
zhì néng
  • mass-energy
质能[zhì néng]
  1. 从理想实验出发导出质能关系式

    Derivation of the Formula of Mass-energy Equation Through an Ideal Experiment

  2. 原子核物理学已经为质能等效性提供了广泛的实验证据。

    Nuclear physics has provided extensive experimental support for the mass-energy equivalence .

  3. HT-7质能分辨电荷交换中性粒子分析

    Mass resolving charge exchange neutral particle measurement on HT 7 Tokamak

  4. COREX工艺质能特点分析

    The analyses about the characteristics of quality and energy consumption for Corex process

  5. 细菌视紫红质能化态时表面电位的非线性光学机制

    Study on Nonlinear Optical Mechanism of Surface Potential in Energized Bacteriorhodopsin

  6. 质能关系的存在表明在化学变化中质量不是守恒的,实际上是质能的守恒。

    In fact , mass and energy as a whole is constant .

  7. 基于功能原理导出新的相对论质能关系

    The Derivation of Mass-Energy Relation in Relativity Based on the Principle of Work-Energy

  8. 爱因斯坦箱子与质能关系

    Einstein · albert einstein 's box and mass-energy relation

  9. 新时代的标志之一&爱因斯坦质能关系式

    One of the signs of new era-einstein mass-energy relation

  10. 评阴阳质能说&阴阳不能表述物质与功能的关系

    Commentary on theory of Yin-Yang and matter function

  11. 原子核转变过程中的质能关系

    Mass-Energy Relation During the Course of Nuclear-Transformation

  12. 某些农作物种子的质量减弱系数、质能吸收系数和吸收剂量的转换系数

    Mass attenuation coefficients , mass energy-absorption coefficients and absorbed dose change coefficients of crop seeds

  13. 质能关系式的另一推导方法

    Another Deductive Approach for the Mass-Energy Formula

  14. 消失模铸造液流前沿气隙中的质能传输平衡判据及应用

    Equilibrium Criterion and Application of Mass and Energy Transfer in Front of Metal Stream in EPC

  15. 说质能等效性是实验事实,那是毫不费力的。

    It is easier to say that the equivalence of mass and energy is an experimental fact .

  16. 上述结果验证了离子注入生物分子的质能双重效应。

    Above results prove that ions implantation to biomolecules has the mass deposition effects and energy effects .

  17. 含油污泥回转式连续热解&质能平衡及产物分析

    Lab-scale pyrolysis of oil sludge in continuous rotating reactor : mass / energy balance and product analysis

  18. 氮离子注入生物分子的质能效应研究

    Studies on mass deposition effect and energy effect of biomolecules implanted by n ~ + ion beam

  19. 质能方程与核能

    On the Mass-Energy Relation

  20. 论真气学说(二)&真气学说的质能三原理和质能分离三定律

    Discussion on True qi Theory 2 : Three Principles and Three Separated laws of Mass-Energy in True qi Theory

  21. 爱因斯坦质能关系式乐于助人和关心他人。/适应能力和幽默感。/乐观和友爱。

    Einstein massenergy relatio A : Helpfulness and caring / Adaptability and sense of humor / Cheerfulness and friendliness .

  22. 不同植被覆盖土壤中植物残体腐解过程的质能状态研究

    Research for the Dynamics of Substantial and Energetic Status during the Decay of Plant Residues in Soils under Different Vegetations

  23. 根据质能守恒方程,提出了简化爆源的计算方法;

    In term of mass and energy conservation , the calculation method of simplified source of explosion was put forward ;

  24. 如果你是干性皮肤,使用油性的润肤霜,它含有丙烯醣质能使你的皮肤保持滋润。

    If you have dry skin , use oil-based oil moisturizers that have propylene glycol to keep your skin moist .

  25. 自组织是连续不断的物质和能量转化的循环过程,自组织的循环过程是通过质能反馈机制形成的。

    Self-organization is a continuous transition cycle of mass and energy which is formed by the mechanism of mass energy feedback .

  26. 对质能交换所遵循的动力学规律进行分析,得出了不同质能交换类型的动量定理与角动量定理。

    Analysis on the kinetics of mass-energy transfer reveals the momentum and angular momentum theorems of different types of mass-energy transfer .

  27. 质能关系对于分析和研究原子核转变过程起重要作用。

    Thus come to the conclusion that the mass-energy relation is very important for us to analysis and study nuclear transformation .

  28. 通过研究熔融碳酸盐燃料电池的传热传质和电化学反应机理,根据质能守恒原理建立了电堆的稳态温度模型。

    Through studying the heat-mass transfer and multi-spices electric-chemical reaction , a steady temperature model was developed for molten-carbonate fuel cell stack .

  29. 爱因斯坦的质能公式:E=MC2,表示物质和能量可以互相转换,但当时这只是一个理论。

    Einstein 's equation , E = MC2 , says that energy transforms into matter , but it was just a theory .

  30. E=MC2是人们很熟悉的质能方程,它说明了宇宙的诞生。

    There is one very familiar formula . That is E = MC2 . It says something about the creation of the universe .