- 网络MALL;Shopping mall

NET programming , to complete an online shopping mall , there are two models , the administrator and user mode .
Electronic shopping mall is a very good source to the website , you see !
The Seal Lock is now available in the Cash Shop .
But Mr Caruso has brought the open-air mall to a pitch of ersatz perfection .
Mall-oriented films followed , spreading the Valley girls ' culture like spores in the wind .
A growing number of foreign retailers are setting up their own online shopping sites in China .
In China , Shanghai association China , and has established on own net the shopping commercial city .
Billy : I have to get down to the mall to score some parts for my car .
And they have forgotten , of course , largely because of the suburban shopping malls that Gruen built .
Both Taobao and Rakuten operate online shopping malls through which small vendors can sell to businesses and consumers .
As shopping malls decline , they sometimes come to resemble the civic centres that Gruen intended them to be .
But it is also a commentary on the lurid appeal of shopping malls , which were then multiplying quickly .
The FTI says hotels , restaurants , souvenir shops and shopping malls near the protest sites would be hardest hit .
Christian Portillo , a17-year-old community-college student in San Francisco , recently went to a mall to visit Santa for some family photos .
Setting up an online shopping mall may have been timely in 1996 , amid mounting excitement over the possibilities of the Internet .
Design to plan produce website system development , all website datas such as shopping commercial city and multi-media network sale advertisement plan .
One bold attempt to lure them back can be seen at the corner of Third Street and Fairfax Boulevard in Los Angeles .
Malls began to open in Europe too & where , Gruen was presumably surprised to learn , they were seen as quintessentially American .
As a result of analysing the failure of earlier online shopping malls , Mr Mikitani adopted a business model based on direct communication between seller and customer .
As a longtime Santa Claus at a suburban Chicago mall , Rod Riemersma used to jokingly tell children they would get socks for Christmas if they were naughty .
Most rents in Polish malls are denominated in euros , as are costs for ingredients such as chocolate , coffee and exotic fruits , but earnings come in sharply depreciated zlotys .
Another asserted , in a rare example of journalistic hyperbole that turned out to be absolutely right , that the indoor shopping mall was henceforth " part of the American way " .
Since launching two weeks ago on Rakuten , a major Japanese web shopping mall , the Wish-room shop has sold over 300 men 's bras for 2800 yen ( $ 30 ) each .
Since launching two weeks ago on Rakuten , a major Japanese web shopping mall , the Wishroom shop has sold over 300 men 's bras for 2800 yen ( $ 30 ) each .
But with the economy still fragile , many children are requesting basics such as shoes , library cards and even eyeglasses , say dozens of Santas who work at malls or on the party circuit .
Bank of B2C online payment system is designed to have credit cards , debit cards , international cards , personal bank customers with online shopping mall for capital settlement payment platform developed by .
For the most part , the site looks clean and polished , making it starkly different from Alibaba 's Chinese shopping sites , Taobao and Tmall , which are colorful and chaotic .
The largest and most popular shopping mall in the United States is the Mall of America .
But Mr Caruso also claims , more boldly , that his creations are more " real " and authentic than conventional shopping centres .
The Grove shopping centre , which opened in2002 , performs all the functions of a mall without looking at all like one .