
huò bì dān wèi
  • monetary unit;currency unit;pecuniary unit
  1. 欧洲货币单位(EuropeanCurrencyUnit)按固定比重的成员国货币组成的货币篮子试交易了几年之后,才于1999年1月1日更名为欧元。

    The European Currency Unit , a basket of fixed amounts of national currencies , traded for several years before its name was changed to the euro on January 1 1999 .

  2. 公平而合乎逻辑的重估方式,将是推出一种新的欧洲货币单位(ecu-2)。

    The logical and fair way to rede-nominate would be to introduce a new European currency unit ( ecu-2 ) .

  3. 先令是20世纪70年代早期以前英国使用的货币单位。

    A shilling was a unit of money that was used in Great Britain before the early 1970s .

  4. 货币单位的购买力,决不会随著所有可买卖的货物齐一地变动

    The monetary unit 's purchasing power never changes evenly with regard to all things vendible and purchasable .

  5. B:每一国家的货币单位是否不一样?

    B : Is every country 's monetary unit different ?

  6. SDR是IMF用于国际储备的货币单位。

    SDRs are monetary units used by the IMF for international reserves .

  7. 并且您希望将它输出为一个新的HTML段落,并添加货币单位和标签

    And you want to output it as a new paragraph in HTML with the currency and a label added

  8. 英国后来提议的欧洲货币单位硬通货(hardecu)遭遇了同样的命运。那是一个复杂的构想,世界上也许只有六个人理解。

    The same fate awaited a later British proposal for a hard ecu , a complex idea that perhaps half a dozen people understood .

  9. 当type属性的值为currency时,currencyCode属性可以用来显式地指定所显示的数值的货币单位。

    When the type attribute has a value of currency , the currencyCode attribute can be used to explicitly specify the currency for the numerical value being displayed .

  10. BDM的100还允许创建后看了原ECU软件的一个欧洲货币单位(整个软件完美的副本)。

    BDM100 allows also to create perfect copies of the whole software of an ECU ( after having read the original ECU software ) .

  11. 分(centavos)是分为100的货币单位,正如英语中的“分”。

    The centavos are one hundred divisions of a currency-known in English as cents .

  12. 与此同时,今年早些时候,中国央行行长在全球外汇市场引发一阵波动。他提议,用IMF的货币单位特别提款权(SDR)取代美元,作为世界储备货币。

    Meanwhile , earlier this year , China 's central bank governor caused a stir in global currency markets when he proposed replacing the US dollar as the world 's reserve currency with Special Drawing Rights , the IMF 's unit of account .

  13. 2002年日本学者提出亚洲汇率制度(AERM)和亚元的设计,2006年主导编制亚洲货币单位(ACU),希望以之为依据在将来形成区内汇率协调的机制。

    In 2002 , Japanese scholars proposed the exchange rate system ( AERM ) and the design of Asian Dollar , led the preparation of Asian Currency Unit ( ACU ) in 2006 , hope to form the region in the future based on the exchange rate coordination mechanism .

  14. 中非共和国所使用的基本货币单位。

    The basic unit of money in the Central African Republic .

  15. 除指明外,所有金额皆以美元为货币单位。

    All dollar amounts are stated in US dollar unless specified .

  16. 中华人民共和国的货币单位。

    The monetary unit in the People 's Republic of China .

  17. 兰特南非和斯威士兰使用的基本货币单位。

    A basic unit of currency in South Africa and swaziland .

  18. 美国的标准货币单位是美元。

    The standard unti of currency in the US is the dollar .

  19. 它的名称来源于印度货币单位卢比。

    The name derives from the Indian monetary unit rupee .

  20. 英国的货币单位于1971年改为十进制。

    In1971 , Britain switched over to a decimal currency .

  21. 美国的货币单位是元。

    The monetary unit in the US is the dollar .

  22. 特立尼达和多巴哥基本货币单位。

    The basic unit of money in Trinidad and Tobago .

  23. 仙是马来西亚最小的货币单位。

    The Sen is the smallest unit of Malaysian currency .

  24. 英国的货币单位是镑。

    The monetary unit of Great Britain is the pound .

  25. 缅元是缅甸的基本货币单位。

    Kyat is a basic unit of currency in burma .

  26. 日本的货币单位是日元。

    The monetary unit of Japan is the yen .

  27. 他们的基本货币单位是法郎。

    Their basic unit of currency is the franc .

  28. 尼加拉瓜基本货币单位。

    The basic unit of money in Nicaragua ; equal to 100 centavos .

  29. 尼泊尔基本的货币单位。

    The basic unit of money in Nepal ; equal to 100 paisas .

  30. 乌拉圭基本的货币单位。

    The basic unit of money in Uruguay ; equal to 100 centesimos .