
  • 网络security fraud;e.g. insider trading a Drexel Bumham Lambert
  1. 经过12天的商议,由8名女性4名男性组成的陪审团周三公布了判决结果,判处对冲基金帆船集团(galleongroup)前总裁14项证券欺诈与共谋罪名全部成立。

    After 12 days of deliberation , the jury of eight women and four men issued their verdict on Wednesday , convicting the former head of galleon group on all 14 counts of securities fraud and conspiracy .

  2. 时任SEC主席的夏皮罗(MarySchapiro)在10月11日的讲话中谈及证券欺诈总体情况时称,SEC在使用新建立的分析方法辨认可疑的交易模式以及多名交易员和多种证券之间的关系。

    Outgoing SEC chairman Mary Schapiro , speaking about securities fraud in general , said in an Oct. 11 speech that the regulator is ' using newly developed analytics to identify suspicious trading patterns and relationships among multiple traders and across multiple securities . '

  3. 美国检察官扩大了对一起证券欺诈案的调查范围。

    U.S. prosecutors have widened a securities-fraud investigation

  4. 凑巧的是,高盛(GoldmanSachs)董事会定于本周批准其商业标准委员会的报告。高盛今年同意以5.5亿美元与美国证交会(SEC)就证券欺诈指控达成和解。

    By coincidence , the board of Goldman Sachs , which this year agreed a $ 550m settlement with the Securities and Exchange Commission on securities fraud charges , is due this week to approve the report of its business standards committee .

  5. 证券欺诈民事责任归责原则研究

    On Principle of the Rules of Civil Liability for Securities Fraud

  6. 市场操纵行为是证券欺诈的一种形式。

    Market manipulation is one type of primarily security fraud behaviors .

  7. 虚假陈述是证券欺诈的主要方式,需要通过诉讼落实民事责任。

    False statement is one of the major ways of security fraudulence .

  8. 论证券欺诈民事案件的诉讼方式

    On Action Form of the Civil Case of Securities Fraud

  9. 证券欺诈侵权受害人司法救济机制研究

    On How to Judicially Remedy Investors Victimized by Securities Deception

  10. 我国证券欺诈共同侵权民事责任研究

    Study on Civil Liability of Joint Tort on Securities Fraud in China

  11. 第二节阐明了证券欺诈行为可以构成侵权行为。

    Section B clarifies the securities fraudulence can form a tort action .

  12. 补充民事处罚行为,在法律上处理与证券欺诈行为。

    Added civil penalties for violations in the law dealing with securities fraud .

  13. 浅析我国证券欺诈犯罪行为的成因及对策

    Causes and Countermeasures of China 's Securities Fraud Crime

  14. 证券欺诈:从伦理学与法学的视角分析

    The Ethic and Legal Approach to Securities Fraud Behaviors

  15. 对证券欺诈民事责任制度的几点思考

    Consideration Concerning the Civil Liabilities of Security Fraud

  16. 第二部分为证券欺诈民事赔偿概述。

    Chapter 2 is the brief explanations of the civil compensation of securities fraud .

  17. 群体诉讼与司法局限性&以证券欺诈民事集团诉讼为例

    On the Class-action and the Limits of Justice

  18. 因内部交易和证券欺诈指控受到传讯。

    Arraigned on insider-trading and securities fraud charges .

  19. 证券欺诈的理论与实证分析

    A Theoretical and Positivist Analysis on Securities Fraud

  20. 关于证券欺诈的诉讼时效研究

    Study on Limitation of Action of Security Fraud

  21. 第六部分探讨了对网上证券欺诈进行国际监管的实践。

    Part six inquire into the international practice of supervising the on-line securities fraud .

  22. 第三部分阐述了证券欺诈民事赔偿中四个实体法问题。

    Chapter 3 expatiate 4 substantive law problems in the civil compensation of securities fraud .

  23. 证券欺诈与私权救济

    Securities Fraud and Remedies on Private Right

  24. 证券欺诈行为的法律责任

    Research on Legal Liability of Securities Fraud

  25. 证券欺诈的预期模型

    Rational Expectation Model for Securities Frauds

  26. 操纵市场行为的法律性质不是垄断、恶意投机,而是证券欺诈。

    The legal attribute of market manipulation is not monopoly or vicious speculation , but securities fraud .

  27. 在上周四被控涉嫌证券欺诈后,马多夫已交出自己的护照。

    Mr Madoff has already turned over his passport after being charged last Thursday with securities fraud .

  28. 本文首先阐述分析群体性证券欺诈纠纷所独有的特征。

    This paper first describes the analysis of the unique characteristics of a group of securities fraud disputes .

  29. 证券欺诈主要表现为虚假陈述、内幕交易和操纵市场。

    The main types of securities fraud are : dishonest description , inside dealing , and market control .

  30. 群体性证券欺诈纠纷就是近年来凸显在市场经济发展中的一种群体性纠纷。

    Groups of securities fraud disputes this year to highlight a group disputes in the development of market economy .