
zhì biàn
  • qualitative change;metamorphosis
质变 [zhì biàn]
  • [qualitative change] 事物本质发生的变化,是一种突变

  • 从量变到质变的飞跃

质变[zhì biàn]
  1. 还从复杂系统的观点并借助(E)式讨论了对从量变到质变的进一步认识。

    From the standpoint of complex systems and with the aid of ( E ), the understanding of ' from quantitative change to qualitative change ' is discussed .

  2. MZL-1属混合偏阴极控制型缓蚀剂,它不仅影响氢离子的阴极放电反应,还阻碍了铁的阳极溶解,使铁溶解过程发生质变,控制步骤变为单电子反应。

    MZL-1 is a mixed inhibitor , which not only affects the cathodic process of H + but also inhibites the anodic process , making the dissolving process occur qualitative change and the control process become one-electron reaction .

  3. 我国加入WTO,对工会干部教育培训工作的影响,有个渐进的、从量变到质变的发展过程。

    China 's WTO accession has an influence to educational training of union cadres .

  4. 扫描型变象管X射线皮秒分幅相机在强X射线情况下,由于空间电荷效应,像质变坏,甚至无法工作。

    Image distortion of the electro-optical tube X-ray framing camera becomes serious for intense X-ray pulse operation because of the space charge effect .

  5. 结果巨脑回畸形CT影像特征性的表现大脑半球脑回增宽,脑皮层增厚,皮层内表面光滑,白质变薄。

    Results On CT characteristic appearances of the cerebral gyrus was enlarged , cerebral cortex was thick , but the internal surface of cortex was smooth , Cerebral medulla became thin .

  6. 循经传感现象(PSC)与人体生物场的量变和质变有密切的联系。

    Propagated sensation along channels ( PSC ) is closely related to changes in the quantity and quality of body biological field .

  7. 结论肺内淋巴瘤CT表现缺乏特征性,常见合并淋巴结肿大的肺内结节,或沿血管支气管走行的实变影或肺间质变,其中可见支气管气像。

    Conclusions CT findings of secondary PL lack features : the most common findings are the nodules or consolidation of outline of bronchi in lung with lymphadenopathy , and lung interstitial change . Most of the cases have air bronchogram .

  8. p21~(ras)表达量的变化在大肠腺瘤向腺癌恶性转化的质变过程中可能具有重要作用。

    The changes of the amount of p21 ~ ( ras ) expression may play an important role in the course of qualitative alteration of colorectal adenoma to adenocarcinoma .

  9. 刀库及ATC故障的发生通常是一个从量变到质变的渐进过程,在该过程中通常伴随某些性能参数(如振动、噪声和定位精度等)的变化。

    The failure of magazine and ATC is a gradual progress from quantitative to qualitative , with the changes of some performance parameters ( such as vibration , noise , position accuracy , etc. ) .

  10. 辐照的剂量为5kGy时,板鸭的颜色和气昧开始发生质变;

    The colour and flavor of DSD began to change when the radiation dose was 5 kGy .

  11. 三元混合制冷工质变组成容量控制空调

    Varying composition capacity control air conditioning system with ternary refrigerant mixture

  12. 论犯罪和犯罪构成的质变

    Commit crime with the crime that quality to constitute to change

  13. 论系统质变的途径和内在机理

    On the Route and Intrinsic Mechanism of Qualitative Change of Systems

  14. 糖皮质激素对骨作用的量变与质变

    Quantitative Change and Qualitative Change of Effects of Glucocorticoids on Bone

  15. 试说新时期汉语的质变

    On the Qualitative Changes of Chinese Language in the New Period

  16. 混合工质变容量热泵系统的理论与实验研究

    Theoretical and Experimental Study on Capacity-Controllable Heat Pump System with Mixed Refrigerants

  17. 加拿大高等教育的量变、质变及其特征

    Quantitative , qualitative changes and characteristics of Canadian higher education

  18. 量变是质变的必要准备。

    Quantitative change is the necessary preparation for qualitative change .

  19. 如果从许多人那里偷师,则可称研究。量变到质变,因为综合本身就是一种功绩。

    If you steal from many , it 's research .

  20. 相变理论和质变规律

    The theory of phase transformation and law of qualitative change

  21. 从债务到危机的质变需要诸多条件。

    Yet the qualitative change from debt to crisis needs various conditions .

  22. 从量变到质变是摆在我们面前的首要任务。

    Moving from quantity to quality is the immediate task before us .

  23. 基础有机化学中的量变质变规律

    Law of Mutual Change of Quality and Quantity in Basic Organic Chemistry

  24. 历史意识与历史叙事的现代质变

    On the Modern Shift Historic Consciousness and Historic Narration

  25. 混合工质变浓度空气源热泵系统的研究

    Study of an air source heat pump with altering concentration of mixture refrigerant

  26. 我发现每一个循环是质变的准备。

    The cycle is precondition for per qualitative change .

  27. 农作物发育过程中的量变与质变规律

    The law of quantitative and qualitative change in the process of crop development

  28. 那么,你要如何抱着质变的决心来追求这样的目标呢?

    So how would you pursue such a goal as a quantum leaper ?

  29. 它们总在改变,质变,合成,生长,死亡。

    It is always changing , morphing , merging , growing , dying .

  30. 革命后收割甘蔗的工作发生了质变。

    The job of cutting cane has become qualitatively different since the revolution .