
cái chǎn bǎo xiǎn
  • property insurance;insurance of property
  1. 保险公司经营巨额财产保险,应当严格执行保险法关于责任限额的规定。

    Insurance company runs insurance of property of a huge sum , ought to implement the insurance doctrine regulation about liability limit strictly .

  2. 在世界各国,汽车保险都是财产保险的主要险种,受到是世界各国政府的重视。

    Auto insurance is the most important insurance of property insurance in many countries and it was set store by their authorities .

  3. 用DEA方法评价中国有财产保险业务的公司

    Estimation for Chinese Companies with business of Non-life insurance by DEA Method

  4. 作为国内财产保险业的领先企业&P保险公司如何在激烈的竞争中妥善解决应收保费造成的管理困境,成为P保险公司不可回避的问题。

    As the leading property insurance company in China , P Insurance Company how to solve the managing dilemma caused by premiums receivable problem has become unavoidable .

  5. D.代位求偿权原则上只在财产保险合同中适用(但笔者认为保险代位求偿制度没有任何余地地只能存在于财产保险合同中的提法是不甚确切的);

    D. From principle the right can only be used in the contract of insurance .

  6. TP财产保险公司成都分公司营销方案策划

    TP Insurance Company ChengDu Branch Marketing Strategy Design

  7. 3S技术在财产保险防洪救灾中的应用

    Application of 3S technology to flood disaster prevention and reduction for property insurance

  8. 他在2004年创建了安邦财产保险(AnbangProperty&CasualtyInsurance),当时要进入国企主导的保险业几乎是不可能的事。

    He established Anbang Property & Casualty Insurance in 2004 when it was virtually impossible to enter the state-dominated insurance sector .

  9. 去年8月,该公司与中国大地财产保险公司(chinacontinent,propertyandcasualty)签署了一项战略合作协议,将使环球信贷海外客户的在华贸易活动获得保险服务。

    In August last year , it signed a strategic alliance with China continent , property and casualty , which will enable its overseas clients to obtain cover for their trading activities in China .

  10. DFA方法在保险公司偿付能力评估中的应用我国财产保险公司分支机构偿付能力监管研究

    DFA Approach for Insurer s Solvency Assessment ; China 's Property Insurance Company Branch Office Reimburses Ability Supervision Research

  11. 而对于水险来说,作为财产保险公司中的老险种,也是HT保险公司深圳分公司保费来源的重要支柱。

    But as for marine insurance , an class kind of the company in being the property insurance company grows , be also the important part that achievement of HT insurance company Shenzhen branch .

  12. 通过分析Z财产保险公司四川分公司客户服务人员现行绩效管理中存在的问题,以及问题产生的原因,确定了构建以平衡记分卡为主要考核方法的战略向导型绩效管理体系的指导思想。

    The article looks into existing problems of the company 's current performance evaluation mechanism , analyses the reasons behind , then sets up the guidance methodology of a strategy-oriented performance management system , which is featured by applying BSC as the main evaluation measure .

  13. 本文讨论适用于一类人寿保险和财产保险的风险过程,其中保单到达服从Poisson过程,而描述索赔发生的计数过程为保单到达过程的p-稀疏过程。

    In this paper we introduce a risk process that can be used to describe a class of life or non-life risk models , where the arrival of term policies follows a Poisson process and the arrival of the claims follows a p-thinning process of the arrival process .

  14. 佳达全球产险业务总监劳拉莫厄里(LaraMowery)表示,由于提高主保险费率受到地方监管机构的限制,以及企业过去几年的盈余已经缩减,财产保险公司正在承受压力。

    Lara Mowery , head of global property speciality at Guy Carpenter , said property insurers were being squeezed as primary insurance rate increases were restricted by local regulators , and companies ' surpluses from previous years have shrunk .

  15. 我国财产保险企业面临着巨大的汇率风险。

    Insurance companies are facing with great foreign exchange risk recently .

  16. 财产保险公司负债风险资本金的确定

    An Acknowledgement Issue on Liability Risk Capital of Property Insurance Company

  17. 我国财产保险公司分支机构偿付能力监管研究

    China 's Property Insurance Company Branch Office Reimburses Ability Supervision Research

  18. 中国财产保险公司竞争力研究

    A Study on the Competitiveness of China 's Property Insurance Companies

  19. 财产保险费率市场化的生成机制研究

    The formation mechanism for premium rate deregulation for property insurance industry

  20. 财产保险火灾风险评估标准框架研究

    Study on Standard Frame of Fire Risk Assessment for Property Insurance

  21. 财产保险公司应关注民营企业保险

    Property Insurance Company Should Pay Attention to Insurance of Private-run Enterprises

  22. 财产保险一直是保险业务的主要组成部分。

    Property insurance has been a main component of the business .

  23. 论客户满意度战略在财产保险企业的运用

    On Application of Client Satisfaction Strategy to Property Insurance Companies

  24. 陕西省财产保险信息网设计与实现

    Design and Implement of Shanxi Province Property Insurance Information Net

  25. 中、韩两国财产保险业风险管理比较研究

    Comparative research on property and casualty insurance industry in China and Korea

  26. 论财产保险单的转让与保险利益原则

    Transfer of Insurance Policy and the Principle of Insurable Interest

  27. 本产品中华联合财产保险公司承保。

    This product is covered by China United Property Insurance Company Limited .

  28. 财产保险合同之保险利益主体研究

    Research on the Subject of Insurable Interest of Contract of Property Insurance

  29. 美国财产保险公司的破产成本分析与启示

    The Cost of Property - Casualty Insurance Company Failures in the USA

  30. 责任保险属于财产保险的一种。

    The liability insurance is a kind of property insurance .