
  1. 求学时我住在牛津,但常常去贝尔法斯特。

    As a student I lived in Oxford but was a frequent visitor to Belfast .

  2. ――中国将在贝尔法斯特开设领事馆,英国外交及联邦事务部(BritishForeignOffice)将在武汉开设分支机构。

    China will open a consulate in Belfast and the British Foreign Office will establish a branch in Wuhan .

  3. 火车倒出了阿德莱德调车场,开上了都柏林-贝尔法斯特线。

    The train backed out of Adelaide Yard on to the Dublin-Belfast line

  4. 贝尔法斯特市完全被处在天主教徒和新教徒的纷争之中。

    The city of Befast remains starkly divided between Catholics and Protestants .

  5. 新版护照还描绘了英国的著名地标景观,包括伦敦地铁(LondonUnderground)、北方天使雕塑(AngeloftheNorth)、贝尔法斯特泰坦尼克博物馆(TitanicBelfast)和莎士比亚环球剧院(GlobeTheatre)。

    The new passport also depicts scenes from famous landmarks including the London Underground , the Angel of the North , the Titanic Belfast and the Globe Theatre .

  6. 但英国央行行长在贝尔法斯特(belfast)讲话时警告,不能过度依赖宽松货币政策。

    But the governor , speaking in Belfast , warned against over-reliance on monetary easing .

  7. 生于贝尔法斯特的科纳尔•霍尼(ConalHoney,见上图)获得了英国文化协会(BritishCouncil)的资助,为中国深圳科技企业软通动力(iSoftStone)工作。

    Belfast-born Conal Honey ( above ) received funding from the British Council to work for the Chinese tech firm , iSoftStone , in Shenzhen .

  8. 当然,这种复兴不会给康沃尔(cornwall)或贝尔法斯特(belfast)带来任何帮助,但它可以转移公众的注意力。

    Such regeneration will , of course , do nothing to help Cornwall or Belfast , but that is a red herring .

  9. Samson和Goliath,两个决定贝尔法斯特天际线的龙门起重机,静静的矗立在那里,时刻提醒着人们这个城市造船业曾经的荣耀。

    SAMSON and Goliath , the two gantry cranes that dominateBelfast 's skyline , stand as reminders of the city 's former shipbuilding glory .

  10. 周六晚,在贝尔法斯特西部安特里姆郡的一个军事基地,持异议者真正爱尔兰共和军射杀了两名英国士兵,另有四人受伤。onpatrol在巡逻中dissident['disidə

    The dissident Real IRA faction Saturday night shot dead two British soldiers on an army base in Antrim , west of Belfast , and injured another four people .

  11. 作为某网站宣传策略的一部分,大黄鸭途径O2体育场,金融中心金丝雀码头,然后沿着泰晤士河经过伦敦塔桥和贝尔法斯特号巡洋舰。

    It floated along the Thames past the O2 , the glittering towers of Canary Wharf , and on towards Tower Bridge and HMS Belfast as part of a publicity stunt organised by a website .

  12. 英国邵森德11月的一个下午,空气清冽,阳光灿烂,萨拉帕门特(sarahparmenter)正在结束一周的工作,之后要飞到贝尔法斯特参加一场会议。

    It is a crisp , bright November afternoon in Southend , England , and Sarah Parmenter is finishing her working week before flying off to a conference in Belfast .

  13. 而以上所述的事件,都齐聚在爱尔兰首府(贝尔法斯特)举办的,MTV欧洲音乐大奖的颁奖盛典上。女演员海顿·潘妮蒂尔在舞台上为最佳歌曲颁奖时,一个裸体的年轻男子突然冲了上去。

    That 's exactly what happened at the MTV Europe Music Awards in Belfast , Ireland , when a nude young fellow joined actress Hayden Panettiere on stage to present the award for Best , er , Song .

  14. Lavazza在中国的咖啡店以LavazzaEspression品牌运营,这一品牌同时也在巴塞罗那、贝尔法斯特、都柏林、芝加哥、新德里、伦敦、米兰、首尔、索非亚、都灵、埃里温(Yerevan)等地出现。

    The coffee shops in China operate under Lavazza Espression brand , which is also present in Barcelona , Belfast , Dublin , Chicago , New Delhi , London , Milan , Seoul , Sofia , Turin and Yerevan .

  15. 这所大学居高临下,俯瞰贝尔法斯特湖。

    The university stands in a commanding position overlooking Belfast loch .

  16. 昨天的一起抗议发生在北爱尔兰首府贝尔法斯特。

    The ones yesterday in the Northern Irish capital of Belfast .

  17. 暴力事件发生在贝尔法斯特市中心,由一场游行引起。

    The violence broke out during a parade in downtown Belfast .

  18. 我认为贝尔法斯特那场音乐会会把他吸引住的。

    Against my grain somehow . Thought that Belfast would fetch him .

  19. 一群贝尔法斯特的男孩肯定会受到重重的惩罚。

    A group of Belfast boys will get a hammering for sure .

  20. 声音1:刘易斯在北爱尔兰贝尔法斯特长大。

    Voice 1 : Lewis grew up in Belfast , Northern Ireland .

  21. 公司决定把贝尔法斯特作为销售基地。

    The company has decided to use Belfast as its distribution base .

  22. 在贝尔法斯特校园的学生可以使用极好的体育设施。

    Students at the Belfast campus have access to excellent sports facilities .

  23. 爱尔兰皇家骑警,驻贝尔法斯特。

    In the Royal Irish rangers , assigned to belfast .

  24. 贝尔法斯特是在击败来自世界各地的竞争后赢得了这项工作的。

    Belfast had won the work against competition from around the world .

  25. 反正贝尔法斯特有很多拾荒者等着被拯救。

    Too many scavengers will be saved in Belfast anyway .

  26. 办公地点已从贝尔法斯特移到都柏林。

    The office was transferred from Belfast to Dublin .

  27. 梅斯说,婴儿们正在贝尔法斯特受到出格护理。

    Mayes said the babies were beingcared for in intensive care in Belfast .

  28. 我的堂兄弟姐妹住在贝尔法斯特的街道。

    My cousins are on the streets of belfast .

  29. 我去了贝尔法斯特的一个学校读书

    So I actually went to school in Belfast ,

  30. 梅已不再去贝尔法斯特商业区购物了。

    May has given up shopping in downtown belfast .