
  • 网络quality gate
  1. “问题服装”屡禁不止,品牌服装也频频爆出“质量门”,使得很多消费者相当无奈。

    " Problem garments " despite repeated prohibitions , brand clothing is also frequently burst out " quality gate ", makes many consumers feel quite helpless .

  2. 中国正扬织带网讯继北京市曝光大批次不合格服装辅料产品后,流通于上海的泳装、运动服,流通于广州的休闲装再次爆出“质量门”事件。

    Following the exposure of a large batch of Beijing failed garment accessories products , in circulation in Shanghai 's swimwear , sportswear , casual flow in Guangzhou , burst out again ," quality gates " .

  3. 影响工期的制约因素是门体吊装和运输,而决定安装质量的是门体焊接变形控制。

    The weld deformation control of gates will have decisive impact on the installation quality .

  4. 但是,即使你没有贵重物品,创意家居工程公司称,一个高质量的隐蔽门从欣赏的角度出发也是一个可靠的投资。

    But , even if you don 't , Creative Home Engineering claims that a quality hidden door can make a solid investment from an appreciation standpoint .

  5. 利用人的感觉器官,即视觉、嗅觉、味觉,鉴别新酒质量的一门技术,简称生产评酒。

    Production liquor tasting referred to the judgment of newly-produced liquor quality by human sensory organ such as visual sense , smell sense , and taste sense .

  6. 是以中医药理论为指导,运用现代分析理论和方法,研究中药制剂质量的一门新的应用科学;

    Pharmacy analysis of TCM is a new applying science , in the direct of TCM theory , applying modern analytical theory and method , study on pharmacy quality of TCM ;

  7. 质量管理是一门重要的综合性学科。

    Quality management is an important comprehensive discipline .

  8. 随着经济的发展,我国钢材产量和质量的提高,门式刚架轻钢结构建筑的应用越来越普遍。

    With the development of economy , and the increase of output and quality of steel in our country , the application of portal frame building has becoming more and more prevalent .

  9. 结果提高了质量流量和进气门出口速度,减少了流动损失,提高了发动机在中高速转速时的转矩和功率。

    The result shows that mass flow and flow velocity of inlet pipe were improved and energy loss was reduced . Engine torque and power at middle and high engine speed were improved .

  10. 由此,如何运用合适的翻译理论指导旅游材料的英译,改善提高英译质量已成为一门迫切需要关注的课题。张家界,作为湖南旅游业的龙头,其旅游价值不断提升。

    Therefore , how to apply proper translation theory into guiding the improvement of English translation quality of TPM has urgently become a subject worthy of attention . Zhangjiajie , as a leading scenic spot in Hunan tourism industry , its tourism value increases continuously .

  11. 质量成本管理是研究组织内如何确定和消除质量损失成本以及如何预防和鉴定质量损失的一门管理科学。

    Quality cost management is a branch of management science on how to identify and eliminate the quality cost and how to prevent and appraise the quality failure in organizations .