
zhì pèi
  • plasmogamy
质配[zhì pèi]
  1. 在铝炭质材料中配加TiO2进行还原烧结,获得了网状形态TiC结构的耐火材料;

    The refractories which possess network structure of titanium carbides have been obtained by reduction sintering the alumina graphite materials with titania addition .

  2. 那双缎质的凉鞋配裙子或裤子都好。

    The black satin sandals are good for both dresses and pants .

  3. 对生物质气、工业合成气、重整后生物质气及配氢后生物质气4种合成气进行了合成甲醇的研究。

    The behavior of methanol synthesis from biomass syngas , industrial syngas , reformed biomass syngas and hydrogen added biomass syngas was studied .

  4. 源于可溶有机质的有机配位体能够络合溶液及固–液界面上的金属离子,可显著提高溶解速率。

    Organic ligands deriving from organic soluble matter can complex metal ions in solutions and at solid-solution interface , and promote dissolution of silicate minerals .