
  • 网络Becker;Baker;boris becker;Gary Becker;Jasper Becker
  1. 不管怎么说,贝克尔从来就不是表现最为稳定的球员。

    Becker has never been the most consistent of players anyway .

  2. 贝克尔站起来和本握手。

    Becker stood and shook hands with Ben .

  3. 贝克尔的目光冷淡而灰暗,一如外面人行道上的雪泥。

    Becker 's eyes were as cold and grey as the slush on the pavements outside .

  4. 或者说,是对E·贝克尔出色的理论发展的一个再阐释。

    Or it is to develop the theories of E ? Becker .

  5. 探讨G·贝克尔的家庭生产函数如何从传统效用理论中拓展而来。

    This article expounds how G · Becker 's " family production function " logically stems from the orthodox utility function .

  6. 这一讨论是在弗洛伊德的学生奥托·兰克,及其后继者诺尔曼·布朗、E·贝克尔的理论脉络里进行的;

    This discussion is on the theory of Otto Rank who is the student of Freud , and the successor Norman O Brown 、 E · Becker .

  7. 加里•贝克尔(GaryBecker)分析了婚姻带来的非货币回报。

    Gary Becker analyses the non-monetary returns to marriage .

  8. 但正如BehindtheNumbers公司分析师比尔?贝克尔最近为客户撰写的报告所指出的那样,历史显示高管和董事们往往会选择最差的回购时机。

    But , as Will Becker , an analyst with Behind the Numbers , puts in his latest report to clients , history shows that executives and directors plan buybacks at the worst times .

  9. 多年与贝克尔同教一门课程的凯文墨菲(KevinMurphy)说:他热爱经济学,许多经济学家受到了他的启示。

    He loved economics , said Kevin Murphy , who taught a course alongside Becker for many years , and he inspired so many economists .

  10. 据NPR新闻的克雷格·温德姆报道,贝克尔是伟大的顾问、坚定的谈判家、也是积极、谦和的议员。

    NPR 's Craig Windham reports Baker was known as the great counselor for his work forging compromisers and encouraging and attitude-civility lawmakers .

  11. 论文采用贝克尔(Baker)的分析框架,从背景、输入、过程、输出四个变量着手,分析并介绍了加拿大双语教育的实践经验和研究成果。

    Based on the Baker 's analysis model , this thesis introduces and analyses the practical experiences and , research findings in Canada , concentrating the variables as context , input , process and output .

  12. 随身携带键盘的并非只有他一个人,美国企业家兼专栏作家菲尔•贝克尔(PhilBaker)说,他到哪里都随身带着一个大号键盘,因为他用不惯笔记本电脑的键盘。

    He 's not alone in packing a keyboard : Phil Baker , a U.S. - based technology entrepreneur and columnist , says he carries'a full-size keyboard around with me because I prefer it over the laptop keyboard .

  13. 《前世今生》(TheIncarnations),苏珊·贝克尔(SusanBarker)著(Touchstone出版社,26美元)。在贝克尔这本惊人的小说里,一个北京出租车司机意识到自己的前世是中国1500年历史上的一个小人物。

    THE INCARNATIONS . By Susan Barker . ( Touchstone , $ 26 . ) In Barker 's astonishing novel , a Beijing taxi driver learns of his previous lives as a bit player during 15 centuries of China 's past .

  14. 和其他航空公司的老板一样,卡塔尔航空公司的老板贝克尔(AkbarAlBaker)先生抱怨全球分销系统更新缓慢,不能处理这些选项,但他也承认,他们离不了全球分销系统,因为它为公司提供的订单所占份额很大。

    Like other airline chiefs , Qatar Airways ' boss , Akbar Al Baker , complains of GDSs ' slowness in updating their systems to cope with all these options , but he admits that they cannot do without the GDSs because they provide such a big share of their reservations .

  15. 康纳斯以叁负一胜输给贝克尔了。

    Connors went down to Becker by three sets to one .

  16. 那位学生通过了考试,贝克尔也没有领到罚单。

    The student passed , and Becker did not get a ticket .

  17. 将羊装载到新的牧场。加利福尼亚,贝克尔斯菲市。

    Loading sheep for transport to new pasture . Bakersfield , California .

  18. 贝克尔从人性出发对人类行为的经济分析解决了许多发展难题。

    Baker solved many development problems of economic analyses of human nature .

  19. 贝克尔以倒数第二的成绩跑完了1500米比赛。

    Baker finished next to last in the1500 metres race .

  20. 贝克尔身后留下了他的妻子,参议员南希·兰登·卡斯鲍姆。

    He survived by his wife , former Senator Nancy Landon Kassebaum .

  21. 现在贝克尔先生有资格胜任这个职位。

    Mr. Becker is qualified for the position now .

  22. 接着,约万·贝克尔从教练和警方身旁走开。

    Jovan Belcher then walked away from the coach and from the police .

  23. 贝克尔在第三盘轻而易举战胜了康纳斯(网球赛)。

    Becker took Connors apart in the third set , ie in tennis .

  24. 我乐于聆听患者们的倾诉,并给予他们所需的帮助,'贝克尔博士补充道。

    I like to listen and help them , ' said Dr. Becker .

  25. 这个钱包曾经属于约瑟夫贝克尔。

    This purse once belonged to Josephine baker .

  26. -贝克尔宣称他想为他的病人创造出一种像子宫一样的环境。

    Becker claimed he was trying to create a womb-like environment for his patients .

  27. 20世纪60年代,美国经济学家舒尔茨和贝克尔创立了人力资本理论。

    Human Capital Theory was established by American economists T. Schultz and Becker in 1960s .

  28. 访本·范·贝克尔/联合网络工作室

    Interviewing Ben van berkel / un studio

  29. 贝克尔必须再破对方一局发球才能赢得网球赛最显赫的奖金。

    Becker must get another break of serve to win tennis 's most prestigious prize .

  30. 贝克尔和哈特曼报道说,这些年轻人从小的,有抱负的睡眠就一直很长。

    Baekeland and Hartmann report that these young men had been lengthy sleeps since childhood .