
yǔ yīn shū rù
  • Voice input;speech input
  1. 系统在发送端将模拟语音输入作A/D变换,得到的PCM信号由主芯片进行压缩编码。

    The system first performs A / D conversion on analog speech input to obtain PCM signal and the PCM signal was encoded by the main compression chip .

  2. 该系统的图形软件采用在KX-600图形显示系统上实现的MGP二维军用图形包,实现了语音输入的透明键盘支持。

    The graphics software package is MGP 2D military graphics package which is implemented in KX-600 graphics display system . It possesses the Transparent keyboard ability to support speech input .

  3. Windows下的实时汉语语音输入系统

    A real - time input system for Chinese speech under Windows 3.1

  4. 基于PARADOXENGINE的语音输入电话号码查询系统

    Speech-Input Telephone Inquiry System Based on PARADOX ENGINE

  5. TRS-80微型机的语音输入接口

    Speech Sound Interface of TRS-80 Microcomputer

  6. 测试版“SkypeTranslator”可以在Win8.1或者Win10测试版下运行,可以在英语与西班牙语的语音输入过程中同步进行文本与音频的翻译。

    Skype Translator Preview works on Windows 8.1 or preview copies of Windows 10 , and it works by translating voice input froman English or Spanish speaker into text and translated audio .

  7. 研究的第一阶段为语音输入,18~24个月幼儿被分为两组,分别给予100h的中文和英文的语音输入。

    In the first procedure , 18 ~ 24 months old toddlers were divided into two groups and given the chinese and English phonological input respectively .

  8. 然后,本文具体论述了以MSP430微控制器为控制核心的硬件系统设计,录音系统由微控制器、语音输入和输出通道、Flash存储器、液晶显示以及控制电路等部分构成;

    Secondly , this thesis discusses hardware design , whose control core is MSP430 MCU . The Recorder System is made up of MCU , the channel for speech in and the channel for speech out , Flash memory , LCD and control circuit .

  9. 实现这两个功能的分别是语音输入识别引擎和MS-Agent的文本朗读Text-To-Speech引擎。

    Those functions are based on speech recognition engine and text-to-speech engine . Those engines make the ms-agent have the function of speaking and hearing and make the PC have great communication capability between the mankind and PC.

  10. 无法识别或理解乘客的语音输入。

    Voice input from passenger is not recognised or not understood .

  11. 语音输入在航行操纵模拟器成绩评判中的应用

    The Application of Speech Input in the Result Judging of Navigation Simulator

  12. 操作因语音输入而被中断。

    The operation was interrupted because of spoken input .

  13. 你可以将需要翻译的东西通过键盘输入或语音输入。

    You can type or speak the word or phrase you want translated .

  14. 实现了基于PARADOXENGINE的大容量语音输入式电话查询系统。

    We developed a large-scale speech-input telephone inquiry system based on PARADOX ENGINE .

  15. 声调识别错误的统计分析&语音输入软件测试报告之一

    A Statistical Analysis of Errors in Tone Recognition : A Report on Voice Input Software Testing

  16. 此兼容设备有两个耳机插针及一个用于录音的语音输入插针。

    The device has two headphone jacks as well as an audio input jack for recording .

  17. 目前,只能用字符来输入用户请求,语音输入将是本文下一步的研究方向。

    So pronunciation input method will be further studied in the coming part of this paper .

  18. 不同语音输入法的比较研究

    Comparison of different speech input

  19. 语音输入功能:点击虚拟键盘上的麦克风图标录音,便可语音输入电子邮件或便笺。

    Dictation-taking feature : Press a microphone icon on the virtual keyboard to dictate e-mails or other notes .

  20. 拼音汉字转换是自然语言处理的重要内容,在语音输入,语音识别,汉字输入等领域都有重要的应用。

    The conversion of PINYIN to Chinese characters is an important content of the NLP ( Natural Language Processing ) .

  21. 通过使用语言服务,最终用户能够使用像语音输入这样更人性化的友好的界面。

    By using linguistic services , a more human-friendly interface such as speech input can be enabled for the end user .

  22. 采用语音输入是缩短舰载指控系统反应时间的理想手段。

    Speech input is the ideal tools for modern naval warfare to reduce the response time of the control system of the warship .

  23. 本文旨在测试语音输入软件对语音识别的正确率,重点分析语音输入软件对声调识别错误的类型及影响出错的因素。

    This paper examines the accuracy rate of voice input software , focusing particularly on the nature and causes of tone recognition errors .

  24. 眼镜右边安装了一个触摸控制板,但多数时候还得靠语音输入。

    There 's a touchpad on the right-side of Glass for controls , but the majority of input is done using voice commands .

  25. 支持语音输入和声音命令。要使用语音识别功能,您需要安装微软拼音输入法。

    Supports dictation and voice commands . You need to install an Input Method Editor ( IME ) to use the Speech Recognition feature .

  26. 发手机短信常用语音输入法,很少或根本不用标点,这对传统的书写规范造成了威胁。

    Text messaging , with its use of phonetic spelling and lowercase or no punctuation , seems to pose a threat to traditional conventions in writing .

  27. 控制面板接受来自指挥中心的语音输入,并有能力在紧急邮件启动时,覆盖本地消息。

    The control panel accepts voice input from a central command center and has the ability to override local messages when an emergency message is initiated .

  28. 在此芯片中新增了70条指令,它们将极大地改进所要求的特性,如语音输入和视频输出性能。

    Buried into this chip are 70 new instructions that will greatly improve the performance of demanded features , such as speech input and video output .

  29. 新算法通过提取混合语音输入中的有效语音时频成分并利用人耳的听觉掩蔽效应重构合成增强语音输出信号。

    The useful speech time frequency components can be picked up successfully by the proposed algorithm , and they are used to reconstruct the enhanced outputs .

  30. 音字转换是汉字的语音输入系统的一个主要组成部分,音字转换的速度和准确性直接影响整个系统的性能。

    Chinese phonetic-to-word conversion sub-system is an important part of Chinese speech inputting system . The conversion speed and precision directly affect the performance of the whole system .