
  • 网络Construction direction;structural trend;structural grain;structure grain
  1. 矿区主要的构造方向为NE向,矿体赋存在NE向的断层中。

    Construction of the deposite is to the NE direction , and the orebody is lacated in the NE trending fault .

  2. 第二步引入公路结构特征的先验信息,构造方向势能函数(DPF)。

    In the second step , the prior knowledge about the road structure to construct directional potential function is introduced .

  3. 塔里木盆地北部褶皱逆冲断层变形在平行于区域构造方向上通过构造转换而变化。

    The structural deformational degree and style commonly change along the regional tectonic strike of Northern Tarim Basin by tectonic transfer .

  4. 首先对参考阵元的输出作时频分析,估计信号的频率参数,从而选择时频脊点构造方向矩阵;

    Firstly , the frequency parameters are achieved through time-frequency analysis of the output of the reference sensor . With the frequency parameters , steering matrix is constructed on the point along the time-frequency ridge .

  5. 首先利用极坐标化的方法提取边缘特征点,构造方向链码;然后利用链码信息寻找匹配边缘;最后确定旋转角度和偏移量。

    The method firstly extracts the edge feature points by using of polar coordinates . And then it creates the direction-angle chain codes . Secondly , it uses the information of chain codes to find the matching edges . Finally , the shift and rotation has been calculated .

  6. 结果:每步迭代利用Lagrange函数的鞍梯度构造搜索方向,生成次可行解序列,由此得到的序列的极限就是原-对偶问题的最优解。

    Result : The saddle-gradient of Lagrange function is utilized to construct the search directions and generate the sub-feasible solutions sequence , then we prove that the limit of the sequence is the optimal solution of the primal-dual problem .

  7. 因而,大陆每个块体的应力场特征方向与强地震发生的主要构造力方向一致性较好。

    Thus , the stress field characteristic direction of each block is similar with the main structure force direction where strong earthquakes happen .

  8. 利用梯度投影构造搜索方向,并使用符号函数对搜索方向和搜索函数进行有效的控制。

    The search direction is formed by using gradient projection , and the search directions and functions are controlled effectively by the sign functions .

  9. 本文在构造具有方向导向性的完全二叉树的基础上,提出了一种适合研究蛋白质构象的格子模型快速穷举搜索算法。

    This paper presents a fast exhaustive search algorithm in order to search the protein conformation space based on the lattice model by constructing a directional binary tree .

  10. 盆地内部断层走向主要受构造伸展方向控制(趋向于垂直构造伸展方向),主要反映构造伸展方向。

    Strikes of normal faults in inner parts of the extensional rifting are mainly controlled by tectonic extensional direction and trend to the direction normal to it and mainly reflect extensional direction .

  11. 利用成像测井图像更精细地描述岩性、裂缝、沉积、构造地应力方向等特性,为复杂油气藏构造研究提供了可能。

    Based on the application of imaging log to the description of lithology , fractures , sedimentary , crustal stress direction of structure , by which it will be possible for the structural researches of complex reservoirs .

  12. 中、高渗透储层研究中一些可以忽略的因素在低渗透储层研究中不能忽略。(3)储层微裂缝分布具有条带性的特点,微裂缝主体方向与构造裂缝方向基本相同。

    Some neglected factors in medium-high permeability reservoir research must be emphasized in low permeability one . ( 3 ) The distribution of micro-fractures is flaser . The main direction of micro-fractures is the same as that of tectonic fractures .

  13. 给出了从k(n)个共轭方向构造共轭正交方向的方法;

    A method is given for construction of conjugate and orthogonal directions using k ( n ) conjugate directions .

  14. 根据处理结果,推断了数条断裂构造,其方向主要为NNE向和NW向;

    Several faults are infered from the processing result striking mainly in NW NNE and NW faults dominate to depth .

  15. 构造线总体方向为NW-SE,主要构造为NNW向和近EW向的褶皱和断层,其次为NW、NE向的次级断层。

    General direction of the structural line strikes ' NW-SE and the main structures consist of folds and faults running NNW and nearly EW , with minor secondary faults running NW and NE .

  16. 构造应力方向与断层能动度

    Tectonic stress orientation and fault capable degree

  17. 定量估算了冲绳海槽三幕构造运动的方向、扩张量和半速率;

    The directions , amount and rates of the tectonic movements with three stages are estimated quantitatively .

  18. 三幕构造运动的方向、特征和动力机制明显不同,运动方向的多次改变导致海槽内多种走向构造地貌的存在。

    There are obvious differences among the directions , features and mechanism of the tectonic movements with three stages .

  19. 根据协方差矩阵的性质,构造了波达方向矩阵。

    A matrix , called the Direction of Arrival ( DOA ) matrix , is formed from the covariance matrices .

  20. 结合在兖州矿区进行的巷道位移观测得到的构造应力方向,分析其之间的变化关系。

    The displacement of the roadway in Yanzhou mining area is observed , the stress direction obtained , and their relations analyzed .

  21. 在图像纹理元数据特征提取方面:我们首先构造四个方向上的灰度共生矩阵,并提出五个纹理特征量。

    For metadata feature extracted of image texture , we set up four-direction gray scale co-occurrence matrix and then extract five feature vectors ;

  22. 裂缝方向以北北西、南北向为主、也有部分为近东西向,与区域构造应力方向一致。

    Fracture directions are dominated by NNW , SN , with some near EW , corresponding with the direction of regional tectonic stress .

  23. 主控矿构造与其它方向构造的交汇部位有利成矿;

    The intersection , favourable for the metallogenesis , of the structure in the direction of main controlled mineralization and those in other directions ;

  24. 低幅度背斜识别的影响因素主要有两点:一是因地表形态起伏较大而引起的静校正问题,二是构造上倾方向存在速度异常。

    There are two factors influencing identification of low-amplitude anticlines : One is the static correction problem caused by large fluctuation of the surface landform .

  25. 主要介绍了汽车制动防抱死系统(Antilock-Braking-System)的功能、原理、构造和发展方向。

    This paper mainly introduces the antilock braking system ( ABS ) of automobile in its functions , principles , construction and developing directions in the future .

  26. 本文根据二维模型实验的结果,探讨了地震波辐射图型、震源机制解以及构造应力方向之间的关系。

    The relations between the radiation pattern of seismic waves , focal mechanism solution and the directions of the tectonic stress are investigated with the aid of the results of two-dimensional model experiments .

  27. 本文在讨论带有半线性记忆项抛物型方程半离散格式的基础上,构造了空间方向谱离散,时间方向后欧拉方法的全离散格式,并给出了误差估计。

    Based on the discussion of the semidiscretization of a parabolic equation with a semilinear memory term , an error estimate is derived for the fully discreate scheme with spectral method in space and the backward Euler method in time .

  28. GIS和RS支持下新构造应力场方向提取

    Extracting direction of Neotectonic stress field via GIS and remote sensing

  29. 通过数值试验论证了利用多个断层面随机取向的地震的P、B、T轴推断构造应力主轴方向的可能性。

    A numerical computation test shows the possibility of inferring the principal axes of tectonic stress from the P , B , T axis of earthquakes with randomly oriented fault planes .

  30. 所作的数值试验说明,在特定情况下,用平均P,B,T轴推断构造应力主轴方向时有可能出现系统偏差。

    A numerical test shows that , in some special case , there may appear a systematic deviation between the directions of the mean P , B and T axes and that of real principal stress axes in the crust .