
Study on the Supervision Institution of Agreements of IMF
Strengthen the international reserve currency country 's supervision , improve the international reserve currency regulation and control mechanisms .
As such , the Fed will need to be creative in achieving its mandated goals using monetary policy , regulatory oversight and enforcement and moral persuasion .
At the Bank of Canada he has overseen all the key areas the next governor must deal with : monetary policy ; prudential supervision ; macro-prudential regulation ; and financial markets .
It not only signified that federal government completely gave up the supervision and regulation of national money and banking system , but also meant the thorough insulation of federal government and banking system .
The author briefly elaborates the mindset of development of supervision of agreements of IMF , with analyzing of the causes of surveillance of IMF and viewing its practice and effect .
The responsibilities of central bank are controlling and adjusting the scale of monetary and credit of de whole society , formulating and carrying out the monetary policy , supervising and managing the financial business of the whole society .