
huò guì
  • container;counter
货柜 [huò guì]
  • (1) [counter]∶陈设货物的柜台

  • (2) [container]∶集装箱的别称

货柜[huò guì]
  1. 货柜上有个标签。

    There is a label on the container .

  2. 在美国,好市多(Costco)和货柜商店(ContainerStore)这类企业支付给员工的薪水远远高于法定最低工资。

    In the US , businesses such as Costco and the Container Store pay workers far more than the legal minimum wage .

  3. 数十种电视机、DVD机、笔记本电脑和电话机把货柜塞得满满的。

    Dozens of TVs , DVDs , laptops and phones fill the shelves .

  4. 其中还利用XML文件本身的树型结构和其方便的存储和操作的特性,来构建商品分类的模块。并针对规格选择和货柜运输等B2B特有的问题,做了特别的分析和设计。

    The tree structure of XML file and convenient characteristics of storage and operation were also being used to build the commodity module .

  5. 你们可以用一个货柜接收2k全部货物吗?

    Could you please accept totally2k in one lot shipment ?

  6. 在六月里,中国最大的国有运输公司中国远洋运输公司(Cosco)中投标成功了,他们会在希腊比里亚斯港建造和营动一个新的货柜/集装箱码头。

    In June Cosco , the biggest Chinese state-owned shipping company , won a tender to build and operate a new container terminal at the port of Piraeus .

  7. 他们新建的巴拉蒂基地(Bharathi)十分前卫,由134个货柜扣接而成,然后用支柱撑起,形似一艘太空船。

    Not to be outdone , India 's futuristic new Bharathi base , built on stilts using 134 interlocking shipping containers , resembles a spaceship .

  8. 货柜码头的建设已经动工。

    Work have start on the construction of a container terminal .

  9. 货柜集散站,服务品质,品质机能展开。

    Container Terminal , Service Quality , Quality Function Deployment .

  10. 这些包厢通常采用几乎能隔音的旧火车货柜。

    These boxes were usually old freight cars that were almost soundproof .

  11. 非传统海事动力系统于货柜船的应用

    Application of Alternative Maritime Power for Electrical Power System on Container Ships

  12. 它的单位货柜成本效率将是最高的。

    Per container they will be the most efficient yet .

  13. 货柜现在被广泛用于货物运输。

    Container is now wildly used in transportation of goods .

  14. 我们货柜的长度从10英尺到40英尺不等。

    The lengths of our containers range from 10 to 40 feet .

  15. “只能装20尺货柜”这句话的英文怎么说?

    The goods can only be loaded in a20ft container .

  16. 他们用起重机从船上把货柜吊起来

    They used crane to lift the container from the ship

  17. 我想美国的货柜车司机会粘在一起。

    I wish the American Truckers would stick together more .

  18. 使用过的空运货货柜柜台附近腾出一块空地。

    Used empty freight container There was a cleared space around the bar .

  19. 在这个港口孤独的,数以千计货柜每天到达。

    At this port alone , thousands of cargo containers arrive every day .

  20. 他的工作使他整天没空。使用过的空运货货柜

    His work occupies him for the whole day . used empty freight container

  21. 香港货柜码头的发展与高层仓库

    Development of Container Terminal and Multi-storeyed Warehouse in Hongkong

  22. 香港货柜车教师公会有限公司

    Hong Kong Society of Articulated Vehicle Driving Instructors Limited

  23. 不再能从一个快递任务货柜箱中偷东西。

    You can no longer steal from Courier Containers .

  24. 货柜船为规模经济提供了一个正面实例。

    Container ships provide a good example of economies of scale in action .

  25. 事实上,任何你能想到的货柜将合适。

    In fact , any container you can think of will be suitable .

  26. 红色长方形是货柜车。

    The red rectangle is a container truck .

  27. 货柜车停靠在门封或门罩处,形成密封效果;

    Truck stop in the door seal or door shelter to reach the encapsulation .

  28. 回收带有纪录的再生安全审计货柜将不再一声不啃地失败。

    Reprocessing or Trashing Audit Log containers with a log no longer fails silently .

  29. 一九六九年,集装箱运输业兴起,金山轮船易名东方海外货柜航运。

    When containerization began in1969 , the company was re-named Orient Overseas Container line .

  30. 委员又关注到,珠江三角洲地区内的货柜码头带来的竞争。

    The competition from container ports in Pearl River Delta region also drew members concern .