
  • 网络cargo ventilation;ventilation for cargo hold;cargo space ventilation
  1. 船舶货舱通风系统气流组织的数值模拟研究

    Numerical Simulation of Airflow Distribution in Ventilation System of Ship Cargo Hold

  2. 货舱通风除湿系统数学模型和仿真研究

    The Mathematical Model and Simulation of Ventilation and Dehumidification System in Cargo Hold

  3. 不,货舱通风机不能工作。

    No , hold ventilators not operational .

  4. 浅谈冷藏集装箱船货舱通风设计吊装式全集装箱船的方形系数

    Brief introduction of cargo hold ventilation of reefer container vessel Block Coefficient of Full Containerships

  5. 舱内装载风冷式冷藏集装箱的货舱通风量计算

    Air flow capacity calculation of ventilation for air cooling type reefer containers carried in cargo hold

  6. (冷藏船装运保持华氏40-60货物)凉货本文介绍了风冷和水冷两种冷藏集装箱船的货舱通风设计。

    This paper gives a brief introduction of cargo hold ventilation of air cooled and water cooled reefer container vessel .

  7. 货舱通风除湿系统仿真和国产化研究通风除湿设计的室外计算参数确定

    The simulation and design of ventilation and dehumidification system in cargo hold Determination of outdoor weather conditions for dehumidification by ventilation

  8. 船舶货舱通风管理技术,是关系到货运质量、经济效益及我国国际航运声誉的关键技术。

    The management of ventilating in cargo hold is of vital importance to the freight transport quality , economic benefit and the international prestige of our country in shipping .

  9. 根据流体动力学和热力学原理,对引进的货船货舱通风除湿系统建立了动态数学模型,研制了仿真软件包。

    Brief introduction of cargo hold ventilation of reefer container vessel Based on the theories of hydrodynamics and thermodynamics , a dynamic mathematical model of cargo hold ventilation and dehumidification system is presented .

  10. 根据货舱通风除湿系统的动态数学模型,开发了仿真软件包,可模拟系统在各种工作模式下的温度、压强、相对湿度等参数的响应过程;

    A simulating software based on the dynamic mathematical model of cargo hold ventilation and dehumidification system is presented . It can emulate the responding process of system 's temperature , pressure , related humidity under all kinds of operating modes .

  11. 装载冷藏集装箱货舱的通风设计

    Design of Ventilating System for Cargo Holds Loading Reefer Containers

  12. 介绍了烟大铁路轮渡渡船货舱区域的通风风量、风管布置、噪音、消防配置的设计,并对高低压二氧化碳系统进行了比较。

    The air volume , ventilation layout , noise , fire fighting of cargo hold for Yanda Train Ferry are studied and the high & low CO_2 system is compared in this article .

  13. 船舶和海运技术。可通过内燃机车辆的货舱舱位之间的通风量。所需总气流流量的理论计算。

    Ships and marine technology-Ventilation of cargo spaces where vehicles with internal combustion engines are driven-Calculation of theoretical total airflow required .

  14. 介绍液化气与空气混合的可燃区域图的确定,分析液化气船货物操作过程中如何安全避开可燃区,并以模拟液化气货舱惰化、通风实验加以验证。

    This paper introduces the determination on the flammable areas combined with condensed gas and air , analyses safely avoiding the flammable areas during the process of cargo operation on the gas carrier , which is verified by the experiment on the simulation of inerting and ventilating the gas tanks .

  15. 随着集装箱运输的发展,越来越多的集装箱船在货舱内装载风冷式冷藏集装箱,这对货舱的通风提出了比以往更高的要求。

    Along with the development of container transport , more and more container ships begin to load reefer containers with air cooled condenser in cargo holds . This requires a higher level of cargo hold ventilation .

  16. 船舶冷藏货舱制冷装置改为空调装置的若干问题装载冷藏集装箱货舱的通风设计

    Some Problems in Converting Refrigerating Installation for Refrigerated Cargo Holds into Air Conditioning Plant Design of Ventilating System for Cargo Holds Loading Reefer Containers