
ɡòu mǎi dònɡ jī
  • Purchase motivation;motive for purchasing
  1. 针对少女装C品牌假日消费群体不同的购买动机和行为,本文提出了差异化的假日服务营销组合策略。对少女装品牌企业在假日里进行有针对性的服务营销提供了指导性的作用。

    Based on the different consumer motives and behaviors of C brand on holiday , a service marketing strategy with differentiation is drawn to give instruct to holiday service marketing in fashion brand .

  2. 全球视角下仿冒特色商品购买动机研究

    A Global Perspective on the Purchase Motivations behind Counterfeited Specialty Goods

  3. 而购买动机对购买意愿有显著的影响。

    Purchasing motive has significant impact on willingness to buy .

  4. 传统价值观对奢侈品购买动机的影响研究

    The Influence of Chinese Values on Luxury Purchasing Motivation

  5. 80后群体奢侈品购买动机的实证研究

    An Exploratory Research on the Purchase Motivation of Luxury Goods for the Post-80s Generation

  6. 目的是分析不同的文化价值观对于不同新奢侈品购买动机间的影响。

    Purpose is to analyze the different cultural values for different new luxury purchasing motivation .

  7. 结果表明:环境意识对购买动机的影响不显著。

    The empirical results showed that environmental awareness has no significant impact on purchasing motive .

  8. 奢华[赌博]的癖好传统价值观对奢侈品购买动机的影响研究

    A propensity to extravagance [ for gambling ] The Influence of Chinese Values on Luxury Purchasing Motivation

  9. 重责顾家、朴实稳健两类价值观倾向对个人导向的奢侈品购买动机有显著的影响。

    The values tendencies of responsible and family-oriented and plain and robust have remarkable impact on individual-oriented luxury consumption motives .

  10. 该模型能更好地发现用户的购买动机,从而进一步提高个性化推荐精度和用户满意度。

    The model can identified users ' purchasing motivation better , so it can improve the recommendation accuracy and customer satisfaction .

  11. 儿童期也一样,这些特征将直接影响着儿童的购买动机和购买行为。

    Children the same period , these features will have a direct impact on the purchase of children 's motivation and buying behavior .

  12. 上市公司的第二到第十大股东持股比例之和(股权制衡度)与审计意见购买动机负相关。

    The sum stockholding rate from the second largest holder of listed company to the tenth largest was negatively correlated with motivation of opinion shopping .

  13. 上市公司的机构投资者持股比例、高管持股比例与审计意见购买动机负相关,但这种相关关系并不显著。

    Institutional investor and executive stockholding rate of listed company was negatively correlated with motivation of opinion shopping , however this kind of relation was not very prominent .

  14. 同时由于旅客正是在需要的基础上产生购买动机和行为的。所以本文对民航旅客的购买动机和购买行为进行了深入的研究。

    Because the purchasing motive and behavior of air travellers is based on their need , the article also made an intensive study on their purchasing motive and behavior .

  15. 通过实证分析,得到以下几点研究结论:一、上市公司的国有股比例与审计意见购买动机正相关。

    Judging from the fact , several conclusions were given below . 1 . Proportion of state-owned shares in listed company was positively correlated with motivation of opinion shopping .

  16. 这些因素通过影响搜寻行为的时间、成本和收益,对消费者的购买动机产生影响,当其购买动机足够强时,就会做出最终购买决策。

    These factors affect the consumer buying motives by searching time , cost and benefits , when the purchase motivation strong enough , they will make a final purchase decision .

  17. 以及购买动机、对足球彩票的认识、对玩法的态度、对足球彩票前景的判断等消费心理特征。

    , and the consumptive psychological characteristics of the purchasing intention , the understanding of football lottery , the attitude toward the rules , the judgment on the prospects of football lottery , etc.

  18. 我也希望本文中所提出的有关于创意设计中创新的设计要素,以及对消费者购买动机的引发能够为喜欢平面广告设计的朋友们提供一些参考。

    I hope this article on the creative design proposed in the innovative design elements , and cause consumers to purchase motivation for the likes of friends , print ads designed to provide some reference .

  19. 在文献回顾和理论分析的基础上,本文先对中国奢侈品消费者的特征和分类进行梳理和归纳,找出影响消费者购买动机的关键因素。

    On the basis of literature review and theoretical analysis , this article organizes and summarizes the characteristics and classification of Chinese luxury consumers , and finds out the key influencing factors of consumer luxury consumption motives .

  20. 因为我的假定是市场取向的,所以在设计这张问卷时,我采取了市场调查的方式来判定当代中国奢侈品消费者的基本需求、价值观,与购买动机。

    Due to the market-focused nature of the hypothesis , the construction of this survey followed a " market research " format in order to determine the underlying needs , values and motivations of modern Chinese luxury consumers .

  21. 通过实地实际调查,根据地域环境、购买动机、收入、年龄等细分标准对无锡地区的化妆品市场进行了细分,并针对不同的细分市场提出了相应的市场营销策略。

    This paper analyses market according to the standards of the district , purchaser 's motivation , consumer 's income and age on the basis of a social investigation , and puts forward some marketing strategies according to different market segmentations .

  22. 通过对市场经济与计划经济的区别进行阐述,进而分析了市场经济中收入和消费者行为之间的关系,市场经济中消费者的购买动机及市场经济中消费者的特点。

    By expounding the difference between market economy and the planned economy , the author has analyzed the relation between the income and consumers behavior in market economy , and consumers'purchasing motives in market economy , and consumers'characteristics in market economy .

  23. 从影响中国消费者的两个主流文化价值观即东方文化价值观和西方文化价值观,建立了它们和新奢侈品购买动机之间的关系模型,提出研究假设。

    From three mainstream culture influence Chinese consumers ' values : cultural values in Confucianism , Taoism culture values , western culture values is established the relationship between them and new luxury purchase motivation model , put forward the research hypothesis .

  24. 分析表明,知觉负性的内属性比外属性更容易导致被试对以往品牌的消极态度,从而影响消费者对该品牌的偏好以及购买动机和意向。

    Further analysis shows that the internal attributes of with negative perception were more easy to arouse consumers ' negative attitude towards brands than the external attributes , and consequentially affected consumers ' preference , purchase intent and motivation to a brand .

  25. 其一是提升客户的让渡价值来驱动客户购买的动机从而支撑营销导向的传统发展,其二是提升良好的客户关系来驱动客户满意的回馈从而支撑服务导向的新型发展。

    One is to support marketing-oriented with traditional development by improving the value of customers to drive purchase , while the other is to support service-oriented with modern development by improving relationship with customers to get satisfaction .

  26. 购买的首要动机为质量,兼顾价格。

    The primary purchasing motivation is the quality , together with the price ;

  27. 消费者的心理结构由消费者购买商品的动机来体现。

    Consumer 's psychological structure is embodied by consumer 's motive for shopping .

  28. 影响消费者购买彩票的动机以“物质性”动机为主;

    " Material interest " is the central motivation ofr consumers to buy sports lottery ;

  29. 购买黄金饰品动机浅析

    The Motives of Gold Jewelry Buying

  30. 从个人空间与情感表达、顾客的购买模型与动机、顾客类型与消费行为习性等方面研究了展示设计中人的心理因素以及顾客疲劳。

    In the display design of human psychological factors and customer fatigue , it studies the personal space and emotional expression , customers to buy model and motivation , customer types and consumption behavior habits .