
  1. 数学命题证明形式的逻辑分析和判定

    The Logical analysis and Judgment on the Proving Form of mathematical Propositions

  2. 分布实时系统的概率规范和证明形式化

    Probabilistic Specification and Verification Formalisms of Distributed Real-Time Systems

  3. 复杂算法程序的规范证明和形式推导

    The Standard Proof and Formal Derivation of the Complex Algorithm Program

  4. 数字证书就是一种以第三方证明的形式提供公开密匙的机制。

    Digital certificates are the mechanism for providing public keys in this vouched-for form .

  5. 历史证明,形式逻辑(传统逻辑)有其自身存在的理由、根据。

    However , it is attested by history that the existence of traditional logic has its own reason and foundation .

  6. 所有这些论证都进一步证明语言形式具备认知基础,而人类认知则受关联性支配。

    All these interpretations prove that linguistic form is based on cognition , which is governed by the search for relevance .

  7. 然后,运用微分不等式理论,证明了形式渐近解的一致有效性,并得出了解得任意阶的一致有效展开式。

    And then , the uniform validity of solution is proved and the uniform valid asymptotic expansions of arbitrary order are obtained by using the theories of differential inequalities .

  8. 应用合成展开法构造了所述问题的形式渐近解,借助上、下解理论证明了形式解的一致有效性和原问题的解的存在性。

    Applying the method of composite expansion we construct the formally asymptotic solution of the prob-lem described . With the help of theory of upper and lower solutions we prove the uniformly validity of the formal solution and the existence of solution of the original problem .

  9. 从方法到形式在本文中我们证明了如下形式的方程的Cauchy问题弱解在?

    In this paper we prove the uniqueness theorem of weak solution to the Cauchy problem of the following form ?

  10. 证明了微分形式与积分形式的等价关系。

    The equivalence between differential form and integral form is proved .

  11. 事实证明,各种形式的艺术也是可以减压的。

    It turns out that many forms of art are also stress-relievers .

  12. 我们也证明了这个形式化的理论既不完备也不模型完备。

    We also proved that this formalized theory is neither complete nor model complete .

  13. 其中,解释结构是以证明树的形式存在的。

    Among them , the structure is explained that exists in the form of a tree .

  14. 本文试图提出并证明用解析形式表述射线强度衰减。

    This paper tries to put forward and prove that the ray strength decay can be given by analytic ex-pression .

  15. 实践证明,这些形式和方法可以推广到大学文科其它课程教学之中。

    As practice shows , these forms and method can be used widely in other courses of arts in universities .

  16. 文中还证明,各种形式的风浪频谱均可转化为变维分形的形式。

    This paper proves that all the forms of wind wave frequency spectrum can be converted into the forms of variable dimension fractals .

  17. 销售商务合同无须以书面订立或书面证明,在形式方面也不受任何其他条件的限制。

    A contract of sale need not be concluded in or evidenced by writing and is not subject to any other requirement as to form .

  18. 该文证明三维矢量形式的麦克斯韦方程组在不同的惯性系中具有相同的形式,即该方程组在洛仑兹变换下是协变的。

    The form of Maxwell equations under three-dimension vector form is proved to be equal in different inertial systems . In other words , these equations are covariant under Lorentz transformation .

  19. 实践证明,这种形式在问题的解决上确实有一定作用,但小额借贷公司不能吸储的政策规定,又成为桎梏其发展的一大绊脚石。

    Practices prove that the policy indeed have some effects . But micro-finance companies are not allowed to take in savings , which then becomes a big obstacle to the development of this institution .

  20. 通过数值计算和由吸附单元管组合而成的吸附床的性能初步试验,证明该结构形式的吸附单元管具有优良的传热传质性能。

    The simulations on the tube and the primary experiments on the adsorber combined by the unit tube s indicate that the heat and mass transfer performance of the adsorption unit tube is very good .

  21. 在适当的条件下,通过构造边界层函数,得到了问题解的形式近似式,并利用微分方程的最大值原理证明了该形式近似式的一致有效性。

    Under suitable conditions , a formal approximation of the boundary value problem is obtained by using the construction of boundary layer function , and the uniform validity of this formal approximation is justified by the maximum principle of differential equations .

  22. 与定理证明等其他形式化验证方法相比,模型检验的主要优点在于:当断言被违反时,模型检验方法能够给出反例,以解释断言被违反的原因。

    One of its major advantages in comparison to such method as theorem proving is the production of a counterexample , which explains how the system violates some assertion . However , it is a tedious task to understand the complex counterexamples generated by model checker .

  23. X射线光电子能谱(XPS)进一步证明钇以三价形式存在于立方介孔分子筛骨架中。

    X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy ( XPS ) studies reveal that yttrium is trivalent in the framework of mesoporous molecular sieves .

  24. 对每个客户服务时间为零的情形,证明了两种形式均可在O(n2)时间内解决。

    In the case where the service time of each customer is zero , we show that both versions can be solved in O ( n2 ) time .

  25. 至少这是普林斯顿大学(Princeton)的研究人员开展的新研究所得出的结论。研究的目的是衡量年龄歧视,这是工作场合歧视中最难以证明的一种形式。

    At least that is the conclusion of a new study by Princeton researchers aimed at measuring age discrimination , one of the toughest forms of workplace bias to prove .

  26. 讨论了小型光电人卫跟踪仪的ALTALT机架原理,分析证明采用这种机架形式没有天顶盲区、跟踪速度和加速度较小。

    In this article , we discussed the principle of ALT-ALT mount for small satellite tracker and proved this mount has no blind area near the zenith , need small tracking velocity and acceleration only .

  27. 证明是一种形式逻辑的思维方式,论证是一种非形式逻辑的思维方式。

    While demonstration is the thinking manner of formal logic , argumentation is that of informal logic .

  28. 通过仿真和试验结果证明,在不同形式激励条件下,具有误差通道在线辨识功能的振动主动控制系统均取得了比较满意的控制效果,系统有很强的鲁棒性。

    The simulative and experimental results demonstrated that good control results are achieved for different exciting conditions and the control system is robust .

  29. 这一结果可以用于证明一阶逻辑形式系统和我们所提出的广义反驳方法的完备性。

    This result can be used to prove the completeness theorems of first order logic system and the universal refutation method proposed by us .

  30. 试验证明了谷粒损伤形式为产生裂纹时,其机械损伤量(裂纹扩展程度)与其吸收能量成正比的数学关系。

    That the injury ( crack propagation ) degree of rice grain is proportional to the energy absorption was testified by experiments , when the injury is fracture .