
  1. 经过艰难的谈判妥协,各缔约方终于制定了《京都议定书》。

    Compromising through difficult negotiation , every contracting party has made " Kyoto Protocol " finally .

  2. 本文认为,美国宪法的产生源于建立强大的联邦中央的需要,不同政治力量的冲突使谈判与妥协成为联邦制宪会议的主题。

    The conflict between deferent political powers made the negotiation the theme of the Constitutional Convention .

  3. 谈判不是妥协。

    Negotiation is not compromise .

  4. 各国财长和议会代表谈判达成妥协的最后期限正在逼近。

    A deadline for a compromise in the negotiations between finance ministers and parliamentary representatives is approaching fast .

  5. 再次,美国援助苏联更直接刺激了美日关系,也是美日谈判达成妥协的一个重大障碍。

    Thirdly , American aid to the Soviet Union directly irritates the American relationship with Japan , and became a great obstacle in American-Japanese negotiations .

  6. 这一斗争往往与罗马的对外斗争紧密相联,在面对国家危难的情势下,斗争双方一般以谈判达成妥协。

    Such conflict was certainly accompanied and connected with the Roman external struggle . In front of the precarious situation of the state , the conflict was often compromised by negotiations .

  7. TRIPS协议中地理标志条款是乌拉圭回合贸易谈判达成的妥协。

    TRIPS provisions on geographical indications reflect a compromise reached in Uruguay Round of trade negotiations .

  8. 在俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(Gazprom)与乌克兰政府之间的激烈谈判未能达成妥协之后,这家俄罗斯国家控股的能源巨头周一表示,自即日起将以预付费方式向乌克兰供应天然气。

    Gazprom will supply Ukraine with gas that has been paid for in advance from today , the Russian state-controlled energy giant said on Monday after failing to reach a compromise after crunch talks in Kiev .

  9. 她在国际谈判中促成妥协的能力被认为是一个很强的长处。

    Her capacity to reach compromise in international negotiations is considered a strong plus .

  10. 惟弟一再声言不接触,不谈判,不妥协,余期期以为不可。

    But you have time and again insisted upon having " no contact , no talks and no compromise ", which I truly think inadvisable .

  11. 我们彼此的律师进行了数个月的谈判,某种妥协缓缓地浮上台面,我先生看来可能会接受经过修正的协议。

    Months of negotiations ensued between our lawyers , a compromise of sorts inched its way toward the table and it was starting to look like my husband might actually accept a modified deal .

  12. 谈判未能达成任何妥协。

    Negotiations have failed to establish any middle ground .

  13. 重庆谈判国共双方的妥协与让步

    Compromise and Concession between KMT and CPC during the Chongqing Negotiations

  14. 谈判人员昨晚要求妥协。

    Negotiators forced the compromise later last night .

  15. 这种变形使这种辩论本身看上去不是那么像谈判,审议或妥协,抑或者是一种协作。

    it seems to prevent things like negotiation or deliberation or compromise or collaboration .

  16. 不要感到惊恐,也不要感觉你在这场谈判中必须做出妥协。

    Don 't panic and feel you have to make the concession to stay in the game .

  17. 由于伊朗与美国之间的政治歧见,伊朗核问题不易解决,很可能在谈判、制裁、妥协、再冲突、再谈判的循环中较长时间的拖延下去。

    Because of the deep distrust and political differences between the two countries , Iran 's nuclear issue will not be easily resolved .

  18. 北京昨日暗示在全球气候变化谈判中存在一定妥协空间。中国谈判代表没有否认中国可能承诺在2012年后减少碳排放的可能性。

    Beijing hinted yesterday at room for compromise in global climate change talks , as its negotiator left open the possibility China could commit itself to reducing carbon emissions beyond 2012 .

  19. 欧洲政府间谈判到今天可以说已经形成的是一种模式:危机争吵谈判妥协,欧洲一体化就是在这样轮回中前进,一条红线贯穿其中:权力与利益的博弈。

    Today Intergovernmental Negotiations of European can be said to have formed a pattern : crisis-bickering-negotiations-compromise . European integration is in progress in this reincarnation . A red thread runs through them : the game between the power and the interests .