
  • 网络currency peg
  1. 一旦欧元国家化,不同国家的欧元之间就会出现货币挂钩,而面对资本的全球流动,货币挂钩很难保持稳定。

    Once there are national euros , there is simply a currency peg between different euros and pegs have rarely been stable in the face of global capital flows .

  2. 更有可能的是,香港金管局可能会选择与包括人民币在内的一篮子货币挂钩。

    More probably the HKMA will repeg to a basket that includes the renminbi .

  3. 《基本法》规定,香港必须与一种可自由兑换的货币挂钩。

    The basic law says that Hong Kong needs to peg to a freely convertible currency .

  4. 于是只剩下港元与一篮子货币挂钩的方案,也就是欧智华的建议。

    That leaves the possibility of pegging the Hong Kong dollar to a basket of currencies , as proposed by Mr Gulliver .

  5. 这将是与欧元解体后各国出现的新货币挂钩的一篮子货币,类似于最初的欧洲货币篮子。

    This would be a basket currency linked to the new national currencies created after a break-up akin to the original ECU basket .

  6. 但人民币与一篮子货币挂钩后,央行并没作任何重估人民币价值和拓宽贸易渠道的动作。

    It made no move to revalue the currency or widen the trading band within which the yuan trades versus a basket of currencies .

  7. 表面上,人民币是与一篮子其它货币挂钩;实际上,它是爬行盯住美元。自7月中旬以来,美元的贸易加权汇率已上升了17%。

    In practice it is managed as a crawling peg against the dollar , which has risen 17 per cent in trade-weighted terms since mid-July .

  8. 通过将本币与低通胀国家的货币挂钩,阿根廷和拉脱维亚都得以按照极低的利率借贷。

    By harnessing their economies to currencies used in countries with low inflation , Argentina and Latvia were able to borrow at extremely favorable rates of interest .

  9. 他补充道,即使在现行规则之下,港币汇率也可以与包括人民币在内的一篮子货币挂钩。

    He added that even under current rules , the value of the Hong Kong dollar could be linked to a basket of currencies including the renminbi .

  10. 较好的办法是和一篮子的货币挂钩,如美元、欧元、日元和其他稳定的货币。

    It is better to manage your currencies against a trade-weighted basket of currencies , including the US dollar , the euro , the yen and other hard currencies .

  11. 2005年中期,中国取消盯住美元的汇率制度,施行与一篮子货币挂钩的机制,因此受到了称赞。

    In mid-2005 , China was applauded for shifting its exchange rate system away from a fixed peg to the dollar in favour of a link to a basket of world currencies .

  12. 去年春季,中国社会科学院高级研究员张斌提出了一次性升值、然后回到与一篮子货币挂钩的汇率建议。

    Last spring , Zhang Bin , a senior researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Science , proposed a one-time appreciation , followed by a return to a pegged exchange rate .

  13. 中国内地最近取消了人民币盯住美元的汇率机制,转而与一篮子货币挂钩。此项政策转变被视为中国朝着允许人民币升值迈出的第一步。

    A policy shift on the mainland recently to remove the renminbi 's peg to the US dollar and instead link the mainland currency to a basket of currencies is considered the first step in allowing a revaluation .

  14. 阿联酋表示,美元走软造成的通胀影响,已使其外汇政策走到了一个“十字路口”,该国正在考虑改用迪拉姆与一篮子货币挂钩的机制。

    The United Arab Emirates , said the inflationary effects of dollar weakness had brought it to a " crossroads " over currency policy and that it was considering linking the Dirham to a basket of currencies instead .

  15. 除非进行货币挂钩的各经济体之间趋于相同(欧元区未能满足这一条件),否则,货币挂钩能否维持下去,取决于潜在的硬通货国家是否愿意无限量地积累软通货国家的债务。

    Unless economies whose exchange rates are pegged converge the condition the eurozone has failed to meet then the survival of the peg depends on the willingness of the country with the potentially stronger currency to accumulate indefinitely the debt of the other parties .

  16. 人民币国际化的第一步只能从汇率改革开始,并且只有一种最佳选择:有管理的浮动汇率制,即与一篮子货币挂钩的有管理浮动汇率制。

    The first step to RMB internationalization has to be started from the exchange rate innovation and there is only one best choice , that is , a managerial floating exchange rate system which means a managerial floating exchange rate system related to a basket of currencies .

  17. 在新浪微博上,投资者对与货币市场挂钩的复杂投资工具的讨论越来越热烈。

    On Sina Weibo , the Chinese Twitter-like social network , investors are increasingly discussing complicated investments tied to the money market .

  18. 昨日,卢布跌至1美元兑30.41卢布的低点,创下自2007年2月俄罗斯央行将卢布与欧元/美元货币篮子挂钩以来的最低水平。

    Yesterday , the rouble fell as low as 30.41 , its weakest level since the Russian Central Bank adopted its euro / dollar basket in February 2007 .

  19. 其货币与美元挂钩。

    Its currency is pegged to the dollar

  20. 美元与黄金挂钩,其它货币与美元挂钩。

    The US dollar links with gold and other currencies are pegged to the dollar .

  21. 因为将该国货币与美元挂钩的政策,中国一贯承受着来自美国和欧洲的攻击。

    China is routinely attacked in America and Europe for linking its currency to the dollar .

  22. 我们不可能拿出6500万美元,然后你们继续把你们的货币与英镑挂钩

    We are not going to invest $ 65 000000 and you tie your money to sterling

  23. 其一是因为中国是最大的发展中国家,货币与美元挂钩。

    It is the biggest of them , and its currency is in effect tied to the dollar .

  24. 将退出国重新采用的本国货币与欧元挂钩有助于提高共同市场的运行效率。

    Linking the new national currencies to the euro would support the operational efficiency of the single market .

  25. 委内瑞拉已多次抱怨美元,而去年,科威特放弃了本国货币与美国挂钩。

    Venezuela has frequently complained about the dollar and last year Kuwait abandoned its currency peg with the dollar .

  26. 而文明国家纷纷将货币与黄金挂钩(实际上,只有中国是个例外)。

    The nations of the civilized world ( China is practically the only exception ) relate their moneys to gold .

  27. 丹麦也身处欧盟却不在欧元区内,但其货币和欧元挂钩。

    Denmark , too , is in the EU and outside the euro area but pegs its currency to the euro .

  28. 1947年,布雷顿森林体系确立了美元与黄金挂钩,其他货币与美元挂钩的国际货币体制。

    In 1947 , the Britton Woods System established a criterion that dollars were pegged to gold and other currencies to dollars .

  29. 因为实行金本位制的国家将自身的货币与黄金挂钩,所以官方国际储备是黄金。

    Under these arrangements , a gold standard , like a reserve currency system , results in fixed exchange rates between all currencies .

  30. 于是,政府持有黄金储备,只剩下了另外一个主要原因通过将国家货币与金价挂钩、来制定货币政策。

    There remains only one other main reason for governments to hold gold to set monetary policy by linking the national currency to the gold price .