
  • 网络DESIGN GOALS;Goals;Design objectives;Objectives
  1. 由于水声通信网的特殊的组网形式,所以它的MAC层协议的设计目标也不同于传统的陆地无线网。

    Its Mac layer protocol design goals are different from the traditional land-based wireless network .

  2. WebSphereMQAdvancedMessageSecurity的一个主要设计目标是避免对应用程序代码进行任何更改。

    One of the primary design goals of WebSphere MQ Advanced Message Security was to avoid any requirement for making application code changes .

  3. 其设计目标和商业诉求就是运动装,其突出特征就是充满解决问题的巧思和现实生活的实用性。

    The design objective and the business commitment were to sportswear , and the distinctive traits were problem-solving ingenuity and realistic lifestyle applications .

  4. 然后论文分析了系统的设计目标和功能要求,对比不同的网络应用系统开发模式后,提出了基于WEB的三层系统框架设计。

    Papers before the design objectives and functions of the system , the comparison of different network application systems development model , a Web-based framework of the three-tier system design .

  5. 通过使用VISAI/O接口函数库实现了软件兼容常见仪器接口的设计目标;

    The design objective of software adapting ordinary instrument interface is realized with VISA I / O interface function .

  6. 三.分析基于ASP模式的会计信息系统的设计目标、系统需求、系统架构及信息安全,并描述支撑系统的网络技术。

    Part III : Design object , demand and structure of the accounting information system based on ASP mode and safe of information .

  7. 本文研究达到了设计目标,能够为EGO用户提供非常有用的资源信息。

    The research has achieved the goals of design , and useful resource information is provided for the EGO user .

  8. 提出了系统设计目标,给出采用J2EE技术规范构建内河航道航政电子政务系统的总体设计思想。

    The design thought is given that the system 's total design of inland waterway management electronics governmental affairs is set up using J2EE technique .

  9. 因为SPHERES最初的设计目标有差异,它们需要升级来成为可以远程操作的机器人。

    Because the SPHERES were originally designed for a different purpose , they need some upgrades to become remotely operated robots .

  10. 这种定量方法通用性好,易于移植复用,并且充分、直观地体现出分配安全仪表系统SIL设计目标的基本思想,弥补了风险矩阵和风险图的不足之处。

    The quantitative method is general and easy to reuse as well as intuitive .

  11. 该文针对目前大多数企业采用基于C/S体系结构的MIS系统中存在的安全隐患,提出了系统安全性要求及设计目标。

    Nowadays there are some security problems in most MIS 'S based on the C / S model that are used in most of enterprises .

  12. 课题的设计目标为开发一个基于CPLD/FPGA的USBIP模块,实现开发板与PC机之间的USB通信。

    The objective is to develop an USB IP module based on CPLD / FPGA and to let the communication between FPGA board and PC computer come true .

  13. 此定位算法主要的设计目标是能够动态的预测移动sink节点的位置,达到节点的数据传输能够更加高效。

    The design objective of this prediction algorithm is to predict the location of the mobile sink dynamically so as to achieve the efficient transmissions .

  14. 通过对外围电路概念和作用的分析,文章从理论上确立了外围电路和CPU核心电路的划分意义及各自的设计目标。

    By discussing peripheral circuit 's concept and function , this paper explains why peripheral circuit and CPU core circuit should be divided and design targets of each other .

  15. DVB-C数据广播接收卡的设计目标是为DVB-C数据广播系统设计基于用户PC机的接收平台。

    The DVBS Receiving Card is a receiving platform for DVBS together with the customer s PC.

  16. 通过明确设计目标和需求,设计了三维图形系统Widget软件的两层架构,即Widget引擎层和Widget应用层。

    With a clear design goals and requirements , the widget system has been implemented by two layers : the widget engine layer and the widget application layer .

  17. 简要介绍了机载多波段偏振CCD相机原理样机的物理原理,详细说明了其电子学系统的设计目标及关键模块的实现方法。

    In this paper the physical principle of the prototype for airborne multi-band polarization CCD camera is simply introduced and the key technologies and methods on its electronics design have been discussed in detail .

  18. 此外,还编制了简单的SNMP网络管理端对系统进行测试、验证,完成了具有自己特点的设计目标。

    Furthermore , a simple SNMP management system is designed to test , validate the system . In conclusion , the design object is completed with unique characteristic itself .

  19. 提出了基于RUDP的可靠数据传输的系统架构,确定了系统的设计目标,给出了系统的逻辑模型,分析了系统的逻辑模块结构,进行了各逻辑模块的设计;

    Introduced the structure and logical design of reliable data transfer system based on RUDP .

  20. 通过分析期量标准的内容和ERP的原理,明确了系统基本需求,并制定出系统的设计目标、处理逻辑和功能体系结构。

    From analyzing the content of amount and time standard and theory of ERP , paper define the basic demand of the system , and make the object , logic and function system structure of the system .

  21. 针对磁悬浮控制系统的刚度问题,采用PDF控制方式,以抗干扰作为设计目标,以具体的实验数据进行分析和计算。

    The PDF control is presented for the problem of disturbance attenuation in a electromagnetic suspension system . Based on the ESS experimental data , PDF and PD controller are designed .

  22. 1000MW超超临界机组设计目标探讨及研究

    Discussion and research on design goals of 1000 MW ultra-supercritical unit

  23. RVS系统的最终设计目标是保证计算程序干扰最小的前提下实现远程实时跟踪可视化。

    RVS 's design goal is to implement remote real-time tracing visualization based on minimum of program perturbation .

  24. PVM的设计目标是连接一个异构的计算机和网络的集合,给用户提供一个并行计算平台来运行他们的MPP或集群计算应用。

    PVM is designed to link to a heterogeneous collection of computers and network and provide users with a parallel platform for running their MPP or cluster computer applications .

  25. 在该原型上,作者对CORBA代理的功能进行了测试,结果表明该中间件达到了设计目标。这也证明开发基于本文提出的架构的WebSCADA系统是可行的。

    On the implemented prototype , the author tests the functions of the CORBA Proxy , and gets the result that the CORBA Proxy reaches its design goals , and it is applicable to develop Web SCADA systems based on the provided architecture .

  26. 研究了一种基于PMAC运动控制器的开放式数控系统,该系统以机床制造商及最终用户对数控系统开放性的需求为设计目标,为用户提供了可以高效地构筑定制数控系统的配置系统。

    In order to satisfy the customized requirement of the machine tool manufacturer and user , a configuration system used quickly to bulit a customized CNC system is achieved based on PMAC controller .

  27. 鉴于铁路客车简明运行图编制与排版的特殊要求,根据系统设计目标和设计方法,研制出具有客车简明运行图自动生成、编辑、合成与输出功能的CAD软件系统。

    Regarding the specific requirements on the establishment and typeset of concise passenger train graph , according to the system design target and design method , a CAD software system is developed to provide relevant functions for concise passenger train graph : automatic establishment , compiling , integration and output .

  28. 阐述基于SPC的近海水体环境参数监控系统的设计目标、设计要求和设计思路,并根据系统的总体设计确立各个模块功能和实现方法。

    Described the design goals , design requirements and design ideas of environmental parameters of coastal water monitoring system , and according to the overall design of system , establish the features and implementation methods for each module .

  29. 简单地说,问题不是fakeroot实现不了它的设计目标,而是它所做的并不是我们想要做的。

    In short , the issue isn 't that fakeroot was bad at doing what it did , but that what it did wasn 't what we wanted done .

  30. 在分析解决了关键技术问题之后,提出了在线测试系统OLTS的设计目标和系统框架;

    After the key techniques are analyzed and worked out , the target and the framework of the online test system ( OLTS ) are put forward .