
  • 网络Side Quest;Side missions
  1. 这也是可选项,不过是个很有意思的支线任务。

    It 's also optional , but a fun side quest to do .

  2. 我们可以这么说,恩,支线任务可以影响到主线任务乃至主线情节。

    We can say , however , that we expect to have class-based quests in addition to the main story-line quests .

  3. 如果你对到处航行、探险厌倦了的话,游戏中还有相当数量的支线任务可供你在任何时候选择,就像是那几个“主线”任务一样。

    Should you get bored of flying around and exploring , there are a number of side-missions you can pick up whenever you feel like it , as well as a handful of " storyline " missions .