
cái mí
  • miser;moneygrubber;money-mad;bania
财迷 [cái mí]
  • [moneygrubber;miser] 贪求迷恋钱财而吝啬的人

财迷[cái mí]
  1. 财迷认为每个人都热衷于捞钱;

    The moneygrubber considered that everyone is fond of making money ;

  2. 他是个老财迷。

    He 's an old miser .

  3. 要不卖两块呗你真是个财迷

    How about two bucks ? You 're such a capitalist .

  4. 穷人要求多,财迷则样样都要。

    The poor man wants much , the miser everything .

  5. 你们可别误以为我是个“小财迷”!

    You Do not mistakenly think that I was a " little miser "!

  6. 他们说她是财迷。

    They said she was money-obsessed .

  7. 你就不能也请我喝一杯,你这老财迷!

    Why don 't you buy me a drink for a change , you old miser !

  8. 我和一位年长的男人吃饭,他碰巧比我更财迷。

    I went to dinner with an older man who happened to make considerably more money than I did .

  9. 财迷一个一心想积攒钱财的人穷人要求多,财迷则样样都要。

    One who is intent on or preoccupied with accumulating money . The poor man wants much , the miser everything .

  10. 而摩羯座是众人皆知的财迷,在生活上勤俭节约和对未来充满计划对摩羯座来说比追求大大小小的愉悦来得重要。

    The Capricorn is known to be a finance fanatic and saving and planning mean more to the Capricorn than seeking small or large pleasures .