
jié hé nénɡ
  • binding energy
  1. X射线光电子能谱仪的结合能会测报告

    A binding energy round robin of X-ray photoelectron spectrometers

  2. 中心金属离子Mn(Ⅲ)的电子结合能越小,催化环氧化效果越好;

    The smaller the binding energy of Mn (ⅲ), the more effective inepoxidation ;

  3. 原子核的结合能确实大得惊人!

    Nuclear binding energies are indeed amazingly large !

  4. ∧-n介子交换势和超核的∧超子结合能

    ∧ - n meson exchange potential and its ∧ binding energies in hypernuclei

  5. 结论X线钡餐造影对腔内型和以腔内生长为主的胃平滑肌瘤具有较高诊断价值,CT对以腔外生长为主的最有价值,两者结合能提高诊断准确性。

    Conclusion CT combined with X-ray barium meal examination can improve the diagnostic accuracy of gastric leiomyoma .

  6. 结合能常数K值:林地坝平地大棚坡地拆除区磷矿区。

    K : Woodland dam ground greenhouse slope removal zone in lakeside phosphate rock zone .

  7. ∧~5he中α粒子内能的变化对结合能b∧的重要影响

    Significant effect on the binding energy of _a ~ 5he by the change of the internal energy of the α particle

  8. 计算结果表明,CO顶位吸附比四度中心位吸附有更大的结合能。

    CO is found to bond to the top site more strongly than on the fourfold site .

  9. 用金沉积量校准曲线法校准XPS结合能测定中的荷电位移

    Gold-decorating amount correction curve used for charging shift calibration in XPS

  10. 得出随x值增加,锗片表面氧化层中各个单元基团相对含量和结合能的变化曲线。

    As x value in GeO_x increased , relative contents and binding energies of five different sub-units were calculated .

  11. Sc(13)原子簇的结合能和电子结构

    Binding Energy and Electronic Structure of Sc_ ( 13 ) Clusters

  12. 针药结合能调节RA患者的免疫功能。

    Acupuncture in patients with RA may regulate immune function . 4 .

  13. CeO2质点对Al2O3型氧化膜和膜/基体界面的原子结合能的影响

    Effect of CeO_2 on Atomic Connection Energies in AL_2O_3-type Scale and at the Scale / Substrate Interface

  14. Si(111)-7×7表面按格点标识的结合能

    The Atomic Binding Energies at Each Specific Sites on a Si ( 111 ) 7 × 7 Reconstructed Surface

  15. 密度泛函理论计算的晶体结合能表明,随原子占位数x的增加,其结构的稳定性在增加。

    The density function theory ( DFT ) computational cohesive energy further confirms the increase of stability with increasing occupancy number .

  16. 该文用原子外弛豫效应解释了复合氧化物中的Pb和Tl的结合能的反常现象。

    This abnormal phenomenon has been explained by using the extra atomic relaxation effect .

  17. 结论:动脉瘤样骨囊肿具有一定的影像学特征,X线、CT及MR三者结合能明显提高诊断准确率。

    Conclusions : Aneurysmal bone cysts have some identical imaging characteristics , combination of X-ray , CT and MR can distinctly improve the correct ratio of the diagnosis .

  18. MRI检查能显示乳腺内病变的细微结构,两者结合能显著提高乳腺癌的检出率和诊断准确率。

    Likewise , the minute structure changes of breast carcinoma could be clearly demonstrated with MRI , the combination could improve the detective rate and accuracy significantly .

  19. DWI与PWI相结合能判断脑梗死半暗带的存在与否及其范围。

    DWI combined with PWI Can detect the IP and its extent .

  20. 通过对铅玻璃和石英玻璃的X射线光电子能谱的详细研究,发现硼离子注入后氧和硅的结合能峰稍有位移。

    Based on the study of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of lead glass , it is found that the binding energy peaks of oxygen and silicon slightly shifted after implantation .

  21. X射线光电子能谱表明,不同掺杂量样品的Bi4f和Ti2p的结合能未有明显变化,这与B位高价掺杂减少氧空位的特殊机制有关。

    The x-ray photoelectron scattering reveals that the binding energies of Bi_ 4f and Ti_ 2p remain unchanged after doping , which relate to the special mechanism of the oxygen vacancy restraint .

  22. 第二,当Fe(n+1)团簇中的一个Fe原子被B原子取代形成Fen团簇时,其结合能增大而Fe原子的磁矩减小;

    When one atom in Fen + 1 cluster is replaced by a B atom forming FenB cluster , the binding energy increases , while the moment of Fe atom decreases .

  23. 模糊推理能有效地处理模糊性和不确定性问题,而专家系统具有很强的逻辑推理和问题综合的能力,两者结合能有效解决AUV的自救问题。

    Fuzzy inference can solve the uncertainty and fuzzy problem effectively . Expert system has the logical inference and synthesizes problems capability .

  24. InxGa(1-x)N/GaN应变量子点中激子的结合能

    The Binding Energy of Exciton Confined in In_xGa_ ( 1-x ) N / GaN Strained Quantum Dots

  25. Al-Mn准晶Ⅰ相的热力学特性函数与结合能

    Thermodynamic Functions and Binding Energy of Icosahedral Quasicrystalline Phase

  26. 结果表明,稀土的主要作用(以铕为例)是提高了催化剂的酸性,提高了钼的3d电子的结合能,改变了钼物种的配位环境,并使钼物种在表面富集等。

    The results have revealed that rare earth elements can increase acidity of support , change coordination environment around molybdenum species , increase binding energy of Mo ( 3d ) and enrich molybdenum on the surface layer .

  27. 仿真结果表明,将空时编码技术与MIMO-OFDM技术相结合能有效地抵抗频率选择性随机衰落。

    The results of simulation show that space-time block code based on MIMO-OFDM is a highly effective technique against the frequency-selective random fading .

  28. 方解石及氧化铁矿物表面XPS图及碳元素结合能区域的高分辨XPS分析表明,方解石及氧化铁矿物表面和整体之间在化学成分、状态和结构方面存在明显差异。

    XPS of the mineral surface reveals that the surface and the body of the mineral are quite different from each other in chemical composition , incorporation and structure .

  29. 由计算分析可知:(1)各种合金元素原子与C原子之间的结合能高于或低于Fe-C之间的结合能。

    The analysis of the calculations shows : ( 1 ) The cohesive energy of each kind of alloy element atom with C atom was higher or lower than that of Fe-C.

  30. 由于Ga的掺入,产物的晶胞参数,红外光谱以及Ga3d电子的电子结合能都发生明显变化。

    The binding energy of Ga 3d electron , IR spectra and unit cell parameters of the resulting Ga-BETA zeolites were obviously changed due to the addition of Ga in the initial mixture .