
  • 网络monetary credit
  1. 货币信用制度危机激化及高物价、高利率是一个严重问题。

    The sharpening crisis confronting the monetary credit system together with soaring prices and high interest rates pose a grave problem .

  2. 2010年以前,许多银行曾发行双货币信用卡,卡上同时带有中国银联和外国支付运营商的标识。

    Before 2010 , many banks issued dual-currency credit cards with both a UnionPay and a foreign logo .

  3. 作为经营货币信用的特殊企业,商业银行会计信息的真实性、客观性尤显重要。

    As a kind of special enterprise operating money , the trueness and impersonality of commercial banks accounting information is very important .

  4. 中间性危机与货币信用制度危机(特别是高物价、高利率)是什么关系。

    The relation between interim crises and crises in the currency and credit systems ( especially high prices and high interest rates );

  5. 现代经济是市场经济,市场经济从本质上讲就是一种发达的货币信用经济或金融经济。

    Modern economy is the market economy and the market economy in essence is a kind of advanced currency credit economy or financial economy .

  6. 从而消除货币信用缺失对实体经济的冲击,促成金融货币体系与经济协同发展的目的。

    It will help us to remove Money missing from the credit impact on the real economy , finance and economic development to achieve synchronization .

  7. 消费信贷在我国还是一个新事物,它是市场经济社会中货币信用发展到较高水平时的必然产物。

    Consumer credit is relatively new in our country , but it is the inevitable result in market economy when money credit develops to a high degree .

  8. 消费信贷是市场经济社会中货币信用关系发展到较高水平时,缓解生产和消费之间矛盾的金融服务产物。

    Consume credit is a currency service product to moderate the contradiction between production and consumption when currency credit relations advance to a higher level in market economy society .

  9. 金融企业是经营货币信用业务的特殊企业,其风险程度远远大于国民经济其他部门和其他行业。

    The financial enterprise is manages the currency credit service the special enterprise , its risk degree is bigger than the national economy other departments , other professions by far .

  10. 最早的信用行为产生于劳动与分工合作时,随着人类社会的不断发展,从最初的商品信用发展到货币信用,直到现代各种各样的信用形式。

    The earliest credit appeared at the original society , with the improvement of human society , credit developed from commodity credit to currency credit , to all kinds of credit modes .

  11. 现代经济是一种货币信用经济。在货币信用经济条件下,经济资源的分配与配置不能直接地实现,必须借助于货币和货币资本的交易和配置来完成。

    Without transaction of money or monetary capital , society will not succeed in the allocation of economy resource in modern economy , Which is actually a kind of money credit economy .

  12. 因此,对我国信用卡所蕴涵的法律关系进行梳理,有利于我国货币信用制度的完善,有利于推动信用卡业务的健康发展。

    So hackling the legal relationships implicated in credit cards in China will be favorable in perfecting our country 's currency credit system and in promoting the healthy development of the credit card operation .

  13. 仅从实体经济即大豆生产的供给需求视角来研究中国大豆产业的安全问题显然已经不够,本文提出了一个全新的分析框架:货币信用虚拟经济实体经济。

    Only from the real economy demand that the supply of soybean production perspective to study the safety of Chinese soybean industry has apparently not enough , this paper presents a new framework of analysis : Money Credit-Virtual economy-the real economy .

  14. 我国货币政策信用传导:理论基础、现行模式和实证检验

    Credit Transmission of Monetary Policy of Our Country : Theoretical Foundation , Actual Mode and Empirical Test

  15. 第4章是论文重点,共分8节内容对银行业基本属性与货币政策信用渠道关系进行研究。

    , I mainly analyze the relationship between consumption behavior and credit channel of monetary policy with 4 sections .

  16. 电子支付工具主要有三大类,电子货币、信用卡和电子支票等。

    The E-payment mainly falls into three kinds , the E-currency , the credit card , and the E-check .

  17. 银行是经营货币和信用业务的金融中心,在社会主义市场经济体系中占据着极为重要的地位。

    Holding an extremely important place in the socialist market economy , banks are the financial center for currency and credit affairs .

  18. 虚拟经济是一种相对独立于实体经济的虚拟化的经济形式,其发展经历了一个货币不断信用化和资本化的逻辑演化过程。

    Fictitious economy , contrary to real economy , is a fictive one , the development of which has undergone the credit accumulation and capitalization of currency .

  19. 消费者使用电子现金可以在网上匿名购物,如同使用货币和信用卡一样方便,同时又能保证其身份不被他人知道。

    Consumer with e-cash can be anonymous shopping by internet as convenience as currency and credit card , and ensure other people will not know consumer 's identity .

  20. 在这个过程中,交易成本递减和货币的信用风险递增又是货币发展的两个本质规律,它们共同决定着货币演变的历程。

    In the process , diminishing transaction cost and increasing credit risk of money are , in turn , two fundamental laws of money development and jointly determine the evolvement of money .

  21. 货币与信用的统一,就是金融,货币以信用为基础发挥职能的过程就是金融过程,因此,货币过程又是金融过程。

    The unification of the money and the credit is the finance . Hence , the process of the money exerting function based on its credibility is the process of the finance playing .

  22. 3节具体研究货币政策信用传导机制模型、内容、发挥作用的前提以及与利率渠道的异同。国内外对信用传导机制的认定具体有两种,银行借贷途径和资产负债表途径。

    Section 1.3 gives detailed analysis on the model , content and precondition of credit transmission mechanism of monetary policy as well as similarities and differences between credit transmission mechanism and interest transmission mechanism .

  23. 在下面,我们先研究了境外市场和货币或信用管理之间的交互作用,集中讨论信用乘数以及准备金要求。

    In what follows , we first consider the interactions of an offshore market with the control of money or credit , with a focus on the credit multiplier and the use of reserve requirements .

  24. 科学家称,利用由蝴蝶而来的“蓝绿”技术,我们将会制造出难以伪造的货币或信用卡。

    Using the'now it 's green , now it 's blue'technique that the butterflies have evolved , the scientists say we might be able to design money or credit cards that are much harder to copy .

  25. 商业银行是经营货币与信用的特殊企业,在经营过程中面临着信用风险、市场风险、利率风险、汇率风险、操作风险等多种风险。

    The commercial bank is such a special enterprise which operates the money and credit and would face to credit risk , market risk , rate risk , exchange risk and operation risk during the operation time .

  26. 中央银行的职责是控制和调节整个社会的货币及信用规模、制定并实施货币政策、监督和管理整个金融业的业务发展,并且是统领一国金融体系的最高金融机构。

    The responsibilities of central bank are controlling and adjusting the scale of monetary and credit of de whole society , formulating and carrying out the monetary policy , supervising and managing the financial business of the whole society .

  27. 从宏观经济角度来看,巨额的外资流入会引起货币和信用的扩张,通货膨胀压力增加,实际汇率升值以及国际收支中经常账户的恶化;豪斯克-麦奇不对称效应与经常账户失衡的结构性成因

    The large amount capital inflow can cause the currency and the credit expansion , the inflation pressure , exchange rate appreciation as well as worsen the international payment balance account ; Asymmetry of Information , Adverse Selection and Economic Development

  28. 为了更好地界定本文的核心概念信用卡,本文从货币与信用卡发展演进的角度确定了信用卡的内涵与外延,并明确本文所研究的信用卡指的是贷记卡与准贷记卡。

    In order to better define the core concept of this paper that is credit card , from the development perspective of the evolution of the money and the credit card , the paper give the definition of the credit card .

  29. 存贷成本约束与货币政策的信用渠道传导弱效

    The Deposit & Loan Cost Constraint and the Credit Channel Transmission of Monetary Policy

  30. 在互联网上进行电子货币交易比信用卡交易费用低。

    Transferring electronic cash on the Internet costs less than processing credit card transactions .