
yòu dǎo
  • induce;guidance;lead;guide;revulsion
诱导 [yòu dǎo]
  • (1) [guide;lead;induce]∶劝诱;引导

  • 诱导向善

  • (2) [revulsion]∶大脑皮层中兴奋过程引起抑制过程的加强,或后者引起前者的加强

诱导[yòu dǎo]
  1. 小RNA能诱导互补信使RNA在转录后降解,对于植物,可通过同源DNA序列甲基化使转录基因沉默。

    Small RNAs can guide posttranscriptional degradation of complementary messenger RNAs and , in plants , transcriptional gene silencing by methylation of homologous DNA sequences .

  2. 用诱导剂在PVA介质中研究锰(Ⅱ)催化氧化灿烂绿显色反应

    Studying the color reaction of bright green catalyzed by mn (ⅱ) in the presence of PVA with guide agent

  3. 以理说服强于举例诱导。

    It is better to convince by argument than seduce by example .

  4. 这是个诱导性的问题。

    That 's a loaded question .

  5. 昨天,这名女警谈到自己在诱导年轻的受害人说出重要信息的过程中所起的作用。

    The WPC talked yesterday of her role in trying to coax vital information from the young victim

  6. 这些问题可以诱导大家去思考。

    These are thought-provoking questions .

  7. 广告诱导人们花钱买东西。

    Advertising induces people to buy .

  8. 诱导一个人去替你们办事的最好办法是使他有要维护的声誉。

    One of the best way to induce someone to engage himself on your behalf is to give him a reputation to uphold .

  9. 然而,在1933年9月12日,物理学家利奥·斯齐拉德发明了中子诱导的核链式反应。

    However , on September 12,1933 , physicist Leo Szilard invented the neutron-induced nuclear chain reaction .

  10. 法官告诫律师不得诱导证人。

    The judge warned counsel not to prompt the witness .

  11. 并且这三种激素有利于胸(腺嘧啶脱氧核)苷掺入和抑制药物诱导的细胞凋亡

    These three hormones also robustly stimulated thymidine incorporation and inhibited drug-induced apoptosis .

  12. 经过了这个城市有诱导作用的恐怖空旷空间后,这个房间看起来小的让人窒息。

    After the agoraphobia-inducing space of the city , this room looked suffocatingly small .

  13. 两相比较,诱导抗性提供的保护不那么绝对,但是却有更稳健的生命力。

    Inducible resistance , by contrast , gives less absolute protection but should be much more robust .

  14. 而应用翻译的信息性、诱导性和匿名性特征刚好与功能翻译理论的翻译要求不谋而合

    All these perfectly coincide with the situation in the pragmatic translation distinguishable features of informativeness , appellati .

  15. 可明显增加5羟色胺酸诱导甩头小鼠的甩头次数

    BCEF ( 50100 mg · kg ~ - 1 ) could distinctly increase the head-twitch number in the 5-HTP induced head-twitches test . BCEF50 、 100mg · kg-1

  16. 网络产品和服务提供者不得向未成年人提供诱导其沉迷的产品和服务。网络游戏、网络直播、网络音视频、网络社交等网络服务提供者应当针对未成年人使用其服务设置相应的时间管理、权限管理、消费管理等功能。

    Providers of online services , including game , livestream , audio and video , and social media , shall set up corresponding functions such as time limit , authorization and consumption limit for minors , according to the revision .

  17. 草案规定,餐饮服务提供者诱导、误导消费者超量点餐造成明显浪费的,由市场监督管理部门给予警告,拒不改正的,处一千元以上一万元以下罚款。

    Catering service providers may face a fine ranging from 1000 yuan to 10000 yuan if they encourage or mislead consumers into ordering excessive quantities of food which causes waste , and refuse to rectify the problem after being warned by market supervision departments , according to the draft law .

  18. 循环伏安法和光谱法检测阴离子磷脂诱导DNA从脂质体复合物中的释放

    Voltammetric and spectrometric investigation of induced DNA release from liposome complex

  19. 白介素-1受体相关激酶-2调控白介素-1诱导的NF-κB活化

    Role of IL-1 receptor associated kinase-2 in IL-1-induced NF - κ B activation

  20. 牵张刺激诱导心肌细胞NF-κB的激活与转位

    Activation and translocation of NF - κ B induced by stretching cardiac myocytes

  21. 双重Fuzzy关系及其诱导映射

    The twofold fuzzy relation and inherited mapping

  22. 白藜芦醇诱导髓母细胞瘤细胞NF-κB活化的生物学意义分析

    Activation of Up-regulated NF - κ B in Resveratrol-treated Medulloblastoma Cell Lines and Analysis of Its Latent Sense

  23. 结果麻醉诱导时间为(9.2±1.4)min。

    Results Anesthesia induction time was ( 9.2 ± 1.4 ) min.

  24. 同时对ph突变体诱导部分同源染色体联会的作用等问题进行了探讨。

    In addition We make a study of the effect of ph mutants in inducing chromosomes translocation , etc.

  25. 纳米TiO2薄膜具有特殊的光诱导亲水效应。

    Nanometer TiO 2 thin film has special photoinduced hydrophilic properties .

  26. 这个发现启发这个研究确定是否p53诱导肿瘤衰老。

    This finding inspired the investigators to determine whether p53 induced tumor senescence .

  27. 另外也讨论了半群S在X的逆极限空间上诱导作用的混沌性问题。

    In addition , the chaotic action of S on the inverse limit space of X is considered .

  28. IL-6抑制地塞米松诱导的人骨髓瘤细胞凋亡

    Inhibition of dexamethasone-induced apoptosis in human myeloma cells by IL-6

  29. IFNγ联合TRAIL诱导神经母细胞瘤细胞凋亡的研究

    Cooperation of interferon - gamma and TRAIL to induce apoptosis in neuroblastoma cells

  30. 将表达载体转化E.低碳钢应变诱导铁素体相变发生的温度条件

    Induced into E. investigation on the conditions of strain - induced ferrite transformation of low carbon steel