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shī ɡé
  • Poetic style;style of poetry;versification
诗格 [shī gé]
  • (1) [poetry rule]∶做诗的法则

  • (2) [poetry style]∶诗的风格

  • 诗格不高

  1. 三是对诗格创造与生成的考察;

    The third , an inspection of its creation and production ;

  2. 承传与消解:古典诗学视野中的诗格论

    Handing Down and Dispelling : a Discussion on Chinese Poetical Meters in View of Ancient Poetry

  3. 也有学者关注到了诗格在诗学或文学批评史上的一些重要理论贡献,得到一定论断。

    Some researchers have also expressed concern to some important theoretical contributions of poetics or literary criticism , and draw some conclusion .

  4. 古典诗学视野中诗格论的展开与发展历程,鲜明地呈现出承传、提升与消解的特征。

    Its expansion and development in view of ancient poetry clearly show the characteristics of handing down , promoting and dispelling this theory .

  5. 第二章首先考察了明代140多种诗话、诗格和诗法的著作。

    Chapter II first inspects more than 140 kinds of poetic works , and then this chapter studies the form of these works .

  6. 明初诗坛对诗歌形式的探讨,形成研究诗体、诗法、诗格的文艺思潮,技术性的阐释在这段时期达到了一个顶峰。

    A literary trends of Poetic-style and Poetry rhyme was taking shape in early Ming Dynasty , and it practiced the skill in creating poems .

  7. 在诗人海一样宽广的心中充满了美妙的旋律,诗韵、诗格、每一个诗步似乎都变成了跳动的音符,激发着他的灵感,牵动着他的诗情。

    His poetry is musical and emotional and each syllable sounds like a musical note , from which the poet drew his inspiration of poetry .

  8. 二是在理论层面,通过传统语言学、句法结构理论和修辞形态学的观照,间接地讨论了诗格在诗学意义上的若干形式问题。

    It indirectly discusses the poetry forms and rules in poetic sense by observing traditional linguistics , syntax , rhetorical structure theory and the morphology of reflection .

  9. 第一,唐诗格所关注的形式特征和它所解决的问题,主要针对诗格形式研究的史料进行细致分析和归纳整理,以揭示唐诗格对六朝声律论的革新和超越。

    The paper mainly gives careful analysis and summarization to historical study of poetic forms in order to reveal the innovation of Tang poetry style based on and beyond the poetry sound and rhythm of the six dynasties from Wei to Jin .