
  • 网络Types of evidence;kinds of evidence
  1. 这些用处和推断强制规定了需要支持效度判断的证据种类和逻辑推理。

    These uses and inferences dictate the kinds of evidence and logical arguments that are required to support judgements regarding validity .

  2. 由于它与传统的证据种类相比,具有显著的高科技性,因此在诉讼的证明活动中发挥了不可替代的作用。

    It played an irreplaceable role in the identification activity of the lawsuit because of its remarkable high-tech character compared with the traditional kinds of evidence .

  3. 犯罪嫌疑人供述和辩解的证据种类质疑

    Question the Evidence Types of Suspects ' Declaration and Exculpation

  4. 而根本途径则依赖于刑事证据种类的重构。

    The fundamental approach is dependent on the type of reconstruction of criminal evidence .

  5. 民事诉讼证据种类重构

    Reconstruction of the Civil Procedure Evidence

  6. 其次,笔者认为测谎结论应当归入证据种类中的鉴定结论,是科技证据的一种。

    Secondly , the conclusion can be defined as a kind of expert conclusion as scientific evidence .

  7. 关于证据种类之思考

    On the Category of Evidence

  8. 司法鉴定结论是主要证据种类之一,在诉讼活动中起着重要的作用。

    The result of judicial identification as one of main evidences , plays an important role in procedure .

  9. 特别是英美法系国家,证人证言在民事证据种类中几乎占据核心地位。

    Particularly in Anglo-Saxon common law countries , the kind of testimony occupies the core status among civil evidences .

  10. 刑事被害人陈述是我国现行刑事诉讼法规定的七种法定证据种类之一。

    Criminal victim 's testimony is one of the seven kinds of statutory evidences in China 's criminal procedural law .

  11. 视听资料在我国是一种独立的证据种类,它对民事案件过程的再现具有其他证据种类无法比拟的特性。

    Before being used as the evidence , the audiovisual reference material must be reviewed strictly by the legal procedure .

  12. 第二次是在新中国成立后,此时由近代证据种类向现代的转变,即为现行的七大证据种类。历史流变中的民事诉讼证据种类

    Second , there are more types of evidence in China . Classification of Evidence in Civil Proceedings in Historic Changes

  13. 鉴定结论和勘验笔录作为证据种类的困境与未来

    Reflect and Orientate : The Dilemma and Future of Conclusion of Expert and Record of On-site Investigation as Independent Evident

  14. 本文在科学建构证据种类划分标准基础上对我国证据种类予以重构。

    This article reconstructs the sorts of evidence on the basis of constructing standard of differentiating the sorts of evidence scientifically .

  15. 在大多数案件中都是可以收集到物证的,因而它是司法工作中经常使用的证据种类之一。

    It is one kind of the evidences those were used frequently in the judicial work for found easily in most cases .

  16. 就目前情况说明应用的形势而言,刑事证据种类重构是亟待解决的问题。

    The current " information note " Application of the situation , the type of reconstruction of criminal evidence is a serious problem .

  17. 目前我国三大诉讼法对于证据种类的划分不甚科学,对于改革方案争论颇多。

    There are some flaws in Chinese procedure laws on the division of evidence , which have been discussed for a long time .

  18. 证人是刑事诉讼活动的重要参与人,证人的证言是诉讼活动中广泛使用的证据种类。

    Witness is an important participant in the criminal suit activity , and his testimony is the proof category extensively used in it .

  19. 如何科学建构证据种类划分标准则是如何建构科学合理证据种类之关键所在。

    How to construct a standard of differentiating the sorts of evidence scientifically is directly related to how to construct sorts of evidence correctly .

  20. 20世纪70年代后,一些先进的技术被引进诉讼领域,从而产生了一种新型的证据种类&视听资料。

    After the 1970s , some advanced technology had been introduced into the lawsuit , producing a new kind of evidence , namely audio-visual material .

  21. 但法官对这一证据种类并未给予足够的重视,致使证人证言在民事诉讼中无法发挥其应有的证明价值或者说证明作用。

    However the ignorance of its importance by our present judges renders it unable to fulfill its value and function of proof which it deserves .

  22. 我们将着重对这六种证据种类进行阐述,这是了解宋代民事证据制度的基础。

    We will focus on elaborating six types of evidence , this is the basic which we understand the civil evidence system of in Song Dynasty .

  23. 鉴定结论作为最重要的证据种类,在医疗纠纷的协商、调解、仲裁和诉讼中都有着举足轻重的意义。

    Expert conclusion , as the most important evidence , has great significance in consultation , mediation , arbitration and litigation of disputes in the medical .

  24. 证人证言作为我国法定证据种类中的重要一种,在刑事诉讼中具有重要作用。

    The testimony of witness is also one of important kinds of statutory evidence in our country , which plays a good part in the Criminal Procedure .

  25. 第二部分关于行政证据种类划分研究,其中包含行政证据种类的概述以及我国行政证据种类的确定;

    The second part about the administrative evidence type division research , in which contains administrative evidence type outline as well as our country administration evidence type determination ;

  26. 在我国,被害人陈述与犯罪嫌疑人、被告人供述和辩解、证人证言、鉴定结论一样,历来就是一种独立的法定证据种类。

    In China , The victim statement has always been an independent type of statutory evidence as the accused statement , the witness testimony and the expert evidence .

  27. 证据种类是一国证据制度当然的构成要素,对待证据种类的立法处理方式是该国证据制度的重要特点。

    The authors hold that the classification of evidence , as a major element of the evidence system , is characteristic of the specific country 's legislation approach .

  28. 证人证言是我国法定证据种类中的一种,是指了解案件真实情况的人对司法机关所做的陈述。

    Witness testimony is in our country legal evidence type one kind , is human who refers to the understanding case real situation statement which does to the Judicial organ .

  29. 主要从以下角度入手分析的,包括监督方面,专门机关工作人员的认识方面,我国的审判方式方面,以及我国现有刑事证据种类划分的非科学性方面。

    Mainly from the following aspects , including monitoring analysis , specialized personnel in our understanding of the judge , and our existing criminal evidence of the scientific aspects types .

  30. 在以存单为表现形式的借贷纠纷中,对金融机构免除或减轻自身民事责任所提供的证据种类及证明力进行分析。

    In a loan dispute taking CD as manifestation , the type and effect of evidence that supplied by a financial institution to exempt or lighten his blame are analyzed .