• how;why;when
  • 何,什么:“蹈死不顾,亦~故哉?”

  • 怎么,为什么:“汝~弗告朕?”

  • 古同“盍”,何不。

  • 何时:“悠悠苍天,~其有所?”。

  1. 曷不委心任去留?

    Why not decide my fate according to my own wish ?

  2. 上主我们的天主在曷勒布与我们立了约。

    The Lord our God made a covenant with us in Horeb .

  3. 特辣黑七十岁时,生了亚巴郎、纳曷尔和哈郎。

    And Thare lived seventy years , and begot Abram , and Nachor , and Aran .

  4. 上到伯曷拉,过伯亚拉巴的北边,上到流便之子波罕的磐石。

    Went up to Beth Hoglah and continued north of Beth Arabah to the Stone of Bohan son of Reuben .

  5. 现今你为何在埃及路上要喝西曷的水呢。

    And now what hast thou to do in the way of Egypt , to drink the waters of Sihor ?

  6. 你们在曷勒布激怒了上主,致使上主对你们发怒,几乎将你们消灭。

    For in Horeb also thou didst provoke him , and he was angry , and would have destroyed thee .

  7. 便雅悯支派按着宗族所得的城邑就是:耶利哥,伯曷拉,伊麦基悉

    The tribe of Benjamin , clan by clan , had the following cities : Jericho , Beth Hoglah , Emek Keziz

  8. 由卡德士起程,在位于厄东地边界上的曷尔山下扎营。

    And departing from Cades , they camped in mount Her , in the uttermost borders of the land of Edom .

  9. 在大水之上,西曷的粮食,尼罗河的庄稼,是推罗的进项。他作列国的大码头。

    On the great waters came the grain of the Shihor ; the harvest of the Nile was the revenue of Tyre , and she became the marketplace of the nations .

  10. 上主对我说:「人子,你要审判敖曷拉和敖曷里巴,向她们说明她们的丑恶。

    And the Lord spoke to me , saying : Son of man , dost thou judge Oolla , and Ooliba , and dost thou declare to them their wicked deeds ?

  11. 夜间又和自己的仆人分队袭击,将他们击败,直追至大马士革以北的曷巴。

    And dividing his company , he rushed upon them in the night : and defeated them , and pursued them as far as Hoba , which is on the left hand of Damascus .

  12. 于是,大卫将以色列人从埃及的西曷河直到哈马口都招聚了来,要从基列耶琳将神的约柜运来。

    So David sent for all Israel to come together , from shihor , the river of egypt , as far as the way into hamath , to get the ark of God from kiriath-jearim .

  13. 梅瑟将贝匝肋耳和敖曷里雅布以及上主赐给他们才能的一切技工,并所有心甘情愿前来工作的人,都叫了来。

    And when Moses had called them , and every skillful man , to whom the Lord had given wisdom , and such as of their own accord had offered themselves to the making of the work .

  14. 玛拿西的玄孙,玛吉的曾孙,基列的孙子,希弗的儿子西罗非哈没有儿子,只有女儿。他的女儿名叫玛拉,挪阿,曷拉,密迦,得撒。

    Now Zelophehad son of Hepher , the son of Gilead , the son of Makir , the son of Manasseh , had no sons but only daughters , whose names were Mahlah , Noah , Hoglah , Milcah and Tirzah .
