
  • 网络Secondary consumption;twice-consuming
  1. 基于二次消费且电信运营商占主导地位的收益分享合同

    Twice-consuming Goods Based on Revenue Sharing contract with the Telecom-operator as a Leader

  2. 基于二次消费的收益分享合同研究

    Study on Twice-Consuming Goods Based on Revenue Sharing Contract

  3. 而在20世纪90年代的第二次消费革命中,则轮到了电子产品。

    In the 1990s , electronic gadgets were signs of prosperity in the second revolution .

  4. 这已经被密码专家叫做“二次消费”问题很久了。

    This has been called the " double-spend " problem by cryptographers for a long time .

  5. 提出剧本选材决定营销策略,电影的二次消费市场与派生市场对受众具有引导消费作用。

    Proposed selection decision marketing strategy , script with the second movie consumer market for audience has derived market guide consumption function .

  6. 但日本经济经过20年的萎靡不振已经非常脆弱,并且又已经连续两个季度缩水,安倍决定把第二次消费税上调推迟到2017年。

    But after the economy , already fragile after two decades of malaise , shrank for two quarters in a row , he put off the second increase until 2017 .

  7. 中美是在双方召开第二次有关消费品安全问题的峰会期间公布这项协议。此前发生了数起召回事件,涉及数百万件使用油漆含有毒金属的玩具。

    The signed agreement , which was unveiled during the second US-China summit on consumer product safety , came in the wake of the recalls of millions of toys decorated with paint containing the toxic metal .

  8. 去年夏季,在西班牙出现的五年来第二次衰退导致消费受到冲击之际,该公司开始在每周日也提供Euromania餐。

    Last summer , as consumption collapsed amid Spain 's second recession in five years , the company began offering Euromania on Sundays as well .

  9. 我第二次听到“协作消费”这个词语是在去年秋天举行的SHARENY大会上。

    The second time I heard about collaborative consumption was at the sharenyconference last fall .