
  1. 《谈艺录》是一部具有开创性的中西比较诗论。

    " Tan Yi Lu ," is a ground-breaking comparison of Chinese and Western poetics .

  2. 《谈艺录》引用大量佛教典籍解读诗歌、诠释诗学理论。

    Discussing art record quote many Buddhism ancient books to explain poetry and poetry theory .

  3. 二西即指佛教与基督教,《谈艺录》于二西之书多有采撷,以起到举一反三,全面贯通的作用。

    Discussing art record picks much from books on The Two West , which can have effect of drawing inferences about other cases from one instance and completely digesting .

  4. 《谈艺录》是钱钟书先生早期的一部诗话体著作,以探讨中国传统诗学为主要内容。

    Discussing art record is a work written by Qian Zhongshu as the notes on poets and poetry . Studying Chinese traditional poetry theory is the main content of this book .