
  • 网络international dollar
  1. 国际美元本位及其对世界经济的影响

    International Dollar Standard and Its Influence on World Economy

  2. 三是世界上三大国际货币美元、欧元和日元国际化的风险控制实践。

    The third part is the practice of risk controlling for the three main international currencies : U.S.dollar , euro and yen .

  3. 国内贸易以人民币报价,国际贸易以美元或欧元报价;

    Quote in RMB for domestic trade and in USD or Euro for international trade ;

  4. 国际黄金以美元标价,黄金作为现代信用货币对立的货币形态,其价格涨落无不与美元国际货币地位的强弱转变息息相关。

    Gold is opposite to modern credit currency . Thus , the fluctuation of gold price is closely related to the status change of US dollar in international currency .

  5. 因此美元就是一个更为强大和精准的武器:超过35%的国际贸易使用美元,而且其中许多并不涉及美国公司。

    Using the dollar is a more powerful and precise weapon : over 35 % of international transactions are in dollars , and many of them do not involve American firms .

  6. 啊,我们非常重视国际市场中美元汇率的变化,并根据它的变化,我们每天调整人民币对其他货币的汇率。

    Oh , we are paying close attention to the change of us dollar 's rate in the international market , and against that , we then adjust the rmb 's rates against other currencies every day .

  7. 东京商品交易所(TokyoCommodityExchange)以日圆计价的基准黄金合约价格高于国际市场上以美元计价的黄金价格。

    Japan 's benchmark Tokyo Commodity Exchange yen-denominated gold contract has outperformed the dollar-denominated gold price that is used in the international market .

  8. 伯南克发表上述言论之际,国际社会日益担忧美元的疲势,这构成美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)访问亚洲之行的背景之一。

    Mr Bernanke 's comments came amid growing international unease about the weakness in the dollar , which forms a backdrop to President Barack Obama 's tour of Asia .

  9. 在G20伦敦峰会前夕,央行行长周小川关于建立国际储备货币取代美元的提议,在国际上引起了巨大的反响,改革当前国际金融体系的呼吁日益高涨。

    On the eve of London G20 summit , Zhou Xiaochuan , Governor of Central Bank , proposed to establish an International Currency to replace the USD , has caused a very great international response and it appeals to reform the current International Financial System .

  10. 国际经济过于依赖美元流动性。

    The international economy is too dependent on dollar liquidity .

  11. 巴勒斯坦政权请求国际社会援助数百万美元帮助他们进行重建。

    The Palestinian authority is appealing for millions of dollars for reconstruction efforts .

  12. 优步已对其国际业务投入数十亿美元,以争夺全球市场份额。

    Uber has poured billions of dollars into its international operations to gain global market share .

  13. 本届世界杯已然成为了国际足联花数十亿美元打造的足球盛宴,这其中,国际足联精心组织并招揽了品牌赞助商和广告营销。

    This World Cup has already become a multibillion-dollar extravaganza for FIFA , which orchestrates and collects the brand sponsorship advertising .

  14. 对于投资组合中的新兴市场部分,头寸调整应向国际储备较高、美元计价债务有限的国家倾斜。

    The emerging market segment of portfolios would be repositioned in favour of countries with high international reserves and limited dollar-denominated debt .

  15. 从国际经验来看,美元、德国马克和日元的国际化历程为人民币的国际化提供启示。

    From international experience , the internationalized course of U.S. dollar , German mark and Japanese yen offers enlightenment for internationalization of RMB .

  16. 2005年,原油的国际均价为53.6美元/桶,较2004年上涨42.1%,世界经济因此减缓了0.8%,但该数值远低于年初预测的2%,这一现象值得高度关注。

    The world average price of crude oil was USD 53.6 per bucket in 2005 , soaring 42.1 % in contrast to the 2004 's.

  17. 而黄金的供给和需求是稳定的,现今的国际本位币是美元,所以美元币值的强弱决定了黄金价格。

    And the supply and demand is stable , the international currency cash is the dollar , so the dollar strength determines the price of gold .

  18. 开放市场将使得俄政府能够利用卢布债券进行融资,而不需到国际市场上发行美元或者欧元债券。

    Opening up the markets will allow the government to fund itself with rouble-denominated debt rather than issuing dollar and euro debt on the international markets .

  19. 由于提出了用新国际储备货币取代美元来减轻人民币升值压力的建议,周小川成为中国影响力在全球经济中日益增长的真实写照。

    S.dollar and resisting pressure on China to appreciate its Yuan , Zhou is a living embodiment of China 's growing clout in the global economy .

  20. 受伤的多哥国家队守门员奥比拉勒称,他将接受国际足联2.5万美元的援助。他曾在今年一月份安哥拉举办的中美洲国家杯决赛中被射伤。

    Injured Togo goalkeeper Kodjovi Obilale says he is to receive US $ 25,000 from Fifa after being shot during January 's Nations Cup finals in Angola .

  21. 如今,中国的大部分国际贸易都以美元结算。但是,最近几年,汇价的急剧波动对中国的出口商来说,已成为一种风险。

    China now uses the US dollar to settle most of its international trade but the drastic swings in the greenback have become a risk for Chinese exporters in recent years .

  22. 伊拉克战争没有改变而且将削弱美元的国际地位,但美元霸权的衰落是一个长期和曲折的过程。

    The Iraqi War has not changed and will further weaken the US Dollar 's international status , but the decline of the hegemony of US Dollar will be a long and tortuous process .

  23. 分析人士指出,即使经过这次提价,中国的汽油批发价也只是相当于每桶76美元。相比之下,国际均价为102美元。

    Even after this week 's rise , wholesale petrol prices are equivalent to only about $ 76 a barrel in China , compared with the international average of $ 102 , according to analysts .

  24. 本文认为国际金融体系下美元霸权和东亚地区内需不足导致了东亚地区的资金供给,美国消费主导型经济导致经常项目赤字进而引致资金的需求,供求之间能达到短期均衡。

    This paper held that East Asia becomes financial supplier because of dollar hegemony under current international financial system and insufficient domestic demand in East Asian countries , US becomes financial demander due to the consumption-led growth .

  25. 第二章,以世界货币史中的主要国际货币英镑、美元、德国马克、日元和欧元为样本,回顾其国际化历程,分析并得到它们各自的国际化特征。

    In the second part , the writer , taking such major currencies in the history of world economy as Pound , Dollar , Deutsche Mark , Yen and Euro as samples , reviews their process of internationalization , analyzes and obtains their respective characteristics .

  26. 作为回报,美国政府将放宽对美国国际集团600亿美元5年期贷款的条款,甚至免除其中一大部分,并将价值400亿美元的优先股转换为普通股,以减轻该公司的负担。

    In return , the authorities would relax the terms , or even cancel a large portion , of a $ 60bn five-year loan to AIG and convert $ 40bn-worth of preferred stock into shares , in an effort to ease the company 's burden .

  27. 央行行长周小川上个月表示,从长远来看,在国际货币基金组织的管理下,以一种新的国际货币储备取代美元是一种理想方法。

    Zhou Xiaochuan , the central bank governor , said last month that in the long run , it may be ideal to replace the dol .

  28. 面对希望中国能拿出一大笔资金帮助国际货币基金组织(imf)增资的要求,中国转而提出了用一种新国际储备货币取代美元的建议。

    In the face of calls for it to stump up a lot of money to help recapitalise the International Monetary Fund , China has instead launched a proposal to replace the US dollar with a new international reserve currency .