
yǔ zú
  • branch;language branch
语族 [yǔ zú]
  • [language branch] 指包含所有可证明从一个单一祖先语言传下的有联系的语言,而这个祖先语言本身不和别的任何语言有联系

语族[yǔ zú]
  1. 英语、荷兰语、德语是同语族的语言。

    English , Dutch and German are cognate languages .

  2. 通过主成分分析,证明贵州从江侗族与其他的壮侗语族人群相聚,母系遗传结构复杂,无C单倍群分布可能为该民族特征之一。

    The matrilineal genetic structure of Dong of Guizhou is complicated .

  3. 来自斯拉夫语族的语言中的还有robot(机器人),它原是个捷克词语。

    Also from the Slavonic family of languages comes " robot ", a Czech word in origin .

  4. 本文从语言学分析入手,着眼于历史上突厥语族官制文化和中原政治制度的关系,对Bεg-Beg的语源问题进行探讨。

    The paper discusses the etymology of B ε g / Beg on the basis of linguistics and the relationship between the officer system of Turk Language groups and political system in central plain .

  5. 拉瓦语(Laua)是巴布亚新几内亚中央省使用的语言,为梅卢安语族的一员,已接近灭绝。

    Laua is spoken in the Central Province of Papua New Guinea .

  6. 你们尊敬的撒利希语族来自这个世界。

    The Salish people you so honour came from this world .

  7. 第四章通过突厥语族著作认知其史料价值。

    The fourth chapter discusses its historical value through Turkic works .

  8. 运用神话学和人类学理论,对壮侗语族射日神话进行文化解读。

    Secondly , I interpret the myths using mythology and anthropology theory .

  9. 此外,还有一族叫做皮克特人,但他们不属于印欧语族。

    There was another group , who were not Indo-European , called Picts .

  10. 哥德语是一种由哥德人所使用的,已灭亡的日耳曼语族语言。

    Gothic is an extinct Germanic language that was spoken by the Goths .

  11. 希腊语族仅由希腊语组成的印欧语系的一个分支。

    The branch of the Indo-European language family that consists only of greek .

  12. 分布在亚洲和非洲的一个大的语族。

    A large family of related languages spoken both in Asia and africa .

  13. 英汉妈妈语族比较

    A comparison of English with Chinese Mama word family

  14. 分布于澳大利亚、台湾、马来西亚和玻利尼西亚的一个语族。

    The family of languages spoken in Australia and Formosa and Malaysia and Polynesia .

  15. 台湾原住民南来论辨析&兼论南岛语族起源

    On the Origin of the Aborigines in Taiwan

  16. 这些语言都是属于拉丁语族的。

    These languages belong to the Latin family .

  17. 从语言看壮侗语族民族对中国农业的贡献

    The Contribution Made by the Minority Group of Zhuang-dong Language , Observed from Language Point

  18. 英语是西日耳曼语的一支。日耳曼语族的一个绝迹的分支。

    English is a West Germanic dialect . an extinct branch of the Germanic languages .

  19. 通古斯语埃文基民族使用的通古斯语言中国通古斯语族民族的萨满教特点

    The Tungusic language of the Evenki . The Shamanism Features of the Tunguses in China

  20. 以前科尼什人说的凯尔特语。凯尔特语族的一个南部分支。

    A Celtic language formerly spoken in Cornwall . a southern group of Celtic languages .

  21. 日耳曼语族的一个分支。

    A branch of the Germanic languages .

  22. 印度欧洲语族的一个分支包括印度语和伊朗语。

    The branch of the Indo-European family of languages including the Indic and Iranian language groups .

  23. 罗曼·雅各布森语言学诗学观试论日耳曼语族的一个绝迹的分支。

    On the Linguistic Poetics of Roman Jokbson ; an extinct branch of the Germanic languages .

  24. 我国满&通古斯语族诸民族服饰文化比较

    Comparison in the National Dress Cultures of the Minorities of the Man-Tunguska Branch in Our Country

  25. 蒙古语族语言同样来自一个原始共同蒙古语。

    Similar , all Mongolian languages developed from a common Mongolian ancestor language ( Proto-Mongolian ) .

  26. 本文主要研究属于阿尔泰语系满-通古斯语族的满语是如何具体影响东北方言的。

    This paper mainly studies the specific impact of Manchu to Altaic Man - Tungus Manchu-language .

  27. 英汉妈妈语族比较休斯从凯尔特文化中寻找活力;

    A comparison of English with Chinese Mama word family Hughes seeks for vitality from Celtic culture ;

  28. 一种是以阿尔泰语系语言为基础的构拟,一种是以突厥语族语言为基础的构拟。

    One is the reconstruction based on Altaic languages , the other is based on turkic languages .

  29. 罗曼语族是从罗马帝国的语言拉丁语中派生出来的近代语言。

    The Romance languages are the modern descendants of Latin , the language of the Roman Empire .

  30. 维吾尔族语言属于阿尔泰预习突厥语族,回族使用汉语。

    Uygur language belongs to the Altaic language and Turkic branch , however , Hui use Chinese .