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  1. 如果我要去西子湾,我该搭哪条线?

    If I am going to Si-Zih-Wan , which line should I take ?

  2. 你的蹄子就不该搭在方向盘上

    Your hoofs aren 't meant to be on a wheel ! Hey !

  3. 你知道我该搭哪一线到新北投吗?

    Do you know which line I should take to get to Hsin peitou ?

  4. 该搭的操作状况对整个装置是否能够良好运转、产量能否达到规定的标准都具有十分重要的影响。

    Its operation condition influences whether the total system runs well and the output reaches the prescriptive criteria .

  5. 该公司搭上了最近一轮“web2.0”上市浪潮的便车,获得了高估值。

    It was riding the wave of other " web 2.0 ″ properties that had recently gone to the market and garnered strong valuations .

  6. 父亲不明白一个病得这么重的孩子该怎样搭飞机,但菲奥娜医生安慰他说,她常常这么做,让他不必担心。

    He couldn 't see how a child so sick could fly , but Dr Fiona assured him that she did this all the time so not to worry .

  7. 不知什么东西提醒我该去搭计程车,在数小时的寂静后轻碰我一下,看表时,正好是该走的时刻。

    I don 't know what alerts me when it 's time to go meet my taxi , but after several hours of stillness , something gives me a nudge , and when I look at my watch it 's exactly time to go .

  8. 此外,利用该系统可搭建成试验各种信号去噪和数据压缩算法的平台。

    Further , a platform for eliminating signal noise and data compression algorithms is built with this system .

  9. 采用该法支撑搭设方便,施工速度快,脚手架钢管用量少,挠度易控制,承载力高,安全性好。

    By applying this method it can be achieved that fast speed of construction , less consumed of steel pipes of scaffolding , easy control of deflection , high bearing capac-ity and security .

  10. 也许我该跟你一起搭。

    Maybe I could catch a ride with you .