasing behavior should focus on the crowd .

  27. 从消费行为的视角看体育用品消费者购买行为模式

    Research Into the Purchasing Behavior Pattern of the Sports Goods Consumer

  28. 黑龙江省旅游特色纪念品购买行为研究

    Study on Purchase Behavior of Tourism Souvenir in Heilongjiang Province

  29. 消费者求变购买行为和品牌忠诚的关系分析

    The Analysis on Relationship between Consumers Change Buying Behavior and Brand Loyalty

  30. 虚拟社区信任与社区成员购买行为研究

    A Study on Trust and Members ' Purchase Behavior in Virtual Communities