
  • 网络regulate the stomach and intestines
  1. 胃溃疡:香蕉是调理肠胃失调的食方,因为香蕉有着柔软的纤维而且柔滑。

    Gastric ulcer : Banana nurse one 's health whom stomach lack proper care , because the banana has soft and smooth fibres .

  2. 气温迅速回升,昼夜温差大。适度保暖。神经痛高发。多食蔬菜,调理肠胃,降火气。

    Temperature rises rapidly and varies greatly , be sure to keep warm , prevent neuralgia , more vegetable to release the internal heat

  3. 汤可以佐膳,增强食欲,还能补充我们身体所需的水分,调理肠胃,滋补强身。

    Soup can be consumed together with rice . Also it can increase our appetite , supplement our body with water , regulate our digestive system and strengthen our health .