
  • 网络Fiscal expenditure scale;Scale of Financial Expenditure;Fiscal Outlay Scale
  1. 利用Barro政府支出自然效率条件,估计1978&2008年新疆最优财政支出规模值约为28.1143%。

    By the use of Barro efficient natural conditions in government expenditure I estimated the scale of the optimal financial expenditure in Xinjiang is about 28.1143 % , using 1978-2008 Xinjiang data of financial expenditure .

  2. 经济增长与最优财政支出规模研究

    The Research of Economic Growth and Optimal Public Financial Expenditure

  3. 河南省农业财政支出规模与效益研究

    A Study on Scale and Benefit of Agricultural Fiscal Expenditure on Henan Province

  4. 第二,国债的产生和发展加剧了财政支出规模的扩张。

    Second , the national debt deepened the expansion of the fiscal expenditures .

  5. 甘肃省财政支出规模与结构的实证分析

    The Empirical Analysis on the Fiscal Expenditure Scale and Structure of Gansu Province

  6. 对我国财政支出规模和结构的研究

    Research on Our Financial Expenditure Scale and Structure

  7. 第三章为我国财政支出规模影响因素的实证研究。

    The third chapter was the positive research on factors of the public spending of our country .

  8. 通过建立计量模型对我国财政支出规模的影响因素进行实证分析,并与发达国家财政支出规模的影响因素进行比较分析。

    By establishing econometric models we positively analyzed factors of the public spending scale , meanwhile , compared with the advance countries .

  9. 因此,研究地方政府财政支出规模与结构对经济增长的影响,具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。

    Therefore , the study places the size and structure of government expenditure on economic growth , has important theoretical and practical significance .

  10. 因此,我们应当在关注财政支出规模绝对数额的同时,也要关注财政支出结构对经济的影响。

    Therefore , we should focus on the budgetary outlays , but also the absolute amount to concern fiscal expenditure structure on economic impact .

  11. 检验结果表明:我国财政支出规模过大,结构不合理。

    The result showed that , the scale of fiscal expenditure of local government is too large , and the structure of fiscal expenditure is irrational .

  12. 而从城乡消费水平差异的回归结果来看,地方财政支出规模及财政支农支出都能显著缩小城乡消费差异。

    From the aspect of consumption disparity , both the local governmental expenditure and the percentage of fiscal expenditure for agriculture significantly narrow the urban-rural gap .

  13. 文章首先从理论上分析了财政支出规模与经济增长以及新经济增长理论中包含的财政政策;

    Firstly , the dissertation analyzes the scale of fiscal expenditure and economic growth theoretically , and the fiscal policy of the new economic growth theory ;

  14. 然后,文章详细分析了我国欠发达地区公共财政支出规模及结构的变化,并总结欠发达地区公共财政管理的特点,对甘肃省公共财政管理的现状进行详细研究。

    Afterwards , the paper analyses the changes of undeveloped regions Pubic Finance expenditure scale and composition , and summarizes the distinctive features , for example Gansu .

  15. 政府对财政支出规模和财政支出结构进行调整,会对社会总需求乃至总供给的规模和结构产生影响,从而影响经济增长。

    Adjustment of the scale of fiscal expenditure and the fiscal expenditure structure will affect the total social demand and supply , and then influence the economic growth .

  16. 介绍了财政支出规模的概念和衡量指标及财政支出结构的概念和分类方法。

    This paper also introduces the concept and the measurement index of fiscal expenditure scale , and the concept and the category method of the structure of fiscal expenditure .

  17. 系统总结了北京财政支出规模、支出结构对经济增长的影响,并依据北京财政支出特点制定了财政支出规模和结构的优化思路。

    This part summarizes systemically the influence of size and structure of Beijing fiscal expenditure on economic growth , and formulates optimal policy according to the characteristic of Beijing fiscal expenditure .

  18. 改革开放以来,我国财政支出规模呈先缩小后扩大的趋势,但是财政生产性支出占财政总支出的比重却不断缩小。

    After China 's opening and reforming , the fiscal expenditure scale dwindled first and enlarged afterward , but the rate of fiscal productive expenditure in total expenditure is gradually reducing .

  19. 本章基于第三章的结论从一般因素和特殊因素两个方面入手,对财政支出规模影响因素进行了国际对比分析。

    Basing on the conclusions of the third chapter , this chapter started from the general factors and special factors , and made comparative analysis on the factors of the public spending scale .

  20. 重点是第三章和第四章,分别分析了财政支出规模和财政支出结构与经济增长的关系,都是先进行直观的趋势分析,然后进行实证分析。

    Key is the third chapter and chapter four , respectively , analyzes the financial expenditure scale and financial expenditure structure and economic growth , is advanced intuitive trend analysis and empirical analysis .

  21. 第二章对甘肃省财政支出规模作了实证分析,得出甘肃省财政支出的最优规模在20%左右的结论。

    The second chapter made the empirical analysis to the fiscal expenditure scale of the Gansu Province , the conclusion is that the most reasonable expenditure scale of Gansu Province is about 20 % .

  22. 运用内生经济增长模型、中国税负水平和财政支出规模的经验数据,确定了一个有利于经济增长的最优税负和财政支出规模。

    The paper developed a endogenous growth model in using experience data of taxation burden horizontal and fiscal payment size , estimated the optimal taxation burden and optimal fiscal payment being beneficial to economic growth .

  23. 改革开放以来,随着改革的深入,经济的发展,北京市财政支出规模不断扩大,支出结构不断优化。

    Since reform and opening up from 1978 , with the deepening of reform and the rapid economic development , Beijing has been expanding scale of fiscal expenditure and optimizing the structure of fiscal expenditures continuously .

  24. 文章得出两点结论:一是我国财政支出规模应由国家主导型向公众主导型转变;二是综合来看我国的财政支出规模并不小。

    The article arrived at two conclusions : one was that the public spending scale should change from state over citizens to citizens over state ; the other was that the public spending scale of our country was not small .

  25. 在第二章提出了一个广义居民消费额的新概念,建立了一个适应中国的内生经济增长模型,利用该模型从理论上考察了财政支出规模、结构与经济增长的关系。

    Then a new concept of generalized individual consumption is presented and an endogenous economic growth model with Chinese features is developed , by which this paper theoretically investigates the relation between the expenditure scale , composition and economic growth .

  26. 分析了税负水平和财政支出规模反映了政府干预市场的程度,经济增长与最优税负水平、经济增长与最优财政支出规模之间的关系。

    The paper analyzes horizontal of taxation burden and size of fiscal payment reflect the degree that government intervene in market , the relationship of economic growth and optimal taxation burden , the relationship of economic growth and optimal fiscal payment .

  27. 特别的,在研究了地方财政支出规模和结构对经济增长速度的影响后,更进一步的研究了其对经济增长效率的影响,综合两者研究得出与以往学者相比更为全面和深入的结论。

    In particular , after the study of the impact of local fiscal expenditure on the size and structure to the rate of economic growth , we further studied its impact on the efficiency of economic growth , the research obtained even more comprehensive conclusion than other researches .

  28. 同时镇级财政支出规模不断壮大,各类涉农资金直接关系到农民的切身利益,镇级财政对资金监管要求越来越高,需要加强对镇级财政的预算管理。

    At the same time , it is necessary to strengthen the budget management of township finance and the requirements of township capital control , as increasing of fiscal expenditure scale of town level , when various types of agricultural funds directly related to the vital interests of farmers .

  29. 在此之后又通过格兰杰-西姆斯因果关系检验,得出四川省GDP绝对规模的增加是财政支出绝对规模增长的格兰杰原因。

    Following this , we get the conclusion that in Sichuan Province , the absolute size of GDP is the Granger Cause of the size of fiscal expenditure by Grange-Sims Causality Test .

  30. 最近几年来,我国实行积极的就业政策,财政就业支出规模在不断扩大。

    In recent years , the scale of employment expenditure expands constantly .