
sǐ wánɡ jī yīn
  • death gene
  1. 提示:NO在DND过程中可能是启动PCD死亡基因,导致选择性易损神经细胞发生PCD的重要外在因素之一。

    Conclusion : NO , as one of reactive oxygen species , is one of the important external factors that may switch on death gene of PCD and induct PCD to neurons of selective vulnerability in DND process .

  2. 通常将这些基因分为两大类,即细胞生存基因和细胞死亡基因。

    These genes are usually divided into 2 kind that are cell living gene and cell death gene .

  3. 外伤性眼球萎缩眼视神经组织中bcl-2相关死亡基因bad的表达及其意义

    Expression of bad gene in human optic nerves from traumatic atrophic eyes

  4. 当细胞已经装满病毒,病毒就活化「死亡基因」,导致细胞破裂,放出新病毒并传染给其他细胞。

    When the cell is full to capacity , the virus activates a " death gene " and prompts the cell to burst , releasing the new viruses to spread to other cells .

  5. 根据死亡受体基因Fas的表达量变化,发现与人和小鼠上的研究结果一致,过表达CIDEC会诱导牛原代脂肪细胞发生细胞凋亡。

    According to the expression of the Fas gene we found that overexpression of CIDEC gene inducing apoptosis of bovine primary adipocytes , which was consistent with the research in human and mouse . 7 .

  6. 在其他淀粉植物细胞中,我们也发现了核变形现象。(6)水稻胚乳细胞死亡受基因控制,属于特殊的PCD过程。

    In some other amylum plant , we also find the phenomenon of nucleus deformation . ( 6 ) The cell death of endosperm in rice is controlled by genes . It belongs to especial programmed cell death ( PCD ) .

  7. 器官发育及细胞程序化死亡的基因调节研究

    Approaches and Applications of Genetic Regulation of Organ Development and Programmed Cell Death

  8. 但是,电离辐射是一把双刃剑,过多辐射可能引起很多生物病变,如细胞死亡、基因突变和癌症的发生等等。

    But , over-radiation may cause pathological changes , for example , cell death , gene mutation and cancer et al .

  9. 高温诱导大肠癌细胞程序化死亡与p53基因转录表达改变的实验研究

    Variation of p53 gene transcription and expression in programmed cell death induced by hyperthermia in colorectal carcinoma cell lines

  10. 该cDNA文库的构建为筛选调节肺癌细胞死亡的其它基因打下了基础。

    Construction of the cDNA library laid a foundation for screening other genes regulating death of lung cancer cells .

  11. 另一方面,ROS作为信号物质参与植物对病菌侵染的防御反应、细胞死亡和抗病基因表达的调控等。

    On the other hand , ROS acts as a signal molecule to participate defense reaction , cell death and regulation of expression of resistant genes to plant pathogens infection .

  12. 器官发育和程序性细胞死亡中的基因调控&2002年诺贝尔生理学和医学奖工作介绍

    Genetic Regulation of Organ Development and Programmed Cell Death

  13. 面神经损伤诱导面神经元死亡及其调控基因表达的实验研究

    A study on facial neuron death and its regulatory gene expression following facial nerve injury

  14. 在几乎所有的情况下,胚胎要么死亡,要么基因未改变。

    In almost every case , either the embryo died or the gene was not altered .

  15. 程序性死亡是在基因调控下的细胞死亡,包括凋亡和自噬两种形式。

    Programmed cell death is a genetically controlled process . Apoptosis and autophagy are two fundamental types .

  16. 他们以秀丽线虫为模式生物,鉴定了参与调控程序性死亡的重要基因。

    By using the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans as a model system , they have identified key genes regulating these processes .

  17. RTVP-1基因导致前列腺癌细胞发生细胞凋亡或称程序性细胞死亡,RTVP-1基因也激活免疫系统攻击癌细胞。

    It causes what is known as " apoptosis " or programmed cell death in prostate cancer cells and also activates the immune system to fight cancer cells .

  18. 林东昕,病因专业委员会-医科院肿瘤研究所,题目:死亡信号通路基因遗传变异与肿瘤易感性。

    Lin Dongxin , Specialty Committee of Etiology-Institute of Tumor of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences , Topic : Genetic Variation and Tumorous Susceptibility of Death Signal Channel .

  19. 死亡大鼠看家基因mRNA时序性降解的组织差异性研究

    Tissue variability of housekeeping mRNA degradation in dead rats

  20. 细胞程序性死亡及抗凋亡基因bcl-2在C57BL6N系小鼠腭裂形成中的意义

    The Significance of the PCD and mRNA Transcription of bcl-2 During Development of Normal Palate and Cleft Palate in C57BL / 6N Strain Mouse

  21. Caspase是与秀丽隐杆线虫死亡蛋白CED在基因序列和蛋白质结构上高度同源的一个蛋白家族,该家族蛋白是细胞凋亡执行的重要分子,直接参与凋亡启动、凋亡信号传递及凋亡效应过程。

    Caspase family is highly similar to the protein CED of Caenorhabditis elegans on gene sequence and protein structure .

  22. 脑细胞衰老是由神经细胞死亡、诱病基因、小中风、有害蛋白累积量增加等多重原因造成的,这些通常会导致痴呆。

    Aging brain cells from neural cell death , induced disease genes , small stroke , the cumulative increase of harmful proteins , such as multiple causes , these would normally lead to dementia .

  23. 背景:白血病是由一系列与细胞生长、分化与死亡相关的众多基因变异所导致的异质性疾病,是造血系统的恶性肿瘤。

    BACKGROUND : Leukemia is a heterogeneous disease at the molecular level resulting from a variety of alterations in numerous genes important for cell growth , differentiation , and cell death , is one of malignancies of hematopoietic systems .